

System.Reflection.Emit (mscorlib.dll) sealed class

This class represents a dynamically created type in a dynamic module ( ModuleBuilder object). Generally, a type is either a class or an interface. To create a TypeBuilder , use the overloaded ModuleBuilder.DefineType( ) method. Depending on which overload you use, you can specify different information including the type name , superclass, and implemented interfaces. You can also use the System.Reflection.TypeAttributes enumeration to specify other options, such as making a class sealed, abstract, or public, or defining it as an interface. Once the type is created, you can add members such as constructors, events, fields, properties, methods , and other nested types, using the corresponding Define method.

Before using a type you created, you must use the CreateType( ) method to get a Type object. After that, you can instantiate the Type with the System.Activator.CreateInstance( ) method, and invoke members of the type with the System.Type.InvokeMember( ) method. After creating a type, you can no longer use TypeBuilder methods that would change the type, such as a Define method.

 public sealed class  TypeBuilder  : Type {  // Public Static Fields  public const int  UnspecifiedTypeSize  ;  // =0   // Public Instance Properties  public override Assembly  Assembly  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override string  AssemblyQualifiedName  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override Type  BaseType  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override Type  DeclaringType  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override string  FullName  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override Guid  GUID  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override Module  Module  {get; }  // overrides Type  public override string  Name  {get; }  // overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo  public override string  Namespace  {get; }  // overrides Type  public PackingSize  PackingSize  {get; }    public override Type  ReflectedType  {get; }  // overrides Type  public int  Size  {get; }    public override RuntimeTypeHandle  TypeHandle  {get; }  // overrides Type  public TypeToken  TypeToken  {get; }    public override Type  UnderlyingSystemType  {get; }  // overrides Type   // Public Instance Methods  public void  AddDeclarativeSecurity  (System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction   action   ,        System.Security.PermissionSet   pset   );    public void  AddInterfaceImplementation  (Type   interfaceType   );    public Type  CreateType  ( );    public ConstructorBuilder  DefineConstructor  (System.Reflection.MethodAttributes   attributes   ,        System.Reflection.CallingConventions   callingConvention   ,Type[ ]   parameterTypes   );    public ConstructorBuilder  DefineDefaultConstructor  (System.Reflection.MethodAttributes   attributes   );    public EventBuilder  DefineEvent  (string   name   , System.Reflection.EventAttributes   attributes   ,          Type   eventtype   );    public FieldBuilder  DefineField  (string   fieldName   , Type   type   ,          System.Reflection.FieldAttributes   attributes   );    public FieldBuilder  DefineInitializedData  (string   name   , byte[ ]   data   ,          System.Reflection.FieldAttributes   attributes   );    public MethodBuilder  DefineMethod  (string   name   , System.Reflection.MethodAttributes   attributes   ,         System.Reflection.CallingConventions   callingConvention   ,Type   returnType   , Type[ ]   parameterTypes   );    public MethodBuilder  DefineMethod  (string   name   , System.Reflection.MethodAttributes   attributes   ,        Type   returnType   , Type[ ]   parameterTypes   );    public void  DefineMethodOverride  (System.Reflection.MethodInfo   methodInfoBody   ,        System.Reflection.MethodInfo   methodInfoDeclaration   );    public TypeBuilder  DefineNestedType  (string   name   );    public TypeBuilder  DefineNestedType  (string   name   , System.Reflection.TypeAttributes   attr   );    public TypeBuilder  DefineNestedType  (string   name   , System.Reflection.TypeAttributes   attr   ,          Type   parent   );    public TypeBuilder  DefineNestedType  (string   name   , System.Reflection.TypeAttributes   attr   ,          Type   parent   , int   typeSize   );    public TypeBuilder  DefineNestedType  (string   name   , System.Reflection.TypeAttributes   attr   ,         Type   parent   ,PackingSize   packSize   );    public TypeBuilder  DefineNestedType  (string   name   , System.Reflection.TypeAttributes   attr   ,          Type   parent   , Type[ ]   interfaces   );    public MethodBuilder  DefinePInvokeMethod  (string   name   , string   dllName   ,         System.Reflection.MethodAttributes   attributes   ,         System.Reflection.CallingConventions   callingConvention   ,        Type   returnType   , Type[ ]   parameterTypes   ,         System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention   nativeCallConv   ,         System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet   nativeCharSet   );    public MethodBuilder  DefinePInvokeMethod  (string   name   , string   dllName   , string   entryName   ,         System.Reflection.MethodAttributes   attributes   ,         System.Reflection.CallingConventions   callingConvention   ,        Type   returnType   , Type[ ]   parameterTypes   ,         System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention   nativeCallConv   ,         System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet   nativeCharSet   );    public PropertyBuilder  DefineProperty  (string   name   ,         System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes   attributes   ,        Type   returnType   , Type[ ]   parameterTypes   );    public ConstructorBuilder  DefineTypeInitializer  ( );    public FieldBuilder  DefineUninitializedData  (string   name   , int   size   ,          System.Reflection.FieldAttributes   attributes   );    public override ConstructorInfo[ ]  GetConstructors  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override object[ ]  GetCustomAttributes  ( bool   inherit   )  // overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo  public override object[ ]  GetCustomAttributes  (Type   attributeType   ,bool   inherit   )  // overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo  public override Type  GetElementType  ( );  // overrides Type  public override EventInfo  GetEvent  (string   name   , System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override EventInfo[ ]  GetEvents  ( );  // overrides Type  public override EventInfo[ ]  GetEvents  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override FieldInfo  GetField  (string   name   , System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override FieldInfo[ ]  GetFields  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override Type  GetInterface  (string   name   , bool   ignoreCase   )  // overrides Type  public override InterfaceMapping  GetInterfaceMap  (Type   interfaceType   )  // overrides Type  public override Type[ ]  GetInterfaces  ( );  // overrides Type  public override MemberInfo[ ]  GetMember  (string   name   , System.Reflection.MemberTypes   type   ,        System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override MemberInfo[ ]  GetMembers  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override MethodInfo[ ]  GetMethods  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override Type  GetNestedType  (string   name   , System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override Type[ ]  GetNestedTypes  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override PropertyInfo[ ]  GetProperties  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   )  // overrides Type  public override object  InvokeMember  (string   name   , System.Reflection.BindingFlags   invokeAttr   ,        System.Reflection.Binder   binder   , object   target   , object[ ]   args   ,        System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[ ]   modifiers   ,        System.Globalization.CultureInfo   culture   , string[ ]   namedParameters   )  // overrides Type  public override bool  IsAssignableFrom  (Type   c   );  // overrides Type  public override bool  IsDefined  (Type   attributeType   , bool   inherit   )  // overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo  public override bool  IsSubclassOf  (Type   c   );  // overrides Type  public void  SetCustomAttribute  (System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo   con   ,          byte[ ]   binaryAttribute   );    public void  SetCustomAttribute  (CustomAttributeBuilder   customBuilder   );    public void  SetParent  (Type   parent   );    public override string  ToString  ( );  // overrides Type   // Protected Instance Methods  protected override TypeAttributes  GetAttributeFlagsImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  protected override ConstructorInfo  GetConstructorImpl  (System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   ,        System.Reflection.Binder   binder   , System.Reflection.CallingConventions   callConvention   ,        Type[ ]   types   ,        System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[ ]   modifiers   )  // overrides Type  protected override MethodInfo  GetMethodImpl  (string   name   , System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   ,        System.Reflection.Binder   binder   , System.Reflection.CallingConventions   callConvention   ,         Type[ ]   types   ,        System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[ ]   modifiers   )  // overrides Type  protected override PropertyInfo  GetPropertyImpl  (string   name   ,          System.Reflection.BindingFlags   bindingAttr   , System.Reflection.Binder   binder   ,         Type   returnType   , Type[ ]   types   ,         System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[ ]   modifiers   )  // overrides Type  protected override bool  HasElementTypeImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  protected override bool  IsArrayImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  protected override bool  IsByRefImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  protected override bool  IsCOMObjectImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  protected override bool  IsPointerImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  protected override bool  IsPrimitiveImpl  ( );  // overrides Type  } 


System.Object System.Reflection.MemberInfo(System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider) System.Type(System.Reflection.IReflect) TypeBuilder

Returned By

ModuleBuilder.DefineType( )

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963

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