
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

a element (XHTML) 2nd
A property of structure Color 2nd
abbreviating an assignment expression
Abort method of class Thread
Aborted thread state
AbortRequested thread state
AboveNormal constant from the ThreadPriority enumeration
Abs method of class Math
absolute addressing (XPath)
absolute positioning
absolute value
abstract base class 2nd
abstract class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
abstract method 2nd
abstract operation
AcceptButton property of class Form
AcceptSocket method of class TcpListener
AcceptsReturn property of class TextBox
access modifier 2nd
Access modifiers
     Friend 2nd
     Private 2nd
     Protected Friend
     Public 2nd
Access rule in ASP.NET
access shared data
access shortcut
accessing shared memory without synchronization
Account class (ATM case study) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
accounts-receivable file
acquire a lock
action attribute of XHTML element form 2nd
action expression (UML) 2nd
action of an object
action oriented
action state (UML) 2nd 3rd
action state symbol (UML)
activation in a UML sequence diagram
Activation property of class ListView
activation record
active control
active database connection
Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET)
active tab
active window 2nd
ActiveLinkColor property of class LinkLabel
ActiveMdiChild property of class Form
activity (UML) 2nd 3rd
activity diagram (UML) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Activity diagrams
     For...Next statement
     If...Then single-selection statement
     If...Then...Else double-selection statement
     sequence statement
     While repetition statement
activity of a portion of a software system
actor in use case (UML)
Ad XML element in an AdRotator advertisement file
Ada programming language
Add > Windows Form... option in Visual Studio
add a reference to a project
add custom control to a form
Add method
Add method of class ArrayList 2nd
Add method of class Hashtable 2nd 3rd
Add method of class HttpSessionState
Add method of class ObjectCollection
Add Reference dialog 2nd
Add Tab menu item
Add User Control... option in Visual Studio .NET
Add Web Reference dialog
Add Web Reference... option in Visual Studio
AddDay method of structure DateTime
AddHandler statement
adding a custom query to a TableAdapter
adding a proxy class for a Web service
adding a Web reference to a project in Visual Studio 2nd
adding a Web service reference to a project
addition assignment operator (+=) 2nd
addition operator (+)
Addition program to add two values entered by the user
AddLast method of class LinkedList
AddLine method of class GraphicsPath
AddYears method of structure DateTime
ADO.NET object model
ADO.NET's disconnected object model
Adobe® Photoshop™ Elements
AdRotator ASP.NET Web control
Advertisements XML element in an AdRotator advertisement file
AfterSelected event of class TreeView
Airline Reservation Web service
all XML Schema element
allocating an array with New
allocating arrays
Alphabetic icon
alt attribute (XHTML)
Alt key
Alt key shortcut
Alt property of class KeyEventArgs 2nd
AlternateText element in an AdRotator advertisement file
analysis stage of the software life cycle
ancestor node
anchor a control
Anchor property of class Control
Anchoring demonstration
And (logical AND without short-circuit evaluation) operator
And operator
AND SQL operator
AndAlso (logical AND with short-circuit evaluation) operator 2nd
angle bracket (<>) for XML elements
animation of a series of images
anonymous user
API (application programming interface)
Append methods of class StringBuilder
AppendFormat method of class StringBuilder 2nd
AppendText method of class File
Apple Computer, Inc.
Application class
Application counts the number of occurrences of each word in a String and stores them in a generic sorted dictionary
Application counts the number of occurrences of each word in a String and stores this information in a hash table
application programming interface (API)
Application.Exit method
ApplicationException class
ApplicationException derived class thrown when a program performs illegal operations on negative numbers
Applicaton class
     Exit method
arc angle
arc method
area element (XHTML)
ARGB values
argument 2nd
argument conversion
argument to a method
ArgumentException class 2nd
ArgumentOutOfRangeException class 2nd 3rd 4th
arithmetic operator
Armenian Standards Page (section of unicode.org)
ArrangeIcons value of enumeration MdiLayout
array allocated with New
array bounds 2nd
Array class 2nd 3rd
Array class Shared methods for common array manipulations
Array consisting of 12 elements
array elements passed call-by-value
array indexer (())
array initialized to zero
array of arrays
array passed call-by-reference
ArrayList class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
     Add method
     Clear method
     property Capacity
     property Count
     Sort method
     ToArray method
arrays as objects
arrowhead in a UML sequence diagram 2nd
article.xml displayed by Internet Explorer
artifact in the UML
AS SQL keyword
ASC in SQL 2nd
ascending order
     ASC in SQL 2nd
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
ASCII character set Appendix
ASCII character, test for
ASMX file
ASMX file rendered in a Web browser
ASMX page 2nd
     tag prefix
ASP (Active Server Pages) .NET
     Page event lifecycle
ASP.NET comment
ASP.NET expression
ASP.NET login control
ASP.NET server control
ASP.NET validation control
ASP.NET Web Service project in Visual Web Developer
ASP.NET Web Service project type
ASP.NET Web Site in Visual Web Developer
ASPX file
ASPX file that displays the Web server's time
ASPX file that takes ticket information
Assigning base class and derived class references to base class and derived class variables
assignment operator (=) 2nd
assignment, =
association (in the UML) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
associativity of operators
asterisk (*) 2nd
asterisk (*) indicating multiplication 2nd
asterisk (*) occurrence indicator
asynchronous call
ATM (automated teller machine) case study 2nd
ATM case study
     Account class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     ATM class 2nd 3rd 4th
     BalanceInquiry class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
     BankDatabase class
     CashDispenser class 2nd 3rd 4th
     Deposit class 2nd 3rd 4th
     DepositSlot class 2nd 3rd
     Keypad class 2nd
     Screen class 2nd 3rd
     Withdrawal class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
ATM class (ATM case study) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
ATM system 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
ATTLIST attribute-list declaration (DTD)
     compartment in a class diagram
     declaration in the UML 2nd
     in the UML 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
     in XML
     name in the UML
attribute element (XML)
attribute node
attribute of a class
     in the UML 2nd
attribute of an element
attribute value in XML
attribute-list declaration
attributes of a class
audio clip
audio-video interleave (AVI) format
authenticating a user
authentication element in Web.config
AuthorISBN table of Books database 2nd
authorization element in Web.config
Authors table of Books database 2nd
AutoEventWireup attribute of ASP.NET page
autoincremented database column
automated teller machine (ATM) 2nd 3rd
     user interface
automatic garbage collection 2nd
AutoPopDelay property of class ToolTip
AutoPostBack property of a DropDownList ASP.NET control
AutoScroll property of class Form
AutoScroll property of class Panel
AutoSize property of TextBox
average calculation
AVI (audio-video interleave) format
AxAgent control 2nd
AxMediaPlayer class

Visual BasicR 2005 for Programmers. DeitelR Developer Series
Visual Basic 2005 for Programmers (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 013225140X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 435

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