Corresponding to the previous tuttle interfaces the CommandLineTuttle interface is provided by an instance of the CommandLineTuttle class, providing the translation layer, and an instance of the CommandLineTuttleInterface class, providing the interface presentation layer. The implementation of the CommandLineTuttleInterface class is as follows.
0001 // Filename 0002 // Supplies the command line interface for 0003 // the Tuttle class. 0004 // 0005 // Written for Java Interface book chapter 7. 0006 // Fintan Culwin, v 0.2, August 1997. 0007 0008 package CommandLineTuttle; 0009 0010 import java.awt.*; 0011 import java.awt.event.*; 0012 0013 import Tuttles.TextTuttle; 0014 0015 class CommandLineTuttleInterface extends Panel { 0016 0017 private TextArea commandFeedback; 0018 private TextField commandArea; 0019 0020 protected CommandLineTuttleInterface( ActionListener itsListener) { 0021 0022 this.setLayout( new BorderLayout()); 0023 0024 commandFeedback = new TextArea( 6, 60); 0025 commandFeedback.setEditable( false); 0026 0027 commandArea = new TextField( 60); 0028 commandArea.addActionListener( itsListener); 0029 0030 this.add( commandFeedback, "Center"); 0031 this.add( commandArea, "South"); 0032 } // End CommandLineTuttleInterface constructor. 0033 0034 protected void clearCommandArea() { 0035 commandArea.setText( ""); 0036 } // End clearCommandArea. 0037 0038 protected void appendFeedback( String toAppend) { 0039 commandFeedback.append( toAppend); 0040 } // End clearCommandArea. 0041 } // End class CommandLineTuttleInterface class.
This interface, shown at the bottom of Figure 7.5, consists of a TextArea, called commandFeedback, mounted above a TextField, called commandArea. The constructor, on lines 0020 to 0032, constructs these two instances and mounts them as appropriate using a BorderLayout policy. The commandFeedback area is configured to be non-editable and the commandArea has the ActionListener argument of the constructor, itsListener, registered with it.
The only other methods of this class are clearCommandArea(), on lines 0034 to 0036, and appendFeedback() on lines 0038 to 0041. The clearCommandArea() method clears the contents of the lower area and the appendFeedback() method appends the String in its argument to the text displayed in the upper text area.
7.7 The CommandLineTuttle class
7.5 The CommandLineTuttle interface