

fax software, 25-26, 112, 129

feasibility, 8, 9


audio, 437, 453-455, 498

automobile, from, 121

busy state, indicating, 128-129, 404

consideration for user, building into, 187

data entry system, from, 209

dialog box, delivering using, 122, 395, 404-406, 410

drag-and-drop operation, from, 265, 292-293, 294-295, 305, 454-455

embedded system, from, 118, 493, 498

graphics software, from, 122, 265

installer, from, 471, 473

kiosk, from, 498

modeless, 122, 450, 451-455

positive, 441, 454-455

RVMF, 451-453

scrollbar, delivering using, 106, 360-361

sovereign software, from, 106

status bar, delivering using, 106, 107, 122

3D modeling software, from, 314

title bar, delivering using, 106

visual feedback in direct manipulation, 263

visual feedback in drag-and-drop operation, 265, 292-293, 294-295

visual feedback, posture of, 106

visual feedback, replacing alert dialog with, 445, 446

visual feedback using rubber-banding, 316

visual hinting, using, 265, 276-279, 292-293, 314, 338

word processing software, from, 122

feel of software. See posture

File Manager, 126-127

File menu, 176-177, 371, 372

File Open dialog, 124

file system

archiving, 171

canceling operation in progress, 405-406

changing basic concept of, 179

confirmation dialog, 447

copying document, 171, 175, 177

disk space display, 126-127, 128, 240

drag-and-drop functionality, 290-291

exiting, 169

Export dialog, 176

find functionality, 201-203

format of document specification, 124, 169-171, 175-176

goal, irrelevancy to, 168

implementation model, 168-172

location of file, remembering, 194, 195

mental model, 169, 171-172, 177

menu, 176-177, 371, 372

milestoning, 165, 176

moving document, 175, 177

MRU, 372

naming document, 175

Open dialog, 124

operating system, integrating with, 123-124, 172

orchestration, 123-124

progress meter, 405

reasonableness checking, 195

renaming document, 175, 177

retrieval, 201-203

reversing change, 166, 168, 176, 177, 187

Save As dialog, 124, 169-171

Save Changes dialog, 167-168

saving document automatically, 174

storage location, 170, 175, 472

tracking file use, 196

transparency, 172

tree view, 170, 351

unified document management, 173-177

visual design, 126-127, 128, 168

findability, 478

Fireworks, 233

flexibility, building into software, 189

flip-flop button control, 341-342

flow, 119-122, 138-139, 230

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Csikszentmihalyi), 119

focus group, research involving, 52-53

focus (input state), 279-280


content versus in Web design, 479

economy of, 97

function versus, 236-237

posture form factor, 84

Format menu, 373, 410

freeze functionality, 166

frequency of use as design guide, 106-107, 145, 155

fudgeability, 189, 210-211

full-screen software, 324-325. See also sovereign posture software


configuration, separating from, 403

configuration dialog, 130-131

control mapping to, 152-154

dialog box, assigning to appropriate, 327-329

dialog which performs single, 402-403, 410, 412

form versus, 236-237

group, functional, 85

hierarchy, functional, 85

interface, defining in terms of, 84-85

need, functional, 83

visual design, integrating with, 228, 236-237

window, assigning to, 326-329

About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0(c) The Essentials of Interaction Design
Year: 2006
Pages: 263 © 2008-2017.
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