Setting Paragraph Effects

The paragraph effects are available when Show Options is chosen in the Paragraph palette menu. One of the paragraph effects is to add space above and below a paragraph . For instance, the space between this paragraph and the one following is controlled by adding space below.

An example of adding space between paragraphs.

To add space between paragraphs:


Select the paragraphs that you want to add space above or below.


Use the Space Before field controls to add space before the paragraphs .

Use the Paragraph Space controls to add space before or after a paragraph.


Use the Space After field controls to add space after the paragraphs .


Never insert paragraph returns to add space between paragraphs. That can cause problems later if text reflows!

Drop caps increase the size of the first character or characters and positions them so that they drop down into the rest of the paragraph . The opening page for each chapter of this book contains a paragraph that has a drop cap applied.

An example of a drop cap set for one character and three lines.

To create drop caps:


Select the paragraph you want to set with a drop cap.


Use the Drop Cap Number of Lines field to set the number of lines that the letter should occupy .

Use the Drop Cap controls to change the appearance of a paragraph drop cap.


Use the Drop Cap Number of Characters field to set how many characters of the text should have the drop cap applied .


If you want the drop cap to have a different typeface, you can select and change the letter manually. You can also use the automatic drop cap character style controls (see page 387).

You can also control if the text within a paragraph should be hyphenated .

The effects of the Hyphenate command turned off (top) and turned on (bottom).

To turn on hyphenation:


Select the paragraphs you want to set the hyphenation for.


To turn on hyphenation, click the Hyphenate checkbox in the Paragraph palette . Depending on what words are hyphenated, the text may reflow. (See Chapter 15, "Typography Controls," for information on controlling the number of hyphens in a paragraph.)

Use the Hyphenate checkbox to hyphenate words at the ends of lines.

InDesign CS2 for Macintosh and Windows(c) Visual QuickStart Guide
InDesign CS4 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
ISBN: 0321573579
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 309
Authors: Sandee Cohen © 2008-2017.
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