Understanding Headers and Footers

Another aspect of creating a document is using headers and footers to insert information that you want repeated on every page of the document or in the pages of a particular document section.


Header The header resides inside the top margin on the page; it holds information such as the date or draft number that appears at the top of every page of the document. Every section of a document could potentially have a separate header.


Footer The footer resides inside the bottom margin of the page; it holds information such as the page number or other information that appears at the bottom of every page of the document. Every section of a document could potentially have a separate footer.

Headers and footers provide you with a way to include a document title, the current date, or the current page number on the top or bottom of each page in the document. Headers can include text, graphics, or other items.

Microsoft Office 2003 All-in-One
Microsoft Office 2003 All-in-One
Year: 2002
Pages: 660
Authors: Joe Habraken

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