

Package Publication dialog box, 620 ‚ 621
Package tool, 135, 164, 520, 619 ‚ 622, 703
page. See also master page
action, 688 ‚ 691
adding, 140 ‚ 142, 173
bleed area, 125, 624, 634 ‚ 635, 636 ‚ 637, 676
paragraph widow/orphan control, 408 ‚ 409
table row, keeping together across, 472
copying to another document, 142
creating, 62, 173
default setup, changing, 80, 105 ‚ 106
deleting, 62, 142, 173
magnifications, multiple simultaneously , 117
margin, 37, 93
multiple pages simultaneously, 116
spread, 116, 150
dragging using Hand tool, 52, 114 ‚ 115
EPS, exporting page spread to, 674
facing page options, 124, 139 ‚ 140, 177, 631, 826
foldout, 143, 778
gatefold, 778
imposition , 659 ‚ 660
index page reference, 238
jumping to specific, 39
locking object on, 70, 151, 296
alignment, optical, 24, 60, 107, 430 ‚ 431
default setup, changing, 105
described, 125, 761
displaying/hiding, 37, 93
guide, 37, 93
master page margin, 178
overstepping, 773
ragged, 396, 399
sizing, automatic, 151, 152
sizing, manual, 3, 105 ‚ 106, 125
table cell , of, 467
text frame, of, 351
moving, 142 ‚ 143
navigating, 38 ‚ 39, 62, 69, 148 ‚ 150
number of pages
maximum possible, 140
specifying total, 124
absolute, 40, 80, 148, 631
alphabet, using, 144, 146
automatic, 69, 144, 147, 177
book, 228
continued on/from reference, 146
folio, 762, 775
index, referencing in, 238
master page, 177
printing, 636
referencing, 144 ‚ 145, 146
Roman numeral, using, 144, 146
section, 39, 62, 80, 146, 174
starting at specific number, 144, 147
style, 144
TOC, formatting in, 232, 777
type default, specifying, 80
objects on, keeping to minimum, 286
orientation, 151, 632
oversize, 625
PageMaker difference, 856 ‚ 857
Pages pane, dragging to/from, 142
PDF, exporting page spread to, 662
blank, 631
facing pages, 631
gap between pages, specifying, 632
information about page, including in output, 636
master page, 631
number, 636
order, in reverse, 631
oversize, 625
positioning, 633
sizing, 37, 124, 151, 152, 632
spread, 631
QuarkXPress difference, 847 ‚ 848
book, in, 228
breaking large document into sections, 140, 146 ‚ 148
color trapping, assigning to, 609 ‚ 610
creating, 146 ‚ 147
described, 146
index, referencing in, 238
island spread, creating from, 143
marker, 147
naming, 147
numbering, 39, 62, 80, 146, 174
removing, 148
sizing, 37, 124, 151, 152, 632
slug area, 43, 53, 125, 636 ‚ 637, 667
adding, 141
deleting, 142, 173
displaying, 116, 150
exporting, 662 ‚ 663, 674
island spread, 143 ‚ 144
keeping together, 174
master page, applying to, 179 ‚ 180
master page, basing on, 176
reader's spread, 660
selecting, 145
targeting, 145
turning, 39, 69
window, fitting to, 112, 114, 149
Page Setup dialog box (Macintosh), 630
color, 857 ‚ 858
graphic, 856
importing from, 127, 128, 130, 131, 851 ‚ 852
keyboard shortcut set, 853, 855 ‚ 856
Macintosh environment, 853
page difference, 856 ‚ 857
Pantone color support, 202
style, 855
text, 854 ‚ 855
Pages pane
accessing, 62
Create New Page option, 141, 173
described, 62
dragging page to/from, 142
Insert Pages option, 141, 173
Keep Spreads Together option, 143
master-page options, 171 ‚ 174, 360
Numbering & Section Options palette, 144, 146, 174
palette menu, 140
section display in, 147 ‚ 148
Spread Flattening option, 654
spread icon, 145, 148
Trash button, 142
pane compared, 54
using, 54 ‚ 57, 824 ‚ 825
palette compared, 54
using, 57 ‚ 58, 824 ‚ 825
Pantone color
building, 813
CMYK, converting to, 494, 495
PageMaker support, 202
paper used with, 202, 814 ‚ 815
PMS, 202
printing, 211, 597
QuarkXPress support, 202
separation, 203, 212
swatch library, 202
swatchbook, 813
Pantone Matching System. See PMS
Pantone Process Color Imaging Guide: CMYK Edition (Pantone), 212, 813
Pantone Process Color System Guide (Pantone), 813
bleed, 641
gloss , 641
newsprint, 641
Pantone color, used with, 202, 814 ‚ 815
printing setup, 632 ‚ 633
RC, 632, 633
baseline grid, locking to, 398 ‚ 399
Control palette, formatting using, 394 ‚ 395, 399, 408 ‚ 409, 410
default setup, changing, 107
described, 393
exdenting, 788
block, 415 ‚ 416, 789
Control palette, using, 415 ‚ 416
default, 107
described, 788
first-line, 398, 414, 415
hanging, 398, 414, 415, 416, 789
list item, 414
organizing content using, 414
Paragraph pane, using, 12, 60, 398, 415 ‚ 416
tab, using, 327, 339, 398, 464
text frame inset, 351, 413, 430, 463, 464
keep options, 408 ‚ 409
labeling, 423 ‚ 426
leading, applying to entire, 84, 389, 392, 396
outdenting, 398, 788
accessing, 60
alignment, adjusting using, 10, 60, 396 ‚ 397
Character pane, combining with, 394
described, 60
Drop Cap & Nested Styles option, 11, 401, 449 ‚ 450
Drop Cap Number option, 400, 421
field, spacing using, 400
Hide Options feature, 394
hyphenation, adjusting using, 10, 402
indentation, adjusting using, 12, 60, 398, 415 ‚ 416
justification, adjusting using, 11, 397
keep options, 408 ‚ 409
leading, adjusting using, 392
Paragraph Rules option, 410
Tabs pane, combining with, 461
return symbol ( ‚ ), displaying, 416
rule, placing between paragraphs, 409 ‚ 411
selecting, 393
spacing, 60, 399 ‚ 400, 473
applying, 445 ‚ 446
copying, 446
creating, 12, 443 ‚ 445, 446
default, changing, 110 ‚ 111
deleting, 446
described, 441
editing, 363, 446, 452, 456
manual formatting, combining with, 394, 445, 453
naming, 444
nesting, 450 ‚ 451
overriding imported, 363 ‚ 364, 456 ‚ 457
removing local formatting, 445
TOC, in, 229 ‚ 230, 231 ‚ 232
unapplying, 453 ‚ 454
widow/orphan control, 408 ‚ 409
Paragraph Rules dialog box, 410, 427
Paragraph Styles pane, 60, 110 ‚ 111, 363, 442 ‚ 446, 710
Paste command, 68, 163, 294, 299, 505
Paste in Place command, 299
pasteboard , 27, 37, 92, 93, 114
paste-up board, 171
anchor point, 551 ‚ 552, 560, 564 ‚ 568
clipping path
command, 535 ‚ 537
creating, 533
default setup, changing, 108
dialog box, 108
free-form, 534 ‚ 535
generating, 508
importing graphic, adding when, 501 ‚ 502, 503, 508
JPEG file, setting in, 492, 532
overriding built-in, 535
Photoshop, 529, 533
QuarkXPress, 837
text wrap around, 526, 529, 534
threshold value, 535, 536
TIFF file, setting in, 490, 532
tolerance value, 536
cloning, 553, 570
closed, 51, 548, 560 ‚ 561, 571
color, 549, 574
combining, 64, 558 ‚ 560, 577 ‚ 578
compound, 535, 542, 573 ‚ 578, 589
connecting two paths, 570 ‚ 571
corner effect, 578 ‚ 579
dragging, 554, 555
handle, 552 ‚ 553, 557, 569
line, 552, 555, 556, 558
point, converting, 564, 567 ‚ 568, 847
subpath, of, 575, 576
endpoint, 551, 571
extending, 570
frame, creating from, 47
free-form, 534 ‚ 535, 560 ‚ 561
gradient, applying to, 549
clipping path, adding when importing, 501 ‚ 502, 503, 508
placing graphic in path, 551
open , 47, 51, 548, 549, 570 ‚ 571
QuarkXPress, 551, 568, 578, 837
segment, 551, 552, 558 ‚ 560
shaping, 564 ‚ 565
splitting, 51, 64, 548, 572 ‚ 573, 577
stroke, applying to, 548 ‚ 549
subpath, 575, 576, 590
converting to path, 377, 541, 574
placing on path, 47, 48, 550 ‚ 551
transformation, applying to, 560
transparency, 573
Pathfinder tool, 64, 577 ‚ 578
copying, preserving during, 81
gradient, 53
stroke, 62
PC MacLAN network, 745
PCX file, importing, 484, 485, 494, 501
PDF Export Presets command, 661
PDF (Portable Document Format)
creating, 65, 686 ‚ 688
deleting, 687
exporting, 232, 664, 688
naming, 687
sorting, 687
subentry, 687
TOC, 232, 664, 687
button, creating interactive, 51, 688 ‚ 691
color, 213, 668
copying PDF file, 81
eBook, 664, 686, 820, 832 ‚ 833
EPS file, creating from, 673
bleed mark, including, 667
book, 227, 661
bookmark, 232, 664, 688
color, calibrating, 668
compression, 664 ‚ 666, 672
eBook tag, including, 664
encrypting output file, 670
font, embedding, 661, 669
grid, including, 664
guide, including, 664
hyperlink, preserving, 664, 685
layer, preserving, 664
metadata, including, 671
multimedia, including, 664
on-screen usage, for, 672
OPI graphic replacement information, 668
optimizing, 663
overprint, simulating, 668
page spread, 662 ‚ 663
password protecting output file, 670
PDF/X format, to, 663, 668
permission to output file, specifying, 670 ‚ 671
preset, 661, 670
printing, for, 658, 667
printing to PDF file, via, 672 ‚ 673
saving to PDF file, via, 136
security, 669 ‚ 671, 672
signing output file digitally, 671
slug area, including, 667
thumbnail, embedding, 663
transparency flattening, 668
version, specifying, 663
graphic, treatment as, 488
anchor, 683, 684, 691
button, assigning to, 691
character attribute, as, 682
color, 685
creating, 65, 682 ‚ 684
deleting, 685
exporting, 664, 685
highlighting, 685
importing, 315
naming, 684
PDF file, in, 664, 682 ‚ 685
resetting, 685
source, 683
target (destination), 682 ‚ 683, 685
underlining, 684, 685
URL, assigning to, 683, 685
zoom setting, 684
importing, 130, 485, 488, 503
movie, inserting, 70, 692
opening PDF file, 127
OPI information, 663, 668, 669
password protection, 504
PDF/X support, 663, 668
PostScript file, creating from, 673
file, to, 672 ‚ 673
paper, on, 636, 658, 667
reader software, 658
service bureau , providing to, 658, 663
sound, inserting in, 70, 693
transparency, 81, 504, 668
Pen tool
anchor point, working with using, 47, 564
described, 46 ‚ 47, 550
drawing tablet, using with, 547
closing using, 47, 548
connecting using, 570 ‚ 571
drawing curved using, 47, 555 ‚ 557
drawing straight using, 47, 553 ‚ 554
extending using, 570
Pencil tool compared, 550
Pencil tool, 550, 560
Perry, Bruce W. ( AppleScript in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference ), 729
Petrusha, Ron ( VBScript in a Nutshell ), 732
Photo CD graphic, importing, 486
clipping path, 529, 533
importing from, 485, 489 ‚ 490, 501, 503
Photoshop Color Settings, 599
Photoshop 7 Bible (McClelland), 533
Photosmart printer, 748
pica (measurement unit), 29, 30, 88, 786
PICT file, importing, 484, 486, 489, 494, 501
picture. See graphic
Picture Usage feature (QuarkXPress), 522
Place command
copy and paste versus, 362
drag and drop versus, 328, 362
graphic, importing using, 14, 249, 498 ‚ 500, 518, 590
inline frame, creating using, 294, 295 ‚ 296
text, importing using, 8 ‚ 9, 46, 132, 361, 590
Place dialog box, 8, 328, 488, 498 ‚ 499
Place PDF dialog box, 488, 503
book, 222
document, 121 ‚ 122, 763
TOC, 229 ‚ 230
platesetter, outputting for, 633
caching, 719
default set, 719 ‚ 720
directory, online, 719
disabling, 721, 723
downloading, 719
installing, 32, 721
interface, 721 ‚ 722
launching, 719, 721
listing installed, 722
optional, 32
preference, setting, 722 ‚ 723
QuarkXPress, 720
removing, 721
service bureau, providing to, 720
sharing, 708, 714
sources, 720 ‚ 721
storage location, 32, 708, 719 ‚ 720
plus sign (+)
addition operator, 58
style sheet name prefix, 445
PMS (Pantone Matching System), 202
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format
color, 492
compression, 492
importing, 484, 486, 492, 502
transparency, 502
point (measurement unit), 29, 88, 786
point of origin, 514
Polygon Frame tool, 48, 250 ‚ 251, 252
Polygon Settings dialog box, 49, 109, 252 ‚ 253
Polygon tool, 48, 49, 109, 252, 360
PopChar X software, 316, 464, 799
pop-out tool display, 42, 44
port (threading entry point), 366 ‚ 367
Portable Document Format. See PDF
Portable Network Graphics format. See PNG format
PostScript. See also EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
importing PostScript file, 487 ‚ 488
Level 2, 643, 820
Level 3, 593, 639, 643, 820
Macintosh support, 752, 754, 792, 867
Multiple Masters format, 754, 867
OpenType versus, 752
PDF, creating from PostScript file, 673
PPD file, 613, 623, 628, 643, 678
prepress file, exporting to, 659, 677 ‚ 678
printer, 613, 614 ‚ 615, 628, 643, 747 ‚ 748
TrueType versus, 752
Type 1, 792
PowerPrint software, 748
PPD (PostScript Printer Description) file, 613, 623, 628, 643, 678
preference files, 708 ‚ 709
folder, 78
menu, 66
Preferences dialog box
accessing, 78
Composition pane, 85 ‚ 87, 531
Dictionary pane, 94 ‚ 96, 349 ‚ 350
Display Performance pane, 98 ‚ 99
General pane, 79, 80 ‚ 82
Grids pane, 90 ‚ 92, 194 ‚ 195, 398 ‚ 399
Guides pane, 37
Guides & Pasteboard pane, 92 ‚ 93, 194
Notes pane, 874
resetting, 82, 822
Saved Files pane, 99 ‚ 100
Spelling pane, 96
Story Editor Display pane, 96 ‚ 98, 334
Text pane, 82 ‚ 84, 384, 389, 472 ‚ 473
undoing change made in, 79
Units & Increments pane, 36, 87 ‚ 90
Updates pane, 100
using, 78 ‚ 79
Workgroup preferences pane, 79
Preflight tool, 520, 611, 615 ‚ 619, 620
described, 823 ‚ 824
document preset, 3, 125 ‚ 127
leading, automatic, 392
PDF export preset, 661, 670
print preset, 615, 628, 629
sharing, 708
transparency, 645, 652 ‚ 653, 654, 655, 669
trap preset, 64, 65, 606 ‚ 609
view percentage, 38
zoom, 112, 114
Presets folder, 32, 78, 708
Preview Mode view, 53
Print dialog box
accessing, 19
Advanced pane, 644 ‚ 645
Cancel button, 628
Color Management pane, 643 ‚ 644
General pane, 631 ‚ 632
Graphics pane, 641 ‚ 643
Marks and Bleeds pane, 634 ‚ 637
Output pane, 19, 637 ‚ 640
page preview panel, 628
PPD pop-up menu, 628
Print button, 628
Print Preset pop-up menu, 628
Printer pop-up menu, 628
Save Preset button, 628
Setup button, 628
Setup pane, 632 ‚ 634
Summary pane, 646
Print Settings pane, 618
Printer dialog box (Macintosh), 630
Printer Properties (Windows), 613
printing. See also paper; service bureau, working with
baseline grid, 631
binding, perfect, 631, 659, 660, 663
black, overprinting, 81
bleed area, 125, 624, 634 ‚ 635, 636 ‚ 637, 676
book, 227, 615
calibration, applying, 643 ‚ 644
CMYK, 211 ‚ 212, 597, 636, 647 ‚ 650
color bar, 636
composite, 19 ‚ 20, 638, 639, 640
DIC, 211, 597
Focoltone, 597
four-color, 210, 810, 811
imagesetter, outputting for, 603, 639
ink used, displaying, 618
overlapping, 205, 603 ‚ 610
overprint, 605
Package tool, preparing using, 620
Pantone, 211, 597
Preflight tool, preparing using, 618
prepress feature overview, 593 ‚ 594
printer color space, specifying, 643 ‚ 644
RGB, 212, 213, 597
separation, 638, 650 ‚ 651
spot color, 205
Toyo, 211, 597
trapping for, 603, 639, 648
Trumatch, 597
composite, 19 ‚ 20, 638, 639, 640
copies, specifying number of, 631
crop mark, 632, 635, 636
DCS file, 639
file, to, 646 ‚ 647, 672 ‚ 673, 678
filename, 636
film, to, 632, 633, 639
device memory considerations, 642 ‚ 643
download option, 642, 643
missing font, checking for, 615
Preflight tool, preparing using, 615, 616 ‚ 617
translation by printer, 614
TrueType, 614, 615, 616, 792
form, 659 ‚ 660
frequency setting, 640
graphic, 616, 617, 620, 641 ‚ 643
guide, 631
hyphenation, 621
imagesetter, outputting for, 603, 616, 633, 639
Ink Manager, 647 ‚ 649, 668
ink used, displaying, 618
instruction form, creating using Package tool, 620
layer, 160, 164, 616
Macintosh, 612 ‚ 613, 629, 630, 747 ‚ 748, 865 ‚ 866
master page, 631
moir ƒ pattern, 651
negative, photographic, 633, 635 ‚ 636, 639, 641, 648
non-printing object, 631
offset, 659
overprinting, 586, 605, 640, 650 ‚ 651, 668
Package tool, preparing for using, 619 ‚ 622
blank, 631
facing pages, 631
gap, specifying, 632
information about page, including in output, 636
master page, 631
number, 636
order, in reverse, 631
oversize, 625
positioning, 633
sizing, 37, 124, 151, 152, 632
spread, 631
paper setup, 632 ‚ 633
file, to, 672 ‚ 673
paper, on, 636, 658, 667
platesetter, outputting for, 633
PostScript prepress file, to, 678
preference, setting, 81
Preflight tool, preparing for using, 520, 611, 615 ‚ 619, 620
preset, 615, 628, 629
preview, 629
color space, specifying, 643 ‚ 644
dpi, 640 ‚ 641, 747
font translation by, 614
ink-jet, 748
laser, 747
lpi, 640 ‚ 641
Macintosh, 612 ‚ 613, 629, 630, 747 ‚ 748, 865 ‚ 866
memory, 642 ‚ 643
multifunction , 748
networking, 747
PostScript, 613, 614 ‚ 615, 628, 643, 747 ‚ 748
preset, creating, 628, 629
quality needed, 747
selecting, 628
Windows, 613 ‚ 615, 629
Windows/Macintosh mixed environment, 747 ‚ 748
proof, 637, 638, 642, 644
QuarkXPress, 634, 651, 652, 837, 849
reader's spread, 660
registration mark, 632, 635, 636
rotating output, 633
saddle -stitching, 631, 659, 663
scaling output, 633
screen angle, 640, 651 ‚ 652
service bureau, working with, 616, 622 ‚ 625, 633, 641 ‚ 643, 659
shortcut set, 105
slug area, 43, 53, 125, 636 ‚ 637, 667
stroke, overprinting, 586
SWOP, 603, 659
thumbnail, 634, 768, 769
tiling output, 634
transparency, 64, 639, 644 ‚ 645, 652 ‚ 655
web offset printing, 603, 659
Printing Instructions dialog box, 620
process color. See CMYK color
Profiles folder, 710
Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (Balena), 732
project, QuarkXPress, 841
property (scripting element), 726
dictionary set, 349
folder, 708
PSA (public service announcement) layout, 773 ‚ 774
.psd files, 532. See also Photoshop
pull quote, 428, 776, 796
punctuation, hanging, 60, 430 ‚ 431
push button, creating interactive, 51, 688 ‚ 691
Pyrus FontLab software, 419, 432

Adobe InDesign CS Bible
Adobe InDesign CS3 Bible
ISBN: 0470119381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 344
Authors: Galen Gruman © 2008-2017.
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