Dynamically Sizing a Thread Pool

The CThreadPool::QueueRequest method is called to queue requests into the thread pool. You ll overload this method to insert your dynamic sizing code. This method is defined as follows :

 BOOL QueueRequest(Worker::RequestType request) throw()  // Implementing our logic to determine whether  // to add or remove threads from our pool is actually quite simple:  LONG processorTime = GetProcessorTime();  if (processorTime >= CPU_UPPER_THRESHOLD)  {      int numThreads = 0;      if (SUCCEEDED(GetSize(&numThreads)) && numThreads > 1)      {          SetSize(numThreads - 1 );      }  }  else if (processorTime <= CPU_LOWER_THRESHOLD)  {      int numThreads = 0;      if ( SUCCEEDED(GetSize(&numThreads)) &&           m_requestStats->GetActiveThreads() == numThreads &&           numThreads < m_maxThreads)      {          SetSize(numThreads + 1);      }  } 

You first get the CPU utilization. If that utilization is equal to or greater than your upper threshold, which is determined to be 80 percent, then you want to reduce the number of threads that you have by one. You do, however, always want to have at least one thread in your pool.

If the CPU utilization is less than or equal to your lower threshold, which is determined to be 20 percent, and there are no free threads, then you want to increment the number of threads in your pool by one. Of course, you do this only if you haven t exceeded the maximum number of threads that you ve set for yourself.

No matter if you ve added or removed threads, you want to finish by calling the base implementation of QueueRequest to actually queue the request:

 return __super::QueueRequest( request ); 

That s all the code necessary to implement a dynamic thread pool class in ATL Server. Listing 18-1 shows the complete example.

Listing 18.1: Implementing a Dynamic Thread Pool Class
start example
 #pragma once  #include <atlisapi.h>  #include <atlutil.h>  #include <windows.h>  #include <pdh.h>  //  // Remove one thread per request if CPU usage is equal to or higher  // than this value.  //  #define CPU_UPPER_THRESHOLD 80  //  // Add one thread per request if CPU usage is equal to or lower than  // this value.  //  #define CPU_LOWER_THRESHOLD 20  //  // Limit the maximum number of threads per CPU to this value.  //  #define CPU_MAX_THREADS     25  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  // CDynamicThreadPool - This class extends the functionality  // of CThreadPool by dynamically resizing itself when it  // receives a request based on the following criteria:  //  //        - If the CPU usage is less than or equal to a certain  //          CPU usage percentage (CPU_LOWER_THRESHOLD),  //          there are no free threads, and we have not reached  //          our maximum (CPU_MAX_THREADS), add another thread  //          to the pool before queuing the request.  //  //        - If the CPU usage is equal to or higher than a certain  //          CPU usage percentage (CPU_UPPER_THRESHOLD), then  //          remove 1 thread from the pool before queuing the  //          request.  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  template <class Worker       = CIsapiWorker,            class ThreadTraits = DefaultThreadTraits >            class CDynamicThreadPool :          public CThreadPool< Worker, ThreadTraits >  {  private:      PDH_HQUERY             m_pdhQuery;      PDH_HCOUNTER           m_pdhCounter;      int                    m_maxThreads;      CComPtr<IRequestStats> m_requestStats;  public:      CDynamicThreadPool() :          m_pdhQuery(NULL),          m_pdhCounter(NULL),          m_maxThreads(0),          CThreadPool< Worker, ThreadTraits>()      {      }      //      // We need to do the following types of additional      // initialization:      //      // 1. Get and keep a pointer to IRequestStats from      //    pvWorkerParam.      // 2. Set the maximum number of threads we can create      //    based on the number of CPUs.      // 3. Set up PDH handles so that we can query the      //    processor time performance object.      //      // No matter what, always return the base implementation      // of Initialize      //      HRESULT Initialize(void     *pvWorkerParam=NULL,                         int      nNumThreads=0,                         DWORD    dwStackSize=0,                         HANDLE   hCompletion=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)                         throw()      {          //          // 1. Get and keep a pointer to IRequestStats from          //    pvWorkerParam.          //          if (!pvWorkerParam)          {              //              // If we can't get the IRequestStats pointer, don't              // bother doing the rest of the initialization.              //              goto error;          }          IIsapiExtension *isapiExtension = NULL;          isapiExtension = static_cast<IIsapiExtension*> (pvWorkerParam);          if (FAILED(isapiExtension->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IRequestStats),                                                    (void**)&m_requestStats)))          {              //              // If we can't get the IRequestStats pointer, don't bother              // doing the rest of the initialization.              //              goto error;          }          //          // 2. Set the maximum number of threads we can create based on the          //    number of CPUs.          //          SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;          ZeroMemory(&systemInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO));          GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo);          m_maxThreads = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors * CPU_MAX_THREADS;          //          // 3. Set up PDH handles so that we can query the processor time          //    performance object.          //          //          // Clean PDH handles just in case.          //          CleanPdh();          PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery(NULL, NULL, &m_pdhQuery);          if (pdhStatus !=  ERROR_SUCCESS)          {              goto error;          }          //          // Build a path to the processor time performance object.          //          PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS pdhPathElements[1];          pdhPathElements[0].dwInstanceIndex  = (DWORD)-1;          pdhPathElements[0].szCounterName    = TEXT("% Processor Time");          pdhPathElements[0].szInstanceName   = TEXT("_Total");          pdhPathElements[0].szMachineName    = NULL;          pdhPathElements[0].szObjectName     = TEXT("Processor");          pdhPathElements[0].szParentInstance = NULL;          //          // Get the size of the path.          //          DWORD counterPathSize = 0;          pdhStatus = PdhMakeCounterPath(pdhPathElements,                                         NULL,                                         &counterPathSize,                                         NULL);          if (pdhStatus !=  ERROR_SUCCESS)          {              goto error;          }          //          // Allocate room for the counter path.          //          TCHAR *counterPath = NULL;          counterPath = new TCHAR[counterPathSize];          if (!counterPath)          {              goto error;          }          //          // Get the counter path.          //          pdhStatus = PdhMakeCounterPath(pdhPathElements,                                         counterPath,                                         &counterPathSize,                                         NULL);          if (pdhStatus !=  ERROR_SUCCESS)          {              goto error;          }          //          // Add the processor time counter to our query.          //          m_pdhCounter = NULL;          pdhStatus = PdhAddCounter(m_pdhQuery,                                    counterPath,                                    NULL,                                    &m_pdhCounter);          if (pdhStatus !=  ERROR_SUCCESS)          {              goto error;          }          //          // If we got here, we were successful          //          goto success;  error:          //          // If we failed, clean up our handles.          //          CleanPdh();  success:          if (counterPath)          {              delete[] counterPath;              counterPath = NULL;          }          //          // Return the base initialization.          //          return __super::Initialize(pvWorkerParam,                                     nNumThreads,                                     dwStackSize,                                     hCompletion);      }      virtual ~CDynamicThreadPool()      {          CleanPdh();      }      //      // Override QueueRequest function to include dynamic size analysis.      //      BOOL QueueRequest(Worker::RequestType request) throw()      {          //          // Get our current CPU utilization          //          LONG processorTime = GetProcessorTime();          if (processorTime >= CPU_UPPER_THRESHOLD)          {              //              // If we match our upper CPU utilization, shut down a thread              // before queuing this request. This will hopefully slow              // down the number of requests we are processing, which will              // give the CPU a chance to recover and process the currently              // executing requests.              //              int numThreads = 0;              if (SUCCEEDED(GetSize(&numThreads)) && numThreads > 1)              {                  SetSize(numThreads - 1 );              }          }          else if (processorTime <= CPU_LOWER_THRESHOLD)          {              //              // Otherwise, if we match the lower CPU utilization boundary,              // look at the number of active threads.              // If there are no free threads and we have not reached our              // maximum number of threads, add another thread to the pool              // before queuing this current request.              //              int numThreads = 0;              if (SUCCEEDED(GetSize(&numThreads))                  &&                  m_requestStats->GetActiveThreads() == numThreads &&                  numThreads < m_maxThreads)              {                  SetSize(numThreads + 1);              }          }          return __super::QueueRequest( request );      }  private:      LONG GetProcessorTime()      {          LONG                 processorTime = 0;          PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE pdhCounterValue;          ZeroMemory(&pdhCounterValue, sizeof(PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE));          if (PdhCollectQueryData(m_pdhQuery) == ERROR_SUCCESS)          {              if (PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(m_pdhCounter,                                              PDH_FMT_LONG,                                              NULL,                                              &pdhCounterValue))              {                  processorTime = pdhCounterValue.longValue;              }          }          return processorTime;      }      void CleanPdh()      {          if (m_pdhCounter != NULL)          {              PdhRemoveCounter(m_pdhCounter);          }          if (m_pdhQuery != NULL)          {              PdhCloseQuery(m_pdhQuery);          }      }  }; 
end example

ATL Server. High Performance C++ on. NET
Observing the User Experience: A Practitioners Guide to User Research
ISBN: B006Z372QQ
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 181

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