

SA-CMM, see Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model
SAM, see Supplier Agreement Management
SCAMPI (Standard CMMI Assessment Method for Process Improvement), 122, 131, 152, 153
"bang for the buck", 184
comparison of CBA IPIs to SCEs to, 283288
conduct, 285
SCAMPI and CMMI, 286288
similarities and differences, 285286
training, 284285
description of, 18
failure, 174
frequently asked questions, 141
fundamentals, 133
results, PI efforts based on, 158
shock of baseline, 183
use of to baseline current processes, 182
Scatter diagram/chart, 235, 238
SCEs, see Software Capability Evaluations
s chart, 243
Schedules, process for estimating, 10
SECAM, see System Engineering Capability Assessment Model
SECM, see Systems Engineering Capability Model
SEI, see Software Engineering Institute
Senior management
commitment, 95
communication of goals to staff by, 272
data reported to, 241
Separate teams , rationale for, 116
SEPG, see Software Engineering Process Group
SEPI, see Systems Engineering Process Initiative
Service quality, 32
SG, see Specific goals
Shewart, Walter, 5
Signals, differentiation between noise and, 244
Six Sigma
organizations merging CMM/CMMI activities and, 16
requirements, 16
Small organizations, CMMI for, 119129
definitions, 119123
acquisition, 121
capability levels, 122
continuous model representation, 121122
integrated product and process development, 121
maturity levels, 122
small organizations, 123
software engineering, 120121
staged model representation, 121
systems engineering, 120
point-counterpoint , 123129
Acquisition Capability Maturity Model (SA-CMM), 4, 104, 284
Capability Evaluations (SCEs), 283
comparison of to CBA IPIs, 287
families of, 283
Engineering, 103
definition of, 120
Process Group (SEPG), 104, 114, 124
life-cycle phase, testing by, 73
organizations, analysis of activities of, 14
project manager course, 113
Quality Assurance (SQA), 59, 128
Requirements, Systems Requirements flowing into, 106
Subcontract Management (SSM), 48
Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 119, 125
approach to CMMI-based appraisals , 131
assessment method developed by, 153
-authorized Lead Assessor, 285, 286
classes of appraisals recognized by, 154
software process improvement mantra, 5
Web sites, 166, 183
SPC, see Statistical process control
Special cause systems, 233
Specific goals (SG), 25
Specific Goals and Practices
Causal Analysis and Resolution, 100, 333334, 362
Configuration Management, 60, 315316, 358359
Decision Analysis and Resolution, 83, 329, 360361
Integrated Project Management, 78, 325326, 345347
Integrated Supplier Management, 82, 328329, 349350
Integrated Teaming, 81, 327328, 348349
Measurement and Analysis, 56, 313314, 359360
Organizational Environment for Integration, 84, 329330, 361362
Organizational Innovation and Deployment, 99, 332333, 341342
Organizational Process Definition, 75, 323324, 339
Organizational Process Focus, 74, 322323, 338339
Organizational Process Performance, 90, 330331, 340341
Organizational Training, 77, 324, 339340
Process and Product Quality Assurance, 58, 314315, 359
Product Integration, 71, 319320, 355356
Project Monitoring, 53, 312, 343344
Project Planning, 52, 310, 342343
Quantitative Project Management, 93, 331332, 350351
Requirements Development, 67, 316317, 352353
Requirements Management, 310, 351
Risk Management, 80, 326327, 347348
Supplier Agreement Management, 55, 313, 344345
Technical Solution, 69, 318319, 353355
Validation, 73, 321322, 357358
Verification, 71, 320321, 356357
SQA, see Software Quality Assurance
SSM, see Software Subcontract Management
Staged models, 121
Staged representation
continuous, 43
description of, 31
Maturity Levels, 122
model structure for, 2327
capability levels, 23
common features, 23, 25
goals, 23, 24, 25
maturity levels, 23, 24
practices, 23, 24, 25
Process Areas, 23, 24
Stand-alone PA, 127
definition of, 174
life-cycle, 197
Standard CMMI Assessment Method for Process Improvement, see SCAMPI
Statement of Work, 13, 69
Statistical management data, 93
Statistical process control (SPC), 231255
background information, 232233
c- charts , 253
common tools, 234238
cause-and-effect/fishbone diagram, 236
check sheet, 234
control chart, 236238
histogram, 235
Pareto chart, 235
run chart, 234
scatter diagram/chart, 235236
computing limits for XmR chart, 250252
hints on how to read charts, 252253
moving range control chart, 244250
representing and reporting data, 238241
tyranny of control charts, 241244
u-charts, 254
Statistical tool, fishbone diagram as, 237
Status reports , 110
Steering Committees, approach of, 54
Strategic Planning Manager, 242
Subpractices, 26, 27, 187
Success criteria, documentation of, 155
Agreement Management (SAM), 47, 147, 217
purpose of, 55
specific goals and practices, 55
sourcing activities, 103
Supporting life-cycle processes, definition of, 120
Support PAs, 85
System Engineering Capability Assessment Model (SECAM), 4
System Requirements Specifications, template for, 175
Systems Engineering, 14, 103
Capability Model (SECM), 4
CMM (SE-CMM), 4, 120
definition of, 120
models, 4
Process Initiative (SEPI), 104
Systems Test, PPB elements for, 259

Interpreting the CMMI(c) A Process Improvement Approach
Interpreting the CMMI (R): A Process Improvement Approach, Second Edition
ISBN: 142006052X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 205 © 2008-2017.
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