Windows API Guide: CHOOSEFONT_TYPE Structure

Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32.dll" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long

Platforms: Win 32s, Win 95/98, Win NT

CreateRectRgn creates a rectangularly-shaped region and provides a handle to it. The rectangle defining the region is specified by passing its upper-left and lower-right corners to the function. Note that the bottom and right edges of the rectangle are not considered to be part of the region. The function returns a handle to the newly created region if successful, or 0 if an error occured.

The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
The x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
The y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.


' Invert the pixels within a rectangular region on window Form1.  The region ' has corners (20,30)-(150,110). Dim hrgn As Long  ' handle to the rectangular region Dim retval As Long  ' return value ' Create the rectangular region and get a handle to it. hrgn = CreateRectRgn(20, 30, 150, 110)  ' has corners (20,30)-(150,110) ' Invert the pixels on Form1 within this region. retval = InvertRgn(Form1.hDC, hrgn) ' Delete the region to free up resources. retval = DeleteObject(hrgn)

See Also: CreateRectRgnIndirect, CreateRoundRectRgn
Category: Regions

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Windows API Guide
Windows API Guide - Reference - Volume 1: Version 3.0 For the MS-DOS and PC-DOS Operating Systems
Year: 1998
Pages: 610 © 2008-2017.
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