I could not have written this book without the support of my family. My wife and kids have been wonderful, as always, in supporting the extra time I needed to finish this project. I'm very lucky to have the support of such a wonderful family.
The team at Que has been a huge help and has been very patient with me on this book. I have always been used to editing other people's books, so writing my own offered me some "challenges" for sure, but Stephanie McComb, Sharry Gregory, Todd Brakke, and Tonya Simpson were wonderful in helping draw this book out of me.
Last but not least: Russ Young deserves credit for making sure that I was on track with the technical details. Ironic as it may seem since I have been in his shoes as technical editor seven times, he still found places where I missed details or left things out. I have been used to telling authors they were wrong, so it was a new experience to have Russ point out where I had made mistakes. I thank him for his diligent efforts and making sure the book was accurate.