STEP SIX (Finding Songs in the iTunes Music Store)

Let's start by searching for songs by the band U2. You do that by going to the Search Music Store field in the top-right corner of the iTunes window, typing "U2" in the field, and then pressing the Return key on your keyboard to begin the search. In just a few seconds, all the U2 songs available for download will be displayed. To hear a 30-second preview of any song, just double-click on it in the list (go ahead and double-click on one, like "Beautiful Day" or "Vertigo," which was used in one of Apple's TV ads for the iPod and the iTunes Music Store).

    Getting Started with Your Mac and Mac OS X Tiger
    Getting Started with Your Mac and Mac OS X Tiger: Peachpit Learning Series
    ISBN: 0321330528
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 189
    Authors: Scott Kelby © 2008-2017.
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