
GroupBox marshal by reference, disposable

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

This Control class can contain other controls (like a ContainerControl ), but it does not provide scrolling support, instead rendering a label and border around its children, which have been added to the Controls collection.

You can set the FlatStyle for a group box to determine how it will be rendered. Note that you should set the FlatStyle to System if you wish your GroupBox to support Windows XP theming.

 public class  GroupBox  : Control {  // Public Constructors  public  GroupBox  ();  // Public Instance Properties  public override bool  AllowDrop  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override Rectangle  DisplayRectangle  {get; }  // overrides Control  public FlatStyle  FlatStyle  {set; get; }    public bool  TabStop  {set; get; }  // overrides Control  public override string  Text  {set; get; }  // overrides Control   // Protected Instance Properties  protected override CreateParams  CreateParams  {get; }  // overrides Control  protected override Size  DefaultSize  {get; }  // overrides Control   // Public Instance Methods  public override string  ToString  ();  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component   // Protected Instance Methods  protected override void  OnFontChanged  (EventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  OnPaint  (PaintEventArgs  e  );  // overrides Control  protected override bool  ProcessMnemonic  (char  charCode  );  // overrides Control  protected override void  WndProc  (ref Message  m  );  // overrides Control   // Events  public event EventHandler  Click  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  DoubleClick  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyEventHandler  KeyDown  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyPressEventHandler  KeyPress  ;  // overrides Control  public event KeyEventHandler  KeyUp  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseDown  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  MouseEnter  ;  // overrides Control  public event EventHandler  MouseLeave  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseMove  ;  // overrides Control  public event MouseEventHandler  MouseUp  ;  // overrides Control  } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) Control(IOleContro, IOleObject , IOleInPlaceObject , IOleInPlaceActiveObject , IOleWindow , IViewObject , IViewObject2 , IPersist , IPersistStreamInit , IPersistPropertyBag , IPersistStorage , IQuickActivate , System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke , IWin32Window) GroupBox

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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