

Papert, Seymour, 86, 341342
ParseElement function, 214215
ParseFile function, 211213
ParseOptions function, 265266
Parsers and parsing
in Bigram Model, 263270
in rules-based systems, 210216
in WebAgent application, 303, 305311
ParseString function, 309310
ParseURLorGroup function, 309310
Percept function, 176177
Perception see also Sensors
Multiple-layer perceptrons (MLPs), 8789
percept Function (code listing), 176177
perception algorithm and the Food Chain Model, 171176
single layer perceptrons (SLPs), 8487
Perception algorithm and the Food Chain Model, 171176
Personal agents , 339
ART algorithm and, 4246
commercial applications for, 42
defined, 42
Personalization algorithms, privacy issues, 5556
Philosophical issues, 10
Pitts, Walter, 3
Planning, AI branch, 8
Planning agents, 339
Playback, 186
Premature convergence, 145, 146147
Privacy issues, personalization algorithms, 5556
Probabilistic selection method, 144
Productions systems. See Rules-based systems
Prolog language, 6
Prune function in WebAgent application, 291, 313314

Visual Basic Developer
Visual Basic Developers Guide to ASP and IIS: Build Powerful Server-Side Web Applications with Visual Basic. (Visual Basic Developers Guides)
ISBN: 0782125573
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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