tag files,504–505
Tapestry web framework
data binding,527
definition of,525
features of,527,529,531,533
integration with,20,543–547
presentation layer,529
target object,AOP
custom target sources,152
definition of,118–119,147–148
hot swapping,13,148–149
programmatic access to,152
when not to use,152–153
target property, AdvisedSupport class,135,138
TargetSource interface
for autoproxy creation,144–145
implementations of,147–153
programmatic access to,152
targetSource property, AdvisedSupport class,135
TargetSourceCreator interface,144–145
TDD (Test Driven Development),18
template (abstract parent bean definition),73
templates for resource management,17
Test Driven Development (TDD),18
AOP used for,159–161
container used in,106–108
ease of,Spring Framework support for,7
guidelines for,592–594
integration testing
AOP framework used for,160
in application server,421–422
container used for,106–108
guidelines for,593–594
support for,18
tools for,485
splitting container definitions into multiple files for,95–96
unit testing
difficulty of,2
example of,103–106
features for,6,18
guidelines for,160,161,593
mock objects used for,104–106
TestMaker tool (Push2Test),485
ThemeResolver class,435
ThemeSource interface,50
thread safety
advice and,123
AOP framework and,146
guidelines for,586–587
hot swapping and,148
of JdbcTemplate class,183
of RDBMS operation classes,189
of SingleConnectionDataSource interface,179
of StoredProcedure class,199
ThrowAwayController class,449,465
throws advice,124–125
ThrowsAdvice interface,122,124–125
TilesConfigurer class,513
timeout for transaction,229
Timer class,345,346–348
TimerFactoryBean class,348
Timers,scheduling using,345,346–348
Tirsen,Jon (AOP Alliance founder),120
Tomcat server (Apache),552,574,575
TopLink API
integration with,19
object query language used by,257
O/R mapping and,300–302
resource management for,16
TopLinkDaoSupport class,301
TopLinkTemplate class,301
TopLinkTransactionManager class,247,301
toProxyConfigString() method, Advised interface,160
TP monitor,220
transaction attributes,EJB,222
transaction demarcation
BeanNameAutoProxyCreator interface,237–238
definition of,225,227,233
guidelines for,242
performance of,242
ProxyFactoryBean interface and transaction inter- ceptor,233–235
source-level metadata,238–242
TransactionProxyFactoryBean interface,235–236
guidelines for,242
performance of,242
strategies for,221–222,225,229–230
where to demarcate,230
transaction interceptors
definition of,233–235
transaction management
ACID requirements of,218–220
with application servers,200–201,220,249–251
in business services layer,27
CMT (container-managed transactions),219,224
concurrency control,220
configuration for,226–229
as crosscutting concern,113–114
data source declaration,251–254
declarative transaction management,13,219,222,224
definition of,5,34,217–218,579
example of,222–224
global (distributed) transactions,221,260
guidelines for,585–586
for JMS (Java Message Service),343
JTA (Java Transaction API),224–225
JTA synchronization,278–280
JTS specification regarding,220–222
local transactions,221
for O/R mapping,260
for O/R mapping with Hibernate,276–282
for O/R mapping with iBATIS SQL Maps,266–267
for O/R mapping with JDO,293–294
programmatic transaction management,221
propagation behavior of transactions,227–228
read-only transactions,229
rollback rules,234–235
single-resource transaction managers,243–248
source-level metadata for,238–242
Spring features for,list of,224–226
status of transaction,229
strategies for
list of,225–226
multiple resource,249–251
single resource,243–248
timeout for transaction,229
transaction context,221
transaction propagation,221
where to apply transactions,230
transaction manager,220
TransactionAttribute interface,226
TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy class,244
TransactionDefinition interface,226
TransactionManager interface,250–251
TransactionProxyFactoryBean class,70,72
TransactionProxyFactoryBean interface,140,235–236,266,276
TransactionStatus interface,229
TransactionTemplate class,225,232,266,276
Transfer Objects
disadvantages of,2
distribution and,582
remoting and,28,588
as unnecessary,23
transparent persistence,258
transparent recovery (retrying),13
trigger,Quartz scheduler,348–349,351–352
typed advice,125