Bluetooth technology isn't just for hooking up devices. Some enterprising entrepreneurs have cooked up a way to allow you to form personal ad hoc networks. They've devised a way for you to hook up with that special someone, all through the magic of Bluetooth wireless technology. A few services out there are betting on Bluetooth to be the world's best high-tech ice-breaker. One such company is ProxiDating.com: The company has created software that you can install on your cell phone, and when you come within striking range of your potential date (striking range is about 50 feet), assuming that person is signed up with the same service, both of your phones will alert you. ProxiDating automatically will send the text and the picture you've defined to the other person and, likewise, you'll receive his or her text and picture. Then it's up to you to move in with your best Bluetooth line. "Say, that's a really nice phone…." |