6.5. My Computer Won't Stop RebootingNewer Linux users are fascinated by the chance to experiment with different components. For the most part, careful experiments should be encouraged in a test environment. How else can we learn Linux? But there are mistakes that can annoy the heck out of us, including the Linux computer that won't stop rebooting. Grouped in this section are three low-level annoyances associated with the boot process:
These annoyances are normally associated with configuration problems in boot files. The first two of these annoyances are straightforward, as they relate to the default runlevel on your computer. In each of these cases, you'll almost certainly have to boot with a rescue disk or a system such as Knoppix, as described in the previous annoyance. On occasion, these annoyances may be related to hardware issues. In those cases, you'll see similar behavior when you use a rescue disk or a system such as Knoppix to boot your system.
6.5.1. The Computer Starts and Then Shuts DownThis annoyance is often easy to fix. Once you've booted with a rescue disk and mounted the root directory (/), the first thing to check is the default runlevel as defined in /etc/inittab. If it's 0, as shown here, all you need to do is restore the proper default runlevel, such as 2 for Debian, or 3 or 5 for Red Hat/Fedora or SUSE: id:0:initdefault If the id directive isn't set to 0, you may have a different problem that's described later in this annoyance. 6.5.2. The Computer Starts and Then RebootsThis annoyance is also often straightforward. Again, boot with an appropriate rescue disk. Proceed by checking the default runlevel in /etc/inittab. If it's 6, as shown here, restore the proper default runlevel, such as 2 for Debian or 3 or 5 for Red Hat/Fedora or SUSE: id:6:initdefault If the id variable isn't set to 6, you may have a different problem described in the next section. 6.5.3. Something Weird Happens During the Boot ProcessWhen Linux boots, it goes through more than just the /etc/inittab file. It reads the default runlevel and then starts the service scripts as defined in the associated /etc/rcx.d directory. While a problem here normally is associated with a configuration problem with a service, it's probably not serious. If you want to add a program or script to the boot process, each distribution has a dedicated script in the /etc directory for this purpose. Alternatively, most distributions have a user-definable script. You can use this script to add commands that you want applied to the computer during the boot process. For example, if you've configured a wireless network card using experimental code, you can add the command to start this card to the script. Various distributions define this script differently: