field buttons, 133
fields, PivotTable, 262
files, listing via ListFiles macro, 153-55
Fill Color button, 74
FillFormat object, 87
filling cells, 33-37
FillLabels macro, 36-37
Fill object RGB property, 106 SchemeColor property, 106
Fill property vs. Interior property, 87 Shape object, 87
Find method, 245
folders, listing files via ListFiles macro, 153-55
Font property, 218
For Each structure vs. For loop, 152-53 overview, 149 in ProtectSheets macro, 149-50 in UnprotectSheets macro, 150
ForeColor property, 75
For loop in CompareCells macro, 150-52 displaying progress, 159-60 vs. For Each structure, 152-53 in PrintOrders macro, 156-58 in ProtectSheets macro, 152-53
Format Axis dialog box, 84-85
Format Cells dialog box, 11
FormatCurrency macro assigning shortcut key to, 6-7 creating, 5-6 running, 6 viewing in Visual Basic Editor, 7-9
formatting charts, 87 entire ranges, 102-5 partial ranges, 105-7 PivotCharts, 270-71 PivotTables, 266-68
forms. See user forms
forms Toolbox, 229
Formula property, 116
FormulaR1C1 property, 116
formulas adding to ranges, 111-13 allowing labels in, 211 converting to values via menu command, 15-16 converting to values via recorded macro, 16-18 creating from range addresses, 114-16 entering into selected cells, 35-36 and R1C1 reference style, 113
frames adding to user forms, 228 Controls property, 246-47 looping through controls, 247
Function Arguments window, 167
Function property, 134
functions Array, 129 creating, 164-69 custom, 164-70 InputBox, 146 MsgBox, 179 vs. Sub procedures, 170 vs. variables, 164 Visual Basic vs. Excel, 164 volatile, 168 |