Installing the MVC Application

To install the MVC application on the server, start by placing the view JSP, view.jsp, in the chap16 folder on the server:

 chap16                               view.jsp |____WEB-INF        |____classes               |____beans

Next, place in the classes\beans directory and compile it there to create Model.class this way:

 chap16                               view.jsp |____WEB-INF        |____classes               |____beans             Model.class 

To compile the Controller servlet, you set the classpath so that Java can find servlet.jar (or servlet-api.jar, depending on your version of Tomcat) as well as the Model.class file in the beans directory. To do this, place the servlet’s Java code,, in the classes directory, and copy servlet.jar (or servlet-api.jar) to the classes directory as well. Then set the classpath to servlet.jar;. on the command line:

 set classpath=servlet.jar;.

The dot on the end of the classpath means that Java should include the current directory, and tells Java that when it’s looking for the beans.Model class to try to find a directory named beans that contains a class named Model. After you compile in the classes directory, you’ll have Controller.class in the same directory, which is where you need it:

 chap16                               view.jsp |____WEB-INF        |____classes                  Controller.class               |____beans             Model.class

That sets up the code on the server. Now it’s time to call that code from the browser.

Ajax Bible
Ajax Bible
ISBN: 0470102632
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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