Using ASP.NET Performance Counters

Another powerful tool at the disposal of developers and system administrators alike is the use of performance counters. The Performance Monitor tool (found under Administrative Tools, Performance) displays a value-over-time graph of any number of system counters that provide valuable analysis information. Consult your Windows administration guide for more information on system-level performance counters.

ASP.NET 2.0 provides the following performance counters that can be monitored from the Performance Monitor tool. These counters are described in Table 31.3.

Table 31.3. ASP.NET 2.0 Performance Counters



Application Restarts

Number of application restarts since server startup.

Application Running

Number of running ASP.NET applications.

Requests Disconnected

Number of disconnected requests due to a connection failure.

Requests Queued

Number of requests queued and waiting for processing.

Requests Rejected

Number of requests denied due to insufficient resources on the server.

Request Wait Time

Wait time (in milliseconds) of most recent request.

Session State Server

Total number of connections to the session state

Connections Total

server on this machine.

Session SQL Server

Total number of connections made to an out-of-

Connections Total

process SQL Server for state management.

State Server Sessions

Number of abandoned state server sessions.



State Server Sessions Active

Number of currently active state server sessions.

State Server Sessions

Total number of timed-out sessions since server startup.

Timed Out


State Server Sessions Total

Total number of state server sessions: sum of active, abandoned, and timed out.

Worker Process Restarts

Total number of times ASP.NET worker processes have restarted.

Worker Process Running

Number of active worker processes.

Application-Specific Counters


Anonymous Requests

Number of unauthenticated requests.

Anonymous Requests/Second

Average number of anonymous requests/second.

Cache Total Entries

Total number of entries within the cache including ASP.NET entries and programmatically (API) created entries.

Cache Total Hits

Total number of cache hits.

Cache Total Misses

Total number of cache misses.

Cache Total Hit Ratio

Cache hit ratio (ratio of hit to miss).

Cache Total Turnover Rate

Total turnover rate for cache. Turnover rate is number of additions and removals per second. High turnover rate indicates poor cache usage.

Cache API Entries

Number of API-created (non-ASP.NET framework) cache entries.

Cache API Hit Ratio

Hit ratio for API-created cache entries.

Cache API Turnover Rate

Turnover rate for API-created cache entries.

Compilations Total

Total number of compilations performed since process start.

Debugging Requests

Count of total requests during Debugging mode.

Errors During Preprocessing

Total number of preprocessing errors.

Errors During Compilation

Total number of compilation errors.

Errors Unhandled During

Total number of unhandled exceptions. Nothing is counted when


a default error page is defined.

Errors Unhandled During

Average number of unhandled exceptions/second. Obviously, this


number should remain low.

Errors Total

Total number of all types of errors.

Errors Total/Second

Total number of all error types per second.

Output Cache Entries

Number of entries in the output cache.

Output Cache Hits

Total number of output cache hits.

Output Cache Misses

Total number of output cache misses.

Output Cache Hit Ratio

Ratio of output cache hits to misses.

Output Cache Turnover Rate

Turnover rate (sum of additions and deletions).

Pipeline Instance Count

Number of active request pipelines.

Request Bytes In Total

Total size in bytes of all requests.

Request Bytes Out Total

Total size in bytes of all responses to requests.

Requests Executing

Total number of requests currently executing.

Requests Failed

Total number of failed requests.

Requests Not Found

Total number of 404 or 414 errors.

Requests Not Authorized

Total number of authorization (401) errors.

Requests Succeeded

Total number of successful requests (HTTP code 200).

Requests Timed Out

Total number of requests timed out (HTTP code 500).

Requests Total

Total number of all requests of all types.


Average number of requests per second.

Sessions Active

Total number of active sessions. Only includes in-process session states.

Sessions Abandoned

Total number of abandoned sessions (in-process only).

Sessions Timed Out

Total number of timed-out sessions (in-process only).

Sessions Total

Total number of sessions of all types (in-process only).

transactions Aborted

Total number of all aborted transactions within all ASP.NET applications in this process.

TRansactions Committed

Total number of committed transactions.

transactions Pending

Total number of open transactions waiting to commit or roll back.

TRansactions Total

Total number of transactions of all types.


Average number of transactions per second.

Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Unleashed
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672327767
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 298 © 2008-2017.
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