

safety net catch blocks, 213

Sans Serif fonts, 285–286


defined, 473

of events, 330

scientific notation

defined, 473

purpose of, 24


defined, 473

in loops, 97

of methods, 68–69

scripts, 398

Scrollbar class, 312


creating, 312–313, 313

events from, 355–356, 356

in text areas, 310–312, 311–312

SDK (Software Development Kit), 396–397

semicolons (;)

in classpath elements, 169

in declarations, 27

in do-while loops, 86

in for loops, 87, 91

Serif fonts, 285–286

serifs, 473

setBackground method

in Button, 294

for frames, 271, 275–276

setBounds method, 325

setColor method, 277

setColorScheme method, 183–184

setEnabled method, 349

setFont method, 284–285, 294

setForeground method, 294

setLayout method, 313–314, 325

setLocation method, 325

setNumEnvelopesInStock method, 210–211

setSalary method, 175

setSize method, 272, 282, 325, 367


with data hiding, 173

defined, 471

setTitle method, 271

setValues method, 183–184

setVisible method

for dialog boxes, 367

for frames, 272–273, 289, 333

SeveralObjectsLab animated illustration, 123–125, 125

shifting operations

defined, 473

process, 42–44, 42–44

ShiftLab animated illustration, 43–44, 44

short-circuit operators

in Boolean operations, 49–50

defined, 473

short data type

range of, 21

with result types, 52–53, 53

wrapper class for, 240

ShowButton class, 293

ShowMeATrace class, 207

side effects

defined, 473

with methods, 64–65

signed integer types

defined, 473

summary, 21

SimCom computer, 5–8, 6

benefits of, 11–12

working with, 8–11, 9

Simple Base 2 animated illustration, 21–24, 22–23

Simple Event Lab animated illustration, 336–339, 336–339

Simple Exception Lab animated illustration, 203, 204

Simple Input Lab animated illustration, 255, 256

Simple Output Lab animated illustration, 252, 253

SimpleActionListener class, 334

SimpleChoice class, 302

SimpleFlow class, 314–315

SimpleNim class, 342–351, 342–344, 346, 349

sin method, 243

single-line comments, 36


of arrays, 103–105

of canvas, 380

of dialog boxes, 367

of fonts, 284

of frames, 272

with layout managers, 314, 317

of strings, 233

slashes (/)

for comments, 36

in compound assignment, 51

for division, 37

Software Development Kit (SDK), 396–397

source code, 16


in Macintosh, 404

in Windows, 400–401

defined, 473

South region, 317–319

specifying files in final project, 365–368, 366

SpringLayout layout manager, 325

square brackets ([]) for arrays, 102

squares, 280

stack traces

checked exceptions with, 216–217

defined, 473

runtime exceptions with, 206–208

startsWith method, 233, 385


declarations, 27

in for loops, 91

static classes, 473

static data, 128–130

static methods, 126–127, 130–132

static modifier, 60

Step Lightspeed option, 10

STORE opcode, 7

storeCubes method, 207–208

storeOneCube method, 207–208

String class, 188

API pages for, 226

for command-line arguments, 235–236, 235

working with, 229–234, 231–232, 234

string concatenation, 233, 237–238

defined, 473

lab for, 238–239, 238–239

StringLab animated illustration, 231–232, 231–232

styles of fonts, 284–285

SUB opcode, 7


defined, 473

inheritance by, 140–142

protected access with, 177

Submarine class, 149–150, 149

subpackages, 165

substring method, 233, 382, 385


basic operator for, 37

decrement operator for, 45–46

subtractive primary colors, 273, 473

sums, 37

super keyword, 151–152

supercategories, 142

superclasses, 140–142

defined, 473

inheritance from, 142–145, 144–145

Swing toolkit

for GUI, 271

for layout managers, 325

switch statements, 77–79

break statements in, 79–81

default statements in, 79–80

System class, 241–243

System.exit call, 333, 343

Ground-Up Java
Ground-Up Java
ISBN: 0782141900
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 157
Authors: Philip Heller © 2008-2017.
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