
A spinner is a gadget dedicated to entering numbers. It lets you enter them directly as well as increment or decrement the current value with either the mouse or the keyboard. FoxPro 2.x had spinners, but they were really just fancy text boxes. These spinners are much better because they give you tremendous control over what's going on.






Determines the amount the value changes with a click of an arrow or pressing an arrow key.

KeyboardHighValue, KeyboardLowValue


Determine the highest and lowest numbers that can be entered from the keyboard.



Determines the appearance of the spinner: 3-D (0); Plain (1), meaning flat; or Hot Tracking (2), meaning flat until the mouse is over it.

SpinnerHighValue, SpinnerLowValue


Determine the highest and lowest numbers that can be entered by "spinning."



Contains the spinner value as an unformatted character string.



DownClick, UpClick

Occur when the down-arrow or up-arrow is clicked or the keyboard arrows are used.


Fires when the mouse moves into the area occupied by the spinner.


Fires when the mouse moves out of the area occupied by the spinner.

RangeLow, RangeHigh

Occur when the spinner tries to lose focus. Each can return a value, and the spinner's value must be between those two values for it to lose focus.

Unlike some other controls, a spinner with SpecialEffect set to Hot Tracking does not take on the 3-D appearance. Since there's no documentation for this, and text boxes and edit boxes behave the same way, we're generously attributing this one to design. It's most noticeable when you move the mouse over the spinner, so it goes 3-D, then click into it, then move the mouse away so you can see what you're typing.

Check out Increment for an example of a spinner whose increment changes as the value changes.


* Set up a spinner class that counts * by 100's between 1000 and 20000 * and annoyingly beeps when you use the spinner arrows. oForm = CREATEOBJECT("Form") oForm.AddObject("spnBigSpin", "BigSpinner") oForm.spnBigSpin.Visible = .T. oForm.Show()   DEFINE CLASS BigSpinner AS Spinner      Value = 1000    Increment = 100    KeyboardLowValue = 1000     SpinnerLowValue = 1000    KeyboardHighValue = 20000    SpinnerHighValue = 20000      PROCEDURE DownClick    ?? CHR(7)    ENDPROC      PROCEDURE UpClick    ?? CHR(7)    ENDPROC ENDDEFINE

See Also

DownClick, Increment, KeyboardHighValue, KeyboardLowValue, MouseEnter, MouseLeave, RangeHigh, RangeLow, SpecialEffect, SpinnerHighValue, SpinnerLowValue, Text, UpClick

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Copyright © 2002 by Tamar E. Granor, Ted Roche, Doug Hennig, and Della Martin. All Rights Reserved.

Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro 7. 0
Hackers Guide to Visual FoxPro 7.0
ISBN: 1930919220
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 899 © 2008-2017.
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