Using the Navigator to Move Among Slides

You can use the Navigator to easily move from one slide to another, among all your open presentations. It's especially useful for editing long documents, for going directly to a certain slide in an extensive presentation, or quickly switch between open documents. The Navigator is a dockable window.

You also can move slides around within and between presentations; see Inserting Slides Using the Navigator on page 674 for more information.

  1. If you're editing, rather than running the presentation, move to Drawing view.

  2. Choose File > Edit > Navigator.

  3. To move to a specific slide in the same document, double-click it.

    To move forward or backward in the displayed list of slides, use the arrow icons at the top.

  4. To see a list of slides in other presentations or drawings, select it from the list at the bottom of the Navigator (Figure 26-1).

    Figure 26-1. Using the Navigator


OpenOffice. org 1.0 Resource Kit
OpenOffice.Org 1.0 Resource Kit
ISBN: 0131407457
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 407 © 2008-2017.
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