


IBI (Information Builders, Inc.), 68

IBM Web site, 342

IDOCs (Intermediate Documents), 39, 217

processing, 103

saving data, 206

IMG, 283, 285

independent data marts, 7

index management, 331

industry analysts and consulting services providers, 63

Industry specific module, 29

InfoAreas, 139, 152, 159

InfoCatalogs, 49, 251

Channel InfoCat tabstrip, 184

User channel assignment tabstrip, 184

InfoCube Characteristics edit window, 269-270

InfoCube content window, 163

InfoCube Edit window, 163

InfoCubes, 46, 51, 54, 158-164, 280, 334

activating, 178-181, 270-271

activating InfoObjects, 177

activating query objects, 183

aggregates, 333-338

assigning characteristics to dimensions, 270-271

associating InfoSource, 270

based on another set of InfoCubes, 269

building, 267-271

building from template, 162

characteristics, 158

checking structure, 270

CKF (Calculated Key Figures), 183

creation of, 267-274

custom, 191

database-specific options, 164

data loading strategies, 199-202

data model, 159, 161

data subset, 47

defining, or viewing dimensions, 162

defining data structures, 269-270

defining update rules, 271-274

dimension assignments, 162

dimensions, 159, 180, 264

document-level detail, 356

drilling-down to ODS, 360-361

fact table, 180

fetching data from, 54

improving data loading time, 272

improving query response time, 278

joining, 275-278

key figures, 158

listing objects, 163

loading queries from business content, 182-183

managing data flow and storage, 51-54

mapping source values to characteristics and key figures, 272

modeling, 98

multidimensional data view, 54

multidimensional modeling, 159

optimizing data access, 53

populating, 130, 158

query response, 334

selecting, 81

shared attributes, 146

shared hierarchies, 146

sharing master data, 263

sharing reference data, 266

status, 271

subject-centric, 275

subset of, 56

summarized information, 200

summary-level detail, 356

as template, 267-268

time dimensions, 149-150

transactional data, 199

types, 267

update code examples, 392-402

update rules, 181, 276

viewing content, 163-164

viewing structure, 161-163

virtual, 269

InfoCube tree, 159

InfoArea, 267

InfoObject catalog, 139

activating, 178

creation of, 154-156

InfoObject structure, 154

saving, 155

InfoObject display screen, 177

InfoObject Edit window, 141

InfoObject icon, 139, 141

InfoObject Maintenance window, 139-141

General tabstrip, 142

Master data/text tabstrip, 142-144

InfoObjects, 45, 280

A:Active version, 139

activating, 141, 174, 177

assigning in InfoCatalog, 154

assigning to additional fields, 285

attributes, 138, 146-147

characteristics, 140-142

classes, 138

collection of, 46

compounding, 147

creation of, 139

custom, 139

dependent InfoObjects, 178

D:SAP Delivered version, 139

editing, 139

grouping, 139

hierarchies, 145-146

language data objects, 142-144

metadata definition, 142

M:Revised version, 139

narrowing list of, 155

properties, 142

status, 141

as templates, 154-155

tree structure, 139

verifying definitions, 155

viewing attributes, 156

InfoObjects command, 177

InfoObject tree, 152

InfoObject catalog line, 152

InfoObject tree folder, 139

InfoPackages, 203, 224

data flow, 205

naming, 203

InfoPackage scheduler, 203-205, 224

Data Target folder tab, 205

Select Data tab, 208

Update Parameter folder tab, 209

Informatica, 68

Information Access APIs service, 11

Information Authoring service, 10

Information Consumer layer, 11

Information Consumer Profiling service, 11

Information Delivery service, 11

information objects, 11

Information Presentation service, 11

information structures, 31

information systems, 29-30

Informix, 53

InfoSet Query, 234

InfoSource object, 157

InfoSources, 46, 48, 156-157, 280

activating, 178

assigning source system, 220

based on flat files, 205

creation of, 157

Data Source object, 157

editing structure to append elements, 283-284

enhancing, 282

GetDetail method, 295

GetList method, 295

independent date items, 283

InfoSource object, 157

irrelevant information, 283

LIS-based, 210

listing, 295

master data flat file 220, 222

master data/text/hierarchies, 157

populating user-defined, additional fields, 281

reading metadata, 294

record length, 282

scope, 156

transaction data, 157

transaction type, 222-223

tRFC with ODS transfer method, 207-208

when to create, 283

initial data loads, 208-209

preparation strategies, 194-199

Inmon, William H., 4, 9, 350

INSERT rows data processing mode, 305

inSight, 44, 67, 317, 326, 414

associating empty objects with cube dimensions and key figures, 320-321

building application, 319-324

cube dimensions and key figures, 320

data sources, 319

defining dependency rules, 321

defining filters or qualifiers, 321

drawing chart, 321-322

implementing application for Internet, 322

light client, 318

query cubes, 319

running application, 322

SAP BW data source, 319

setting up development environments, 328-319

typical workstation, 318

inSight DBweb Connector, 318

inSight Service, 318

inSight Web server, 318

Installation of 32-bit SAP BW Frontend Software under Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95/98, 111

Installation of SAP Business Information Warehouse on UNIX/Oracle Database, 112

Installation of the SAP Business Information Warehouse on UNIX, 111

Installation of the SAP Business Information Warehouse on UNIX/Oracle Database Release 1.2B, 111, 112, 113

Installation of the SAP Business Information Warehouse on UNIX-OS Dependencies, 111, 112


defined as data source, 176

deleting queries, 130

preparing for business content, 175-176

integrated enterprise data warehouse, 133

Integration Server for SAP BW, 297

INVCO (Inventory Controlling), 31

ISOURCE Import parameter, 285

I_T_FIELDS parameter, 285

ITS (Internet Transaction Server), 44, 72, 311, 324, 414-415

I_T_SELECT exporting table parameter, 285

I_UPMODE parameter, 285


Business Information Warehouse for SAP
Business Information Warehouse for SAP (Prima Techs SAP Book Series)
ISBN: 0761523359
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 174
Authors: Naeem Hashmi © 2008-2017.
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