Praise for Effective XML "This is an excellent collection of XML best practices: essential reading for any developer using XML. This book will help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your XML applications remain practical and interoperable for as long as possible." Edd Dumbill, Managing Editor, and Program Chair, XML Europe "A collection of useful advice about XML and related technologies. Well worth reading both before, during, and after XML application development." Sean McGrath, CTO, Propylon "A book on many best practices for XML that we have been eagerly waiting for." Akmal B. Chaudhri, Editor, IBM developerWorks "The fifty easy-to-read [items] cover many aspects of XML, ranging from how to use markup effectively to what schema language is best for what task. Sometimes controversial , but always relevant, Elliotte Rusty Harold 's book provides best practices for working with XML that every user and implementer of XML should be aware of." Michael Rys, Ph.D., Program Manager, SQL Server XML Technologies, Microsoft Corporation " Effective XML is an excellent book with perfect timing. Finally, an XML book everyone needs to read! Effective XML is a fount of XML best practices and solid advice. Whether you read Effective XML cover to cover or randomly one section at a time, its clear writing and insightful recommendations enlighten, entertain , educate, and ultimately improve the effectiveness of even the most expert XML developer. I'll tell you what I tell all my coworkers and customers: You need this book." Michael Brundage, Technical Lead, XML Query Processing, Microsoft WebData XML Team "This book provides great insight for all developers who write XML software, regardless of whether the software is a trivial application-specific XML processor or a full-blown W3C XML Schema Language validator. Mr. Harold covers everything from a very important high-level terminology discussion to details about parsed XML nodes. The well-researched comparisons of currently available XML-related software products, as well as the key criteria for selecting between XML technologies, exemplify the thoroughness of this book." Cliff Binstock, Author, The XML Schema Complete Reference |