Setting Cell Properties

Setting Cell Properties

Alignment of the text or images inside of a cell requires using the Property Inspector to set cell properties for each cell. You can use these alignment cell properties to set both the horizontal and vertical alignments. You can also set cell properties for the background color of the cell, and also set the color of the cell border.

To set cell alignment:

Place the insertion point in the cell you want to format.

In the Property Inspector ( Figure 9.28 ), from the "Horz" pop-up menu choose Default, Left, Center, or Right ( Figure 9.29 ).

Figure 9.28. Use the Property Inspector to set horizontal and vertical alignment for cell contents.

Figure 9.29. Horizontal text alignment within a cell. From top to bottom, Left (the default), Center, and Right text alignment.

The Default choice usually gives the same visual result as Left.

From the "Vert" pop-up menu choose Default, Top, Middle, Bottom, or Baseline ( Figure 9.30 ).

Figure 9.30. Vertical text alignment within a cell. From top to bottom, Top, Middle (the default), and Bottom alignment.

The Default choice usually gives the same visual result as Middle. Baseline sets the cell alignment to match the baseline of the text within the cell, and is usually used to align images and text that are inside the same cell. Baseline usually gives the same visual result as Bottom.

To set a cell background or border color:

Place the insertion point in the cell you want to format.

In the Property Inspector, click the color well next to Bg to bring up the color picker and select the cell's background color.

The cell's background color changes.

In the Property Inspector, click the color well next to Brdr to bring up the color picker and select the cell's border color.

The cell's border color changes.

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for Windows & Macintosh Visual QuickStart Guide
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 for Windows & Macintosh
ISBN: 0321350278
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 239 © 2008-2017.
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