page coordinates, 863

PageCoordinatesToLineIndex() method, 890, 893

Page_Load() event handler

event-booking application, 924

login application using SOAP headers, 1004, 1006

PaintEventArgs class, 848

painting shapes. See also OnPaint() method

clipping region and, 848–850

overview, 847–848

Panel control (Windows Forms), 774


camel casing for, 76

constructors with, adding in a hierarchy, 122–124

constructors without, adding in a hierarchy, 120–122

for custom attributes, specifying, 309–310

out parameters, 91

overloading methods and, 92

passing by reference versus by value, 89

passing to Main(),63

passing to methods, 89–91

ref parameters, 90–91

ParameterTest class, 89–90

parentheses [( )] for groups, 241–242

Parse() method, 641

partial keyword, 104–106

Pascal casing, 76, 77

passing methods. See delegates

Path class, 1188, 1191–1192

PCSDemoSite application (ASP.NET)

downloading, 944

master pages in, 958–960

navigation in, 962–963

security, 972–973

themes in, 975–979

user controls in, 950–952

PCSWebApp1 example

adding server controls, 911–913

code-behind file, 909

creating in Visual Studio, 906–908

PeekMessages() method, 1116–1117

Pen class, 866, 867–868

perfmon.exe utility, 1312–1313


array lists versus dictionaries, 259

ASP.NET versus ASP,22

boxing and unboxing impacts on, 272

COM issues for, 8

demanding permissions and, 478

destructors and, 200

generics advantages for, 272–273

IL and improvements in, 5

monitoring Windows Services, 1308–1313

optimization in Visual Studio 2005, 399–400

pointer use for improving, 204, 219–222

processes versus application domains and, 15

properties and, 94–95

reference types and, 197

stack-based arrays for, 219–222

structs and, 103

value types and, 40

Web services specifications and, 1133–1134

performance monitoring for services

classes for, 1309

overview, 1309

perfmon.exe utility for, 1312–1313

performance counters for, 1309–1312

permcacl.exe permission-calculation tool, 481, 483–484

permissions for code access

changing for code groups, 494–495

creating and applying permissions sets, 495–497

creating custom, 487–488

defined, 464

error handling blocks for, 472

Identity Permissions, 472–473

managing, 492

named sets of, 473

permission classes provided by CLR, 471–472

policy levels, 476–478

SQL Server assemblies, 634–635

viewing for assemblies, 473–476

permissions in .NET Framework

asserting permissions, 486–487

CLR and demands for permissions, 478

creating custom code access permissions, 487–488

demanding permissions, 478, 479–480

denying permissions, 485–486

implicit permission, 484–485

performance issues, 478

requesting permissions, 480–484

specifying declaratively, 488

PictureBox control (Windows Forms), 772

pictures. See graphics; resources

platform independence, IL and, 4–5

pluggability (.NET Remoting)

of channels, 1024–1025

of proxy objects, 1029

plus sign (+)

in for loop iterator, 52

as increment operator (++), 135–136

regular expression groups and, 242

Point struct, 851–852

pointer member access operator, 212

pointers. See also delegates

address operator, 207

arithmetic, 210–211

for backward compatibility, 204

bugs introduced due to complexity of, 205

casting between pointer types, 209

casting to integer types, 208–209

to class members, 212–214

data types and, 208

declaring, 206–207

defined, 204

fixed keyword for, 213–214

function pointers, 171

high level trust needed at runtime, 205

indirection operator, 207

not allowed for arrays and classes, 208

for performance improvements, 204, 219–222

pointer member access operator, 212

PointerPlayaround example, 214–219

reference types compared to, 40, 204

sizeof operator with, 211

stack allocation for, 207–208

stack pointer, 194–195

stack-based arrays using, 219–222

to structs, 211–212

32-bit processors and, 207–208

unsafe keyword for, 205–206

void, 209

PointF struct, 851–852

policy levels for security

overview, 476

viewing code groups at enterprise level, 477–478

viewing code groups at user level, 476–477

Pop() method (Stack class), 254

pop-up menu for a database row

code listing, 833–834

context menu functionality and, 832

ContextDataRow class for, 834

ContextMenuAttribute for, 834, 835

DataRow and DataTable classes for, 832

filtering methods on current object, 834

PopupMenu method for, 834–835

ways of providing, 832

PopupMenu method, 834–835

pound symbol (#) for preprocessor directives, 70–73

power events, Windows Services and, 1314

#pragma preprocessor directive, 73

precedence of operators, 140

pre-emptive multitasking, 350

prefixes for variable names, 75

preprocessor directives

#define, 70, 71

defined, 70

#elif, 71–72

#else, 71–72

#endif, 71–72

#endregion, 72–73


#if, 71–72


not ended by semicolon, 71

pound symbol beginning, 70


#region, 72–73




displaying to screen versus, 894

graphics, 893–899

WebBrowser control for, 1255–1256

PrintingCapsEdit project

compiling and testing, 898–899

downloading, 895

event handlers, 896–897

Form1 class pagesPrinted field, 896

LoadFile() method, 895

using statements, 898

priorities for threads, 358–359

PriorityDocumentManager class

AddDocument() method, 290

AddDocumentToPriorityNode() method, 290–291

code listing, 289–290

GetDocument() method, 291–292

LinkedList<Document> collection in, 289

List<LinkedListNode<Document>> collection in, 289

Main() method, 292

private assemblies

overview, 18, 412–413, 419

versioning and, 412–413, 451

zero impact installation, 18

private member fields, camel casing for, 76

private modifier, 124

ProcessDocuments class

custom generic class example, 294–296

Queue<T> generic class example, 285–286

processes, application domains and, 14–16, 413

ProcessNextPerson() method (ColdCallFileReader class), 344–345


JIT compilation for, 5

pointers and 32-bit processors, 207–208

pre-emptive multitasking and, 350

requirements for application deployment, 553

Professional ASP.NET 1.1 (Wiley Publishing, Inc.), 910, 940

prog id for COM objects, 1155

programming guidelines for C#

rules for identifiers, 73–75

usage conventions, 75–81

ProgressBar control (Windows Forms), 772

ProjectInstaller class, 1288–1289


access modifiers, 94

for accessing user controls (ASP.NET), 947–948

adding to user controls, 796–797

Application class, 753

casing of, 76–77

of contexts (.NET Remoting), 1015, 1016

defining, 93

described, 86, 92

DirectoryInfo class, 1190

FileInfo class, 1190

of generic classes, 276–277

of generic interfaces, 275–276

get accessor, 93

of message queues, 1101–1102

naming conventions, 93

performance and, 94–95

quote server application, 1282–1283

read-only, 94

Registry class, 1231

ServiceController class, 1297

set accessor, 93

setting for channels (.NET Remoting), 1023–1024

System.SystemException class, 337

System.Type class, 314–315

usage conventions, 80

virtual, 114

Visual Studio 2005 Properties window, 394–396

write-only, avoiding, 81, 94

Properties window (Visual Studio 2005), 394–396

PropertyManager class, 819, 820–822

PropertyValueCollection class, 734

protected internal modifier, 124, 125

protected modifier, 96, 124

protocol stack, 1262

proxy classes

for delegates, 838

for .NET Remoting, 1012

transparent versus real proxy, 1012

for Web services, 990–992

proxy objects, .NET Remoting object activation and, 1027, 1029

public keyword

for constructors, 96

described, 124

for methods, 33

publisher policy files for assemblies, 450, 456–458

publishing Web sites, deployment using, 552, 555–556

Push() method (Stack class), 254

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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