QueryInterface() method, 1154–1155

question mark (?)

for disabling Group object with regular expressions (?:), 243

in null coalescing operator (??), 139–140

in ternary operator (?:), 136–137

Queue class, 256–257

Queue<T> generic class, 283–286

QueueUserWorkItem() method (ThreadPool class), 366

QuickArray example, 221–222

quote server application. See also specific classes and assemblies

adding event logging, 1306–1308

handler methods, 1286

installation program, 1287–1292

overview, 1275–1276

project wizard for, 1281–1283

properties, 1282–1283

QuoteClient assembly, 1275, 1276, 1279–1281

QuoteServer class, 1275, 1276–1279

QuoteService assembly, 1275, 1276, 1281–1287

service start, 1285

ServiceBase class, 1283–1284

starting manually, 1292

TestQuoteServer console application, 1279

QuoteServer class

AcceptSocket() method, 1278

adding event logging, 1306–1308

constructor, 1277

creating, 1276–1279

GetRandomQuoteOfTheDay() method, 1277

ListenerThread() thread function, 1278

overview, 1275, 1276

ReadQuotes() method, 1277

RefreshQuotes() method, 1279

Resume() method, 1278–1279

Start() method, 1277–1278

Stop() method, 1278

Suspend() method, 1278–1279

QuoteService assembly

handler methods, 1286

Main() method, 1284–1285

OnContinue() method, 1286

OnCustomCommand() method, 1286

OnPause() method, 1286

OnShutdown() method, 1286

OnStart() method, 1285, 1287

OnStop() method, 1286

project wizard for, 1281–1283

service start, 1285

ServiceBase class, 1283–1284

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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