

P-P plots
REG procedure, 3917, 3953
p -value adjustments
Bonferroni (MULTTEST), 2939, 2956
bootstrap (MULTTEST), 2938, 2939, 2957, 2968
false discovery rate (MULTTEST), 2959
Fisher combination (MULTTEST), 2959
Hochberg (MULTTEST), 2959
Hommel (MULTTEST), 2959
MULTTEST procedure, 2935, 2956
permutation (MULTTEST), 2942, 2957, 2975
Sidak (MULTTEST), 2942, 2956, 2972
p -value computation
MODECLUS procedure, 2877
painting line-printer plots
REG procedure, 3889
paired comparisons, 4775, 4793
paired proportions ,
See McNemar's test
paired t test, 4782
power and sample size (POWER), 3448, 3455, 3518, 3519
paired-difference t test, 4775,
paired t test
pairwise comparisons
GLM procedure, 1807
INBREED procedure, 1982, 1989
parameter constraints
MIXED procedure, 2707, 2773
parameter estimates
covariance matrix (CATMOD), 842
example (REG), 3877
NLMIXED procedure, 3106
PHREG procedure, 3220, 3222, 3223, 3269
REG procedure, 3919
TPHREG procedure, 4486, 4487
parameter rescaling
NLMIXED procedure, 3098
parameter simulation
MI procedure, 2564
parameter specification
NLMIXED procedure, 3078
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4270
mixed model (MIXED), 2743
MIXED procedure, 2743
of models (GLM), 1787
parametric discriminant analysis, 1157
Pareto charts , 23
parsimax method, 1291, 1317, 1318
partial canonical correlation, 752
partial correlation
CANCORR procedure, 761, 762, 764
principal components , 3612
partial correlations
multivariate analysis of variance, 1824
power and sample size (POWER), 3426, 3429, 3502, 3503, 3556
partial least squares, 3367, 3380
partial likelihood
PHREG procedure, 3215, 3216, 3240, 3241, 3243
partial listing
product-limit estimate (LIFETEST), 2165
partial regression leverage plots
REG procedure, 3901
partially balanced square lattice
LATTICE procedure, 2069
MDS procedure, 2477, 2488
passive observations
PRINQUAL procedure, 3674
TRANSREG procedure, 4605
path diagram (CALIS)
exogenous variables , 664
factor analysis model, 599, 600
structural model example, 555, 600
PCL destination
ODS Graphics, 326, 335
See probability density function
PDF destination
ODS Graphics, 326, 335
PDF output
examples, ODS Graphics, 360
ODS Graphics, 338
Pearson chi-square test, 1469, 1471, 3712, 3759
power and sample size (POWER), 3457, 3462, 3524
Pearson correlation coefficient, 1474, 1479
Pearson correlation statistics
power and sample size (POWER), 3426, 3502, 3503, 3556
Pearson Residual
MIXED procedure, 2704
Pearson residuals
GENMOD procedure, 1670
LOGISTIC procedure, 2360
Pearson's chi-square
GENMOD procedure, 1637, 1656, 1657
LOGISTIC procedure, 2308, 2316, 2354
PROBIT procedure, 3742, 3745, 3760
pedigree analysis
example (INBREED), 1987, 1989
INBREED procedure, 1967, 1968
penalized least squares, TPSPLINE procedure, 4497, 4498, 4518
adjustment (MULTTEST), 2942, 2957
generating with PLAN procedure, 3358
permutation (MULTTEST)
p -value adjustments, 2942, 2957, 2975
permutation test
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3157, 3166
Peto test
MULTTEST procedure, 2946, 2952, 2972
Peto-Peto test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168
See Peto-Peto test for homogeneity
pharmaceutical stability
example (MIXED), 2810
pharmakokinetics example
NLMIXED procedure, 3107
phenogram, 4743
phi coefficient, 1469, 1474
phi-squared coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1273
PHREG procedure
Andersen-Gill model, 3216, 3243, 3253
baseline hazard function, 3216
BASELINE statistics, 3224, 3225
branch and bound algorithm, 3265, 3279
Breslow likelihood, 3228
case weight, 3239
case-control studies, 3217, 3228, 3280
conditional logistic regression, 3217, 3283
continuous time scale, 3216, 3228, 3284
counting process, 3241
covariance matrix, 3222, 3233, 3245
Cox regression analysis, 3215, 3219
cumulative baseline hazard function, 3257
cumulative martingale residuals, 3223, 3266, 3271
DATA step statements, 3220, 3221, 3236, 3288
descriptive statistics, 3223
DFBETA statistics, 3234
discrete logistic model, 3216, 3228, 3283
disk space, 3222
displayed output, 3268
Efron likelihood, 3228
event times, 3215, 3218
exact likelihood, 3228
fractional frequencies, 3227
global influence, 3234, 3260
global null hypothesis, 3218, 3246, 3269
hazard function, 3215, 3240
hazards ratio, 3218, 3247
hazards ratio confidence interval, 3233
iteration history, 3233, 3269
Lee-Wei-Amato model, 3251, 3314
left truncation time, 3229, 3263
likelihood displacement, 3234, 3260
likelihood ratio test, 3246, 3269
linear hypotheses, 3217, 3238, 3247
linear predictor , 3225, 3233, 3235, 3302, 3303
local influence, 3234, 3260
log-rank test, 3219
Mantel-Haenszel test, 3219
mean function, 3224, 3226, 3244, 3245, 3253, 3255
missing values, 3228, 3236, 3286
missing values as strata, 3237
model assessment, 3223, 3265, 3271, 3318
model selection, 3216, 3229, 3230, 3264
ODS graph names , 3271
ODS table names, 3270
offset variable, 3229
output ODS graphics table names, 3271
OUTPUT statistics, 3234, 3235
parameter estimates, 3220, 3222, 3223, 3269
partial likelihood, 3215, 3216, 3240, 3241, 3243
Prentice-Williams-Peterson model, 3255
programming statements, 3220-3222, 3235, 3236, 3288
proportional hazards model, 3215, 3220, 3228
rate function, 3243, 3253
rate/mean model, 3243, 3253
recurrent events, 3216, 3224-3226, 3243
residual chi-square, 3231
residuals, 3234, 3235, 3257-3260, 3302
response variable, 3218, 3283
risk set, 3220, 3240, 3241, 3288
risk weights, 3229
score test, 3229, 3231, 3246, 3269, 3274, 3276
selection methods , 3216, 3229, 3264
singularity criterion, 3232
standard error, 3233, 3235, 3269
standard error ratio, 3269
standardized score process, 3267, 3271
step halving, 3245
strata variables, 3237
stratified analysis, 3216, 3237
survival distribution function, 3239
survival times, 3215, 3281, 3283
survivorfunction, 3215, 3225, 3235, 3239, 3240, 3261, 3299
ties, 3216, 3219, 3228, 3241, 3268
time-dependent covariates, 3216, 3220, 3222, 3224, 3233, 3236
Wald test, 3238, 3246, 3247, 3269, 3284
Wei-Lin-Weissfeld model, 3248
piecewise polynomial splines
TRANSREG procedure, 4561, 4614
Pillai's trace, 437, 1759, 1828
Pitman's test
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3157, 3166
PLAN procedure
combinations, 3358
compared to other procedures, 3335
factor, selecting levels for, 3339, 3340
generalized cyclic incomplete block design, 3357
hierarchical design, 3353
incomplete block design, 3354, 3357
input data sets, 3339, 3343
introductory example, 3336
Latin square design, 3356
nested design, 3353
ODS table names, 3352
output data sets, 3339, 3343, 3346, 3347
permutations , 3358
random number generators, 3339
randomizing designs, 3347, 3351
specifying factor structures, 3348
split-plot design, 3352
treatments , specifying, 3345
using interactively, 3346
%PLOT macro
DISCRIM procedure, 1182
plot options
ODS Graphics, 324
%PLOTIT macro, 808
CORRESP procedure, 1070, 1118, 1128
DISCRIM procedure, 1200
MDS procedure, 2474
PRINCOMP procedure, 3615, 3617, 3625
PRINQUAL procedure, 3678, 3687
TRANSREG procedure, 4617, 4717, 4718
examples (REG), 3948
high-resolution (REG), 3840
keywords (REG), 3841
likelihood (MIXED), 2801
line printer (REG), 3848, 3882
MDS procedure, 2474
of configuration (MDS), 2504, 2505
of dimension coefficients (MDS), 2504, 2506
of linear fit (MDS), 2503
options (REG), 3843, 3844
power and sample size (GLMPOWER), 1930, 1936, 1942
power and sample size (POWER), 3412, 3420, 3421, 3483, 3566
plots, ODS Graphics
box plots, 355
contour plots, 324, 360
Cook's D plots, 353
diagnostics panels, 322, 379
fit plots, 322, 354
histograms, 358
Q-Q plots, 361, 363, 368, 370, 372, 373, 375, 377-379
residual plots, 322
scatter plots, 343, 351
surface plots, 324, 360
plotting samples from univariate distributions
MODECLUS procedure, 2889
PLS procedure
algorithms, 3375
centering, 3386
compared to other procedures, 3367
components, 3367
computation method, 3375
cross validation, 3368, 3384
cross validation method, 3374
examples, 3388
factors, 3367
factors, selecting the number of, 3370
introductory example, 3368
latent variables, 3367
latent vectors, 3367
missing values, 3376
ODS table names, 3388
outlier detection, 3398
output data sets, 3379
output keywords, 3379
partial least squares regression, 3367, 3380
predicting new observations, 3373
principal components regression, 3367, 3381
reduced rank regression, 3367, 3381
scaling, 3386
SIMPLS method, 3380
test set validation, 3384, 3400
point models
TRANSREG procedure, 4605
Poisson distribution
GENMOD procedure, 1652
NLMIXED procedure, 3078
Poisson regression
GENMOD procedure, 1613, 1616
Poisson-normal example
NLMIXED procedure, 3124
POLY Parameterization
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4271
polychoric correlation coefficient, 1460, 1474, 1482
polynomial effects
GENMOD procedure, 1660
MIXED procedure, 2743
model parameterization (GLM), 1787
specifying (GLM), 1784
polynomial model
GLMMOD procedure, 1909
POLYNOMIAL Parameterization
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4271
polynomial regression
REG procedure, 3804
polynomial-spline basis
TRANSREG procedure, 4561, 4614
pooled stratum
SURVEYREG procedure, 4389
pooled within-cluster covariance matrix
definition, 388
profile (CATMOD), 820
total (SURVEYLOGISTIC), 4252, 4280
total (SURVEYMEANS), 4326, 4334
total (SURVEYREG), 4374, 4382
population (INBREED)
monoecious, 1985
multiparous, 1973, 1977
nonoverlapping, 1974
overlapping, 1968, 1969, 1979
population clusters
risks of estimating (MODECLUS), 2877
population profile, 73
population total
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4194, 4204
posterior probability
DISCRIM procedure, 1200
error rate estimation (DISCRIM), 1165
graphics image files, 358
PostScript output
ODS Graphics, 338
overview of power concepts (POWER), 3488
See GLMPOWER procedure, 1929
See POWER procedure, 3411
power curves,
See plots
Power distance coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1272
POWER procedure
AB/BA crossover designs, 3549
actual alpha, 3496
actual power, 3419, 3494, 3496
actual prob(width), 3496
analysis of variance, 3438, 3442, 3443, 3513, 3536
analysis statements, 3420-3506
binomial proportion tests, 3429, 3432, 3504-3506, 3541
bioequivalence, 3510, 3511, 3520, 3521, 3530, 3531, 3549
ceiling sample size, 3419, 3496
compared to other procedures, 1930, 3412
computational methods, 3498
computational resources, 3498
confidence intervals for means, 3432, 3438, 3448, 3456, 3463, 3473, 3512, 3522, 3532, 3563
contrasts, analysis of variance, 3438, 3439, 3442, 3513, 3536
correlated proportions, 3443, 3447, 3448, 3516, 3517
correlation, 3426, 3502, 3503, 3556
crossover designs, 3549
displayed output, 3496
effect size, 3485
equivalence tests, 3432, 3438, 3448, 3456, 3463, 3472, 3510, 3511, 3520, 3521, 3530, 3531, 3549
Fisher's exact test, 3457, 3463, 3525
Fisher's z test for correlation, 3426, 3429, 3502, 3556
fractional sample size, 3419, 3496
Gehan test, 3473, 3482, 3533
grouped- name -lists, 3490
grouped-number-lists, 3490
introductory example, 3412
keyword-lists, 3490
likelihood-ratio chi-square test, 3457, 3463, 3525
log-rank test for comparing survival curves, 3473, 3481, 3533, 3561
lognormal data, 3434, 3437, 3438, 3450, 3455, 3456, 3465, 3472, 3509, 3511, 3519, 3521, 3529, 3531, 3552
McNemar's test, 3443, 3447, 3448, 3516, 3517
name-lists, 3490
nominal power, 3419, 3494, 3496
noninferiority, 3552
notation for formulas, 3498
number-lists, 3490
odds ratio, 3457, 3462, 3523, 3524
ODS table names, 3497
one-sample t test, 3412, 3432, 3437, 3508, 3509
one-wayANOVA,3438, 3442, 3443, 3513, 3536
overview of power concepts, 3488
paired proportions, 3443, 3447, 3448, 3516, 3517
paired t test, 3448, 3455, 3518, 3519
partialcorrelation, 3426, 3429, 3502, 3503, 3556
Pearson chi-square test, 3457, 3462, 3524
Pearson correlation, 3426, 3429, 3502, 3503, 3556
plots, 3412, 3420, 3421, 3483, 3566
regression, 3421, 3425, 3500, 3556
relative risk, 3457, 3462, 3523, 3524
sample size adjustment, 3494
summary of analyses, 3488
summary of statements, 3420
survival analysis, 3473, 3481, 3533
t test for correlation, 3426, 3429, 3503
t tests, 3432, 3437, 3448, 3455, 3463, 3471, 3508, 3509, 3518, 3526, 3529, 3566
Tarone-Ware test, 3473, 3483, 3533
two-sample t test, 3415, 3463, 3471, 3472, 3526, 3527, 3529, 3566
value lists, 3490
z test, 3429, 3432, 3505, 3506
power semivariogram model
KRIGE2D procedure, 2049
power-of-the-mean model
MIXED procedure, 2718
PPC convergence measure, 3030
pplot plots
annotating, 2102
axes, color , 2102
font, specifying, 2103
reference lines, options, 2103-2105, 2107
PPS, 161
PPS sampling
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4463
PPS sampling, with replacement
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4451
PPS sampling, without replacement
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4449
PPS sequential sampling
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4452
PPS systematic sampling
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4451
NLMIXED procedure, 3101
precision, confidence intervals, 3488
predicted means
MIXED procedure, 2704
predicted model matrix
CALIS procedure, 643, 644, 663
displaying (CALIS), 683
singular (CALIS), 680
predicted population margins
GLM procedure, 1753
predicted probabilities
LOGISTIC procedure, 2350
predicted probability plots
annotating, 3750
axes, color, 3750
font, specifying, 3750
options summarized by function, 3748
reference lines, options, 3750-3752, 3754
threshold lines, options, 3753
predicted residual sum of squares
RSREG procedure, 4042
predicted value confidence intervals
MIXED procedure, 2692
predicted values
example (MIXED), 2796
LIFEREG procedure, 2114
mixed model (MIXED), 2687
MIXED procedure, 2703
NLIN procedure, 3014
REG procedure, 3876, 3879
response functions (CATMOD), 845
example (REG), 3924
NLMIXED procedure, 3079, 3102
predictive mean matching method
MI procedure, 2542
PROBIT procedure, 3746
preference mapping
TRANSREG procedure, 4593, 4717
preference models
TRANSREG procedure, 4586
LINEQS statement (CALIS), 602
MATRIX statement (CALIS), 594
RAM statement (CALIS), 598
STD statement (CALIS), 603
preliminary clusters
definition (CLUSTER), 978
using in CLUSTER procedure, 969
Prentice-Williams-Peterson model
PHREG procedure, 3255
examples, ODS Graphics, 356
PRESS residual
MIXED Procedure, 2766
PRESS statistic, 1774
MIXED Procedure, 2766
RSREG procedure, 4042
prevalence test
MULTTEST procedure, 2952, 2972
primary sampling unit (PSUs), 165
primary sampling units (PSUs)
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4281
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4335
SURVEYREG procedure, 4383
principal component analysis, 1291
compared with common factor analysis, 1293
PRINQUAL procedure, 3668
with FACTOR procedure, 1295
principal components,
See also PRINCOMP procedure
definition, 3595
interpreting eigenvalues, 3621
partialling out variables, 3608
properties of, 3595, 3596
regression (PLS), 3367, 3381
rotating, 3611
using weights, 3608
principal factor analysis
with FACTOR procedure, 1296
PRINCOMP procedure
CALIS procedure, 567
computational resources, 3611
correction for means, 3605
Crime Rates Data, example, 3619
DATA= data set, 3609
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 3595, 3610-3612
examples, 3614, 3626
input data set, 3605
ODS graph names, 3613
output data sets, 3605, 3609-3611
output table names, 3613
OUTSTAT= data set, 3609
%PLOTIT macro, 3615, 3617, 3625
replace missing values, example, 3626
SCORE procedure, 3611
suppressing output, 3605
weights, 3608
PRINQUAL procedure
biplot, 3678
casewise deletion, 3655
character OPSCORE variables, 3673
constant transformations, avoiding, 3673
constant variables, 3673
excluded observations, 3657, 3674
frequency variable, 3658
identity transformation, 3663
iterations, 3656, 3667, 3673
knots, 3665, 3666
linear transformation, 3662
MAC method, 3643, 3669
maximum average correlation method, 3643, 3669
maximum total variance method, 3643
MDPREF analysis, 3678
MGV method, 3643
minimum generalized variance method, 3643
missing character values, 3662
missing values, 3655, 3667, 3674
monotonic B-spline transformation, 3662
monotonic transformation, 3662, 3663
MTV method, 3643
multidimensional preference analysis, 3678, 3688
nonoptimal transformations, 3661
ODS graph names, 3677
optimal scoring, 3662
optimal transformations, 3662
output data sets, 3669
output table names, 3677
passive observations, 3674
%PLOTIT macro, 3678, 3687
principal component analysis, 3668
random initializations, 3673
reflecting the transformation, 3666
renaming variables, 3666
reusing variables, 3666
smoothing spline transformation, 3663
spline t-options , 3665
spline transformation, 3662
standardization, 3672
transformation options, 3663
variable names, 3672
weight variable, 3667
prior density
MIXED procedure, 2709
prior event probability
LOGISTIC procedure, 2314, 2353, 2422
probability density function
LIFETEST procedure, 2149, 2214
probability distribution
built-in (GENMOD), 1614, 1638
exponential family (GENMOD), 1650
user -defined (GENMOD), 1633
probability sampling,
see also SURVEYSELECT procedure
probit analysis
insets , 3724
probit equation, 3705, 3759
probit model
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4285
PROBIT procedure
Abbot's formula, 3755
binary response data, 3705, 3706, 3759
cdfplot, 3715
deviance , 3745, 3760
deviance statistic, 3759
dispersion parameter, 3760
extreme value distribution , 3757
goodness-of-fit, 3743, 3745
goodness-of-fit tests, 3712, 3743, 3759
inset, 3723
inverse confidence limits, 3761
ippplot, 3725
log-likelihood function, 3756
logistic distribution, 3757
lpredplot, 3733
maximum-likelihood estimates, 3705
missing values, 3755
models, 3759
multilevel response data, 3705, 3706, 3759
natural response rate, 3706
Newton-Raphson algorithm, 3756
normal distribution, 3757
output table names, 3765
overdispersion, 3745
Pearson chi-square, 3759
Pearson's chi-square, 3742, 3745, 3760
predpplot, 3746
subpopulation, 3742, 3745, 3761
threshold response rate, 3706
tolerance distribution, 3761
probit-normal-binomial example
NLMIXED procedure, 3114
probit-normal-ordinal example
NLMIXED procedure, 3118
Procrustean method, 1291
Procrustes rotation, 1318
producing monotone missingness
MI procedure, 2552
product-limit estimate
LIFETEST procedure, 2149, 2171, 2185
profile likelihood confidence intervals
GENMOD procedure, 1666
profile, population and response, 72, 73
CATMOD procedure, 820
profiling residual variance
MIXED procedure, 2772
INBREED procedure, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1988
programming statements
constraints (CALIS), 565, 628, 630, 675
differentiation (CALIS), 589
GENMOD procedure, 1645
NLMIXED procedure, 3081
PHREG procedure, 3220, 3222, 3235, 3236
projected gradient
NLMIXED procedure, 3093
projected Hessian
NLMIXED procedure, 3093
promax method, 1291, 1318
propensity score method
MI procedure, 2543, 2565
proportion estimation
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4341
proportional hazards model
assumption (PHREG), 3220
distribution (LIFEREG), 2111
PHREG procedure, 3215, 3228
proportional odds model
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4284
proportional rates/means model,
See rate/mean model
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4210
prospective power, 1929, 3411
prospective study, 1540
proximity data
MDS procedure, 2471, 2478, 2484
proximity measures
available methods for computing (DISTANCE), 1257
formulas(DISTANCE), 1270
PS destination
ODS Graphics, 326, 335
pseudo F and t statistics
CLUSTER procedure, 972

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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