

name -lists
POWER procedure, 3490
natural response rate, 3705, 3707, 3711, 3713
nearest centroid sorting, 1380
nearest neighbor method,
See also single linkage
DISCRIM procedure, 1158, 1161
negative binomial distribution
GENMOD procedure, 1652
NLMIXED procedure, 3078
negative variance components
VARCOMP procedure, 4838
neighborhood distribution function (NDF), definition
MODECLUS procedure, 2878
Nelder-Mead simplex, 3073
nested design, 2985
error terms, 2991
generating with PLAN procedure, 3353
hypothesis tests (NESTED), 2990
nested effects
design matrix (CATMOD), 878
GENMOD procedure, 1660
MIXED procedure, 2745
model parameterization (GLM), 1789
specifying (ANOVA), 451, 453
specifying (CATMOD), 864
specifying (GLM), 1785
nested error structure
MIXED procedure, 2814
nested models
KRIGE2D procedure, 2050, 2051
VARIOGRAM procedure, 4871
NESTED procedure
analysis of covariation, 2990
compared to other procedures, 1735, 2665, 2985
computational method, 2991
input data sets, 2988
introductory example, 2986
missing values, 2990
ODS table names , 2994
random effects, 2990
unbalanced design, 2990
nested- by-value effects
specifying (CATMOD), 865
network algorithm, 1509, 3172
Newman-Keuls' multiple range test, 444, 1769, 1814
Newton algorithm
FASTCLUS procedure, 1392
Newton-Raphson algorithm
CALIS procedure, 578, 580, 581, 665
GENMOD procedure, 1655
iteration (PHREG), 3222
LIFEREG procedure, 2083
LOGISTIC procedure, 2317, 2318, 2336, 2338
method (PHREG), 3245
MIXED procedure, 2738
NLMIXED procedure, 3073
PROBIT procedure, 3756
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4264, 4265, 4277
NLIN procedure
analytic derivatives, 3011, 3017
automatic derivatives, 3017
close-to-linear, 3019
confidence interval, 3013, 3014, 3028, 3029
convergence, 3022
convergence criterion, 3006
cross-referencing variables , 3010
debugging execution, 3008
derivatives, 3011, 3017
displayed output, 3006
G2 inverse, 3025
G4 inverse, 3008
Gauss iterative method, 3008
Gauss-Newton method, 3024, 3027
generalized inverse, 3025
gradient method, 3024, 3025
Hessian, 3026, 3030
Hougaard's measure, 3008, 3019
imposing bounds, 3010
incompatibilities, 3031, 3032
initial values, 3015
iteratively reweighted least squares example, 3038
Lagrange multiplier , 3010
Lagrange multipliers, covariance matrix, 3030
Marquardt iterative method, 3008, 3024, 3027
maximum iterations, 3008
maximum subiterations, 3008
mean square error specification, 3009
missing values, 3020
model confidence interval, 3029
model.variable syntax, 3012
Newton iterative method, 3008, 3024, 3026
object convergence measure, 3003
output table names, 3033
parameter confidence interval, 3028
parameter covariance matrix, 3029
PPC convergence measure, 3003
predicted values, output, 3014
R convergence measure, 3003
residual values, output, 3014
retaining variables, 3011, 3016
RPC convergence measure, 3003
segmented model example, 3034
singularity criterion, 3009
skewness , 3004, 3008, 3019
SMETHOD=GOLDEN step size search, 3028
special variables, 3020
standard error, 3014
steepest descent method, 3024, 3025
step size search, 3028
troubleshooting, 3022
tuning display of iteration computation, 3009
weighted regression, 3021
NLMIXED procedure
Accelerated failure time model, 3128
active set methods , 3093
adaptive Gaussian quadrature, 3084
additional estimates, 3076, 3106
alpha level, 3061
arrays, 3074
assumptions, 3083
Bernoulli distribution, 3077
binary distribution, 3077
binomial distribution, 3077
bounds, 3075
compared with other SAS procedures and macros, 3048
computational problems, 3098
computational resources, 3103
contrasts, 3076
convergence criteria, 3060, 3065, 3087
convergence problems, 3099
covariance matrix, 3061, 3101, 3106
degrees of freedom, 3062
empirical Bayes estimation, 3084
empirical Bayes options, 3062
finite differencing, 3064, 3091
first-order method, 3085
fit statistics, 3106
floating point errors, 3098
Frailty model example, 3128
functional convergence criteria, 3063
gamma distribution, 3077
Gaussian distribution, 3077
general distribution, 3078
generalized inverse, 3065
growth curve example, 3049
Hessian matrix, 3066
Hessian scaling, 3065, 3093
integral approximations, 3070, 3084
iteration history, 3067, 3104
lag functionality, 3081
Lagrange multiplier, 3093
line-search methods, 3066, 3067, 3096
logistic-normal example, 3053
long run times, 3098
maximum likelihood , 3048
negative binomial distribution, 3078
normal distribution, 3077, 3080
notation, 3083
ODS table names, 3107
optimization techniques, 3072, 3086
options summary, 3058
overflows, 3098
parameter estimates, 3106
parameter rescaling , 3098
parameter specification, 3078
pharmakokinetics example, 3107
Poisson distribution, 3078
Poisson-normal example, 3124
precision, 3101
prediction, 3079, 3102
probit-normal-binomial example, 3114
probit-normal-ordinal example, 3118
programming statements, 3081
projected gradient, 3093
projected Hessian, 3093
quadrature options, 3071
random effects, 3079
references, 3138
replicate subjects, 3080
singularity tolerances, 3072
sorting of input data set, 3062, 3079
stationary point, 3100
step length options, 3096
syntax summary, 3057
termination criteria, 3060, 3087
update methods, 3073
nominal level of measurement
DISTANCE procedure, 1249
nominal power
GLMPOWER procedure, 1946, 1947, 1953
POWER procedure, 3419, 3494, 3496
nominal variable
DISTANCE procedure, 1251
nominal variables, 72,
See also classification variables
non-full-rank models
REG procedure, 3893
non-full-rank parameterization
MIXED procedure, 2664, 2718, 2747
power and sample size (POWER), 3552
mixed models (NLMIXED), 3047
regression functions (TRANSREG), 4593, 4628
transformations (TRANSREG), 4593
nonmetric multidimensional scaling
MDS procedure, 2471, 2472
nonoptimal transformations
PRINQUAL procedure, 3661
TRANSREG procedure, 4562
nonparametric clustering methods
MODECLUS procedure, 2855
nonparametric discriminant analysis, 1158
nonparametric regression
TPSPLINE procedure, 4497
nonparametric tests
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3145
normal distribution, 2083, 2097, 2111, 3705
GENMOD procedure, 1651
NLMIXED procedure, 3077, 3080
PROBIT procedure, 3757
normal kernel (DISCRIM), 1159
normalization of the estimates
MDS procedure, 2492
algorithms used (CLUSTER), 986
NPAR1WAY procedure
alpha level, 3160
Ansari-Bradley scores, 3168
Brown-Mood test, 3167
compared to other procedures, 1735
computational methods, 3172
computational resources, 3173
Cramer-von Mises test, 3170
EDF tests, 3168
exact p -values, 3172
exact tests, 3171
introductory example, 3145
Klotz scores, 3168
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 3169
Kruskal-Wallis test, 3166
Kuiper test, 3171
Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, 3166
median scores, 3167
missing values, 3162
Monte Carlo estimation, 3174
Mood scores, 3168
network algorithm, 3172
ODS table names, 3184
one-way ANOVA tests, 3165
output data set, 3161, 3175, 3176
permutation test, 3157, 3166
Pitman's test, 3157, 3166
rank tests, 3163
Savage scores, 3167
scores, 3166
Siegel-Tukey scores, 3167
statistical computations , 3163
summary of commands, 3155
tied values, 3163
Van der Waerden scores, 3167
Wilcoxon scores, 3166
nugget effect
KRIGE2D procedure, 2044, 2051, 2052
MIXED procedure, 2718
VARIOGRAM procedure, 4871
null hypothesis, 3488
number of imputations
MI procedure, 2565
GLMPOWER procedure, 1945
POWER procedure, 3490

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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