

W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

defined, 454

“Exclusive XML Canonicalization” document, 63

SOAP extensions, 318

XML Signature standard, 302

WANs (Wide Area Networks), 204, See also LAN security

Web Application Management Interface (IWAM) rights, 270, 270, 274, 332

Web data security, 264–298

data leak protection, 277–278

database security

building validated databases, 271–277, 276

checking credentials, 265

database uses, 264

databases, defined, 264

fixing IIS Lockdown Tool errors, 269–271, 269–270

IWAM rights and, 270, 270, 274

logic errors and, 265

patches, 266

providing default values, 273

removing RDS support, 266, 266

using role-based security, 271–273

setting SQL Server passwords, 274–277, 276

Slammer virus and, 266

SQL Server exploits and, 265

SQL Server permission problem, 273

via user input validators, 267–269, 268, 275–276, 276

warning, 271

using digital rights management, 278

using encryption

asymmetric encryption, 278–279

channel sinks, 279, 282

internal encryption, 282

overview of, 278–279

in remoting, 282–292

overview of, 262, 298

in remoting

authentication, 282

code access security problem, 281–282

data encryption, 282–292

data streams and, 286

defined, 279, 280

deserialization and, 280–281

using HTTPChannel class, 288, 293–294

monitoring ports, 288

.NET boundaries on, 280

partially trusted code and, 281

remoting clients, 288–292

remoting components, 283–286

remoting hosts, 286–288

testing, 292–293, 293

Web sites on, 280, 287

wire security, 282

using SSL protocol

configuring IIS support for, 293, 294–296, 295–296

defined, 209–210, 451

getting certificates for, 294

getting client certificate information, 296–298, 298

in wireless networks, 376, 382, 386

Web server security, 234–262


using Baseline Security Analyzer, 250–252, 250–251

using IIS Lockdown Tool, 252–253, 252–253

overview of, 249

using authentication

AuthenticationManager class, 241–244, 244

choosing usernames, 237

creating breach in, 245

defined, 236, 241

enabling for remote debugging, 238–241, 239–240

HTTP-specific classes and, 244–245

password guidelines, 237

pre-authentication, 241–244, 244, 246–248

warning, 245

using authorization, 242–244, 244, 246–248

avoiding DDOS attacks

defined, 253–254, 444

not processing OOB messages, 254

using performance counters, 254–258, 257

creating security checklists, 260–261

hardening servers, 391

using multiple servers, 249

overview of, 234–235, 260–262

techniques for testing, 236, 259–260

threats to, See also security risks

classifying, 249

communication errors, 258

DDOS attacks, 253–254

losing system security, 245

overview of, 234, 235

Web resources on, 260–261

using virus scanners, 235

Web services

accessing using PocketSoap, 381–382

using COM+ as

adding SOAP support to, 326–328, 326–328

creating Web reference to, 328–329, 329

IWAM and, 332

overview of, 325–326

testing SOAP calls, 329–332

verifying safety of, 332, 332

comparing, 303


building CredentialCache objects, 312

checking permissions before, 308–310, 309–310

using DiscoveryClientProtocol class, 308, 310–312

Web Services Description Language. See WSDL

Web Services Enhancements (WSE), 318–320, 319

Web services security, 300–333

attributes problem, 308–309, 309

using biometrics, 302–303

checking permissions, 308–310, 309, 310

distributed applications and, 302

using eXtensible Access Control Markup Language, 320–321, 445

overview of, 300–301, 332–333

risks, See also security risks

in authentication, 304–305

in caller locations, 305

channel data interception, 304

using DCOM and CORBA, 301

hidden in Web services, 306

overview of, 302, 303

query contamination, 303

using SOAP, 300

third party intervention, 305

untrustable data, 304

viruses, 304

Security Assertions Markup Language and, 320, 322, 451

using SOAP Security Extensions, 318

SoapHttpClientProtocol class and

adding permissions, 307

changing ports, 307

debugger attribute, 306, 307

generated by .NET IDE, 305–306

generating manually, 306–308

using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace

creating/verifying XML signatures, 314–317, 316–317

data management, 313

data transformation, 314

key management, 313

overview of, 312–313

verifying caller zones, 305

using Visual Studio .NET Passport

accessing in System.Web.Security namespace, 41, 323

defined, 321

versus Liberty Alliance Project, 322

logging in to, 323–325

.NET Framework requirements, 321

warning, 323

Web service proxy/stub setup and, 303

using Web Services Enhancements, 318–320, 319

using XML Signature standard, 302

Web sites

articles, See also InfoWorld/Microsoft articles (below)

absurd cracker methods, 235

“Abusing poor programming…”, 58

buffer overruns, 60

comparing Passport/Liberty Alliance, 322

comparing Web services, 303

controlling wireless access points, 366

cracking DES, 186

“Exclusive XML Canonicalization”, 63

“The Foundation to Secure Computing”, 27

“How Does Base64Encoding Work?”, 213

“Microsoft Complier Flaw…”, 28

“Microsoft Windows Security Patches”, 26

network server security, 220

OOB exploits, 209

“Open Source Group Issues Top Ten…”, 260

RSA algorithm, 186

“Schneier worried about SOAP…”, 213

security techniques, 260

Slammer virus, 266

social engineering, 70

SQL Server exploits, 265

TripleDES slowness, 186

viruses in XML/Web services, 304

Web server attacks, 234

Wired Equivalent Privacy limits, 365

ASN.1 Consortium, 183

Bugtraq, 17

Certificate Authorities, 99

CNet articles, 60, 235, 266

The Code Project, 27

cryptography techniques, 172

Der Keiler (“Wild Boar”), 26, 58, 260

DevX article, 220

Dotfuscator tool, 156

DSA algorithm evaluation, 186

eWeek articles, 303, 322, 366

eXtensible Access Control Markup Language, 320, 321

general security tips, 26–27

hacker testing, 259

hash algorithms, 200

HIPAA of 1996, 367

IETF standards, 196

InformIT article, 265

InfoWorld articles

biotechnology, 367

cracking as organized crime, 305

data encryption laws, 282

how to harden servers, 391

ID-WSF specification, 322

Outlook attachment security, 73

Passport bug, 323

“Stupid User Tricks”, 12

Wayne Rash on testing wireless, 374

Wi-Fi hotspots, 364

Windows Media Player patch, 209

wireless hardware security, 366

wireless spam, 364

WS-Security, 383

InternetNews article, 322

IrDA, for communications, 376

IT World, 26

Keith’s Security Sample Gallery, 274

Liberty Alliance Project, 322


Active Directory tools, 342, 343

ADSI Viewer, 339, 344

Baseline Security Analyzer, 15

Best Practices, 220

CASPol tool, 108, 109

Class Library Comparison Tool, 367

classifying server threats, 249

DCOM protocol, 213

Developer Network, 26–27, 28

DeviceSpecific object, 379

directory services functions, 347

domain controller/replication functions, 347

Exchange port usage, 376

FileAuthorizationModule class, 384

free XML virus filter, 304

Global XML Architecture, 318

HFNetChk tool, 252

Hotfix & Security Bulletin Service, 25

Knowledge Base, 25

MBSA tool, 250

naming unmanaged code, 165

.NET Compact Framework classes, 367–369, 368

.NET deserialization support, 281

.NET security updates, 6

.NET Specific Security, 27

.NET standard permissions, 80

.NET value types, 53

Passport SDK, 41, 321

patches, 25–26

Platform SDK, 339

pre-authentication, 241, 243

registry functions, 97

Remote Data Services, 266

remoting, 280, 287

scripting tool for ADSI, 344

security class at Leeds, 4

security tools/checklists, 249

server hardening guide, 391

SIDs, 397

System Update Services, 15

UrlAuthorizationModule class, 384

URLScan tool, 253

Web Services Enhancements, 319

Web Services Specifications, 13

WFP security bulletin, 17

Win32 API authentication functions, 395

Win32.RegistryKey class, 97

Windows Update, 15, 25

Microsoft articles

“About the Passport SDK”, 41

controlling buffer overruns, 61

“The Cryptography API”, 36

“Defend Your Code…”, 27

hidden Web service threat, 306

“How to Keep a Secret”, 36

incorrect domain splitting, 346

major security breach, 245

“Protecting Your Network:…”, 381

“Trust Relationships”, 345

“Using Web Services Instead of DCOM”, 302

Mueller, J.P. (author), 312, 437


System.DirectoryServices, 42

System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts, 28

System.Security, 32

System.Security.Cryptography, 35

System.Security.Permissions, 39

System.Security.Policy, 40

System.Security.Principal, 40

System.Web.Security, 41

.NET 247, 27

.NET Framework Class Browser, 29

.NET-specific security tips, 27–28

Network World Fusion articles, 186, 304

OASIS, 320

PKI and x.509 standards, 196

PocketSoap, 381

Random Password Generator-Pro, 237

Rijndael algorithm, 186

SANS Institute, 26, 27, 380

Security Assertions Markup Language, 320

Security Guide for Windows, 26

Security Policy Project, 380

security testing, 259–260

security threats, 376

security vulnerabilities, 260–261

Slashdot article, 186

SOAP extensions, 318

SoapSuds, 328

sockets, 205

SSPI tools, 274

Telnet, 209 article, 234

W3C, 63, 302, 318

Wired articles, 186, 209, 265

Woody’s Office Watch, 73

World of Data Security, 17

WS-Security standard, 383

XACML standard, 320, 321

XML Common Biometric Format, 303

XML Signature standard, 302

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) limitations, 365

WFP (Windows File Protection) security bulletin, 17

Wide Area Networks (WANs), 204, See also LAN security

“Wild Boar” (Der Keiler) sites, 26, 58, 260

Win32 API advanced security, 414–437

using DCOM Configuration Tool

authentication levels, 436–437

component options, 435

default options, 434–435

defined, 432

dialog box tabs, 432–433

impersonation levels, 433–434

overview of, 212

starting, 432

uses, 432

warning, 434

Discretionary Access Control List

getting/setting in registry, 431

obtaining privilege information, 414–417, 417

overview of, 414


data structures and, 417

function failures, 416, 429

handling, 415, 416, 420–421

initializing SACL, 422

privilege change failures, 423

running SACL audits, 423–424, 424

handles, 416

obtaining privilege information, 414–417, 417

overview of, 411, 414, 437

remote unmanaged components and, 432–437


controls/components, 425–426

files, 426–429, 429

registry, 97, 429–431

Security Access Control List

defined, 418

error initializing, 422

error running audits, 423–424, 424

getting/setting in registry, 431

privileges, 414

verifying audit entries, 424, 424

writing auditing code, 418–423

security descriptors, 422–423, 428–429, 431

using SetNamedSecurityInfo() function, 424–425

Win32 API security overview, 390–411

using Access Control Editor, 401–403, 401

Access Control Entries

accessing directly, 408–411

ordering in ACLs, 400, 435

overview of, 390

access problems, 399–401

using alternatives to pointers, 394–395

Discretionary Access Control List

accessing ACEs in directly, 408–411

ACE order in, 400, 435

functions for, 395, 396, 397, 399

overview of, 390

setting properties, 401, 401

error trapping, 351


authentication functions, 395

calling AD domain controllers, 346–353, 352

calling unmanaged code, 165–166

ISecurityInformation functions, 402–403

old, risks of, 392–393

overview of, 165, 390, 399

security descriptor functions, 398–399

SID-related functions, 397–398

user access token functions, 395–397

using IntPtr, 395

versus .NET Framework security, 9, 70–71, 82–83, 391–392

using out keywords, 395

overview of, 75, 128, 387, 390, 411

using ref keywords, 395

risky API features

old functions, 392–393

ordered rights to resources, 400–401, 435

pointers, 394–395

unmanaged code, 392, 393

unsafe code, 393–394

Security Access Control List

accessing ACEs in, 408

functions for, 395, 396, 397, 399

overview of, 390

setting properties, 401, 401

using Security Configuration Editor, 403–405, 404

Security Identifiers

converting to human readable form, 405–408

defined, 451

ordering group SIDs, 400–401

overview of, 392

SID-related functions, 397–398

well-known predefined SIDs, 407

testing, 399–400

when to use, 391

Windows sites, Microsoft. See Web sites

wire security in remoting, 282

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) limitations, 365

wireless device security, 364–387

accessing components via Web pages, 381

accessing Web services using PocketSoap, 381–382

advances in, 366

in desktop and Web environments

avoiding browser-based issues, 376–380, 377–378

benefits, 374

connecting PDAs to desktops via IrDA, 376

connecting PDAs to desktops physically, 375

limitations, 375

testing applications, 374

hiding data with filters, 377–379, 377–378

in .NET Compact Framework

checking application safety, 370–374, 372–373

classes, vs. in .NET Framework, 367–369, 368

defined, 364, 365

IrDA support, 369

limitations, 365–367

Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms classes, 369

overview of, 365

SQL Server CE support, 369

overview of, 362, 364–365, 386–387

using policies, 380–381

risks in, 14, 365–367, 369–370, 376

using SSL protocol, 376, 382, 386

using System.Web.Security namespace

FileAuthorizationModule class, 383–384

FormsAuthentication class, 384–386

overview of, 41, 365, 382–383

Passport support in, 41, 323

UrlAuthorizationModule class, 383–384

Web site on, 41

testing, 387

Web resources on, 366, 374, 380, 381

using WS-Security, 383

World of Data Security site, 17

write access to Active Directory, 357–362, 362


Web Services Development Kit, 318, 453

Web Services Enhancements, 318–320, 319, 453

using in wireless networks, 383

WSDK. See WS-Security

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

COM+ application output, 327–328, 328

defined, 453

generating SoapHttpClientProtocol class, 306–307

security hole in, 328

WSE. See WS-Security

.Net Development Security Solutions
.NET Development Security Solutions
ISBN: 0782142664
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 168 © 2008-2017.
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