Section B.19. Program Structure and Flow


B.19 Program Structure and Flow



Call statement

Calls an intrinsic or user -defined procedure or function, a method, or a routine in a dynamic link library

CallByName statement

Dynamically executes a class method, property let, or property set

Do...Loop statement

Repeatedly executes a block of code while or until a condition is true

Exit statement

Prematurely exits a code block

End statement

Marks the end of a block of code

For...Next statement

Iterates through a section of code a given number of times

For Each...Next statement

Iterates through a collection or array of objects or values, returning a reference to each of the members

GoTo statement

Passes program flow to a portion of code marked by a label

If...Then...Else statement

Defines a conditional block or blocks of code

Return statement

Transfers control from a function or procedure and returns a value from a function

Select Case statement

Executes one out of a series of code blocks based on the value of an expression

Stop statement

Suspends program execution

While...End While statement

Executes a block of code until a condition becomes False


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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