Configuration and preparation of the workstation

 < Day Day Up > 

This section details how to create a Cloudscape sample database for use with the scenarios in this redbook when accessing a back-end database using the JDBC interface.

Installing the Cloudscape sample database

  1. If needed, download the additional materials associated with this redbook (lab files) and find the provided CreateCloudTable.bat file.

  2. From the Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\LabFiles\Cloudscape and execute CreateCloudTable.bat as show in Figure A-53. This command will create and populate the WSSAMPLE database with sample data.

    Figure A-53. Cloudscape script to create and populate a sample database


    Note: The CreateCloudTable.bat file can be downloaded from the sample code available as additional materials. See Appendix C, "Additional material" on page 543.

  3. Make sure that the database was populated ; to do this, you can use a tool that comes with Cloudscape: Cloudview.

    1. Make sure that JAVA_HOME directory is in your PATH, so you can run "java" in your command prompt.

    2. In a command prompt window, navigate to C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\ runtimes \portal_v50\shared\app\cloudscape\bin and execute the setCP.bat; this will set all the environment variables in order to run the CloudView.

    3. Execute the cview.bat, then when it starts click File -> Open and navigate to C:\LabFiles\Cloudscape\WSSAMPLE, then click Open . Navigate to the CloudView interface to becme familiar with it and check the sample data available in the WSSAMPLE database.

Figure A-54. Checking the database creation with CloudView


 < Day Day Up > 

IBM WebSphere Portal V5 A Guide for Portlet Application Development
IBM Websphere Portal V5: A Guide for Portlet Application Development
ISBN: 0738498513
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 148 © 2008-2017.
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