9.7 Closeout Ritual

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This involves a party or some other type of ritual. During this activity, there will be ample opportunity for all persons involved in the project to be recognized and rewarded. It is good practice to seek out those “shadow people” who worked on the project and recognize them. They are the folks who work behind the scenes to make the project work. Without them, there would be no chance for success, but they do not individually stand out among the Core Team or other business leaders. They are always there, doing their part, however large or small. These folks are the backbone of the company in most cases, and your success—whether you know it or not— nearly always depends in large part on their performance. Don’t always reward the stars and forget the rest. They may not work so hard for you in the future if you ignore them. A little bit of recognition can go a long way in boosting esteem and morale. It also is a reflection of your leadership to show that credit can be shared. You know the old adage, “If the project fails, you take the heat. If it succeeds, share the glory with those around you.” Leadership 101.

 < Day Day Up > 

Managing Software Deliverables. A Software Development Management Methodology
Managing Software Deliverables: A Software Development Management Methodology
ISBN: 155558313X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 226

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