Thread Priorities

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At the beginning of this chapter, I explained how a CPU can run a thread for only about 20 milliseconds before the scheduler assigns another schedulable thread to that CPU. This happens if all the threads have the same priority, but in reality threads are assigned a lot of different priorities and this affects which thread the scheduler picks as the next thread to run.

Every thread is assigned a priority number ranging from 0 (the lowest) to 31 (the highest). When the system decides which thread to assign to a CPU, it examines the priority 31 threads first and schedules them in a round-robin fashion. If a priority 31 thread is schedulable, it is assigned to a CPU. At the end of this thread's time slice, the system checks to see whether there is another priority 31 thread that can run; if so, it allows that thread to be assigned to a CPU.

As long as a priority 31 thread is schedulable, the system never assigns any thread with a priority of 0 through 30 to a CPU. This condition is called starvation. Starvation occurs when higher-priority threads use so much CPU time that they prevent lower-priority threads from executing. Starvation is much less likely to occur on a multiprocessor machine because on such a machine a priority 31 thread and a priority 30 thread can run simultaneously. The system always tries to keep the CPUs busy, and CPUs sit idle only if no threads are schedulable.

You might assume that lower-priority threads never get a chance to run in a system designed like this. But as I've pointed out, at any one time most threads in the system are not schedulable. For example, if your process's primary thread calls GetMessage and the system sees that no messages are pending, the system suspends your process's thread, relinquishes the remainder of the thread's time slice, and immediately assigns the CPU to another, waiting, thread.

If no messages show up for GetMessage to retrieve, the process's primary thread stays suspended and is never assigned to a CPU. However, when a message is placed in the thread's queue, the system knows that the thread should no longer be suspended and assigns the thread to a CPU if no higher-priority threads need to execute.

Let me point out another issue. Higher-priority threads always preempt lower-priority threads, regardless of what the lower-priority threads are executing. For example, if a priority 5 thread is running and the system determines that a higher-priority thread is ready to run, the system immediately suspends the lower-priority thread (even if it's in the middle of its time slice) and assigns the CPU to the higher-priority thread, which gets a full time slice.

By the way, when the system boots, it creates a special thread called the zero page thread. This thread is assigned priority 0 and is the only thread in the entire system that runs at priority 0. The zero page thread is responsible for zeroing any free pages of RAM in the system when there are no other threads that need to perform work.

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1572319968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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