Implementation Details of Memory-Mapped Files

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Windows 98 and Windows 2000 implement memory-mapped files differently. You need to be aware of these differences because they can affect the way you write your code and how other applications can adversely manipulate your data.

Under Windows 98, a view is always mapped in the address space partition that ranges from 0x80000000 to 0xBFFFFFFF. Because of this, all successful calls to MapViewOfFile return an address within this range. You might recall that all processes share the data in this partition. This means that if a process maps a view of a file-mapping object, the data of the file-mapping object is physically accessible to all processes whether or not they have mapped a view of the file-mapping object. If another process calls MapViewOfFile using the same file-mapping object, Windows 98 will return the same memory address to the second process that it did to the first process. The two processes are accessing the same data, and the views are coherent.

In Windows 98, it is possible for one process to call MapViewOfFile and pass the returned memory address to another process's thread using some form of interprocess communication. Once this thread has received the memory address, there is nothing to stop the thread from successfully accessing the same view of the file-mapping object. However, you should not do this for two reasons:

  • Your application will not run under Windows 2000, for reasons I'll describe shortly.
  • If the first process calls UnmapViewOfFile, the address space region will revert to the free state; this means that the second process's thread will raise an access violation when it attempts to access the memory where the view once was.

For the second process to access the view of the memory-mapped file, a thread in the second process should call MapViewOfFile on its own behalf. When the second process does this, the system increments a usage count for the memory-mapped view. So if the first process calls UnmapViewOfFile, the system will not release the region of address space occupied by the view until the second process also calls UnmapViewOfFile.

When the second process calls MapViewOfFile, the address returned will be the same address that was returned to the first process. This averts the need for the first process to send the memory address to the second process using interprocess communication.

The Windows 2000 implementation of memory-mapped files is better than the Windows 98 implementation because Windows 2000 requires a process to call MapViewOfFile before the file's data is accessible in the process's address space. If one process calls MapViewOfFile, the system reserves a region of address space for the view in the calling process's address space—no other process can see the view. If another process wants to access the data in the same file-mapping object, a thread in the second process must call MapViewOfFile, and the system will reserve a region for the view in the second process's address space.

It is important to note that the memory address returned by the first process's call to MapViewOfFile will most likely not be the same memory address returned by the second process's call to MapViewOfFile. This is true even though both processes are mapping a view of the same file-mapping object. In Windows 98, the memory addresses returned from MapViewOfFile are the same—but you should absolutely not count on them being the same if you want your application to run under Windows 2000!

Let's look at another implementation difference. Here is a small program that maps two views of a single file-mapping object:

 #include <Windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hinstExe, HINSTANCE, PTSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // Open an existing file-it must be bigger than 64 KB. HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(pszCmdLine, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); // Create a file-mapping object backed by the data file. HANDLE hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, NULL); // Map a view of the whole file into our address space. PBYTE pbFile = (PBYTE) MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); // Map a view of the file (starting 64 KB in) into our address space PBYTE pbFile2 = (PBYTE) MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 65536, 0); if ((pbFile + 65536) == pbFile2) { // If the addresses overlap, there is one address // space region for both views: this must be Windows 98. MessageBox(NULL, "We are running under Windows 98", NULL, MB_OK); } else { // If the addresses do not overlap, each view has its own // address space region: this must be Windows 2000. MessageBox(NULL, "We are running under Windows 2000", NULL, MB_OK); } UnmapViewOfFile(pbFile2); UnmapViewOfFile(pbFile); CloseHandle(hFileMapping); CloseHandle(hFile); return(0); } 

In Windows 98, when a view of a file-mapping object is mapped, the system reserves enough address space for the entire file-mapping object. This happens even if MapViewOfFile is called with parameters that indicate that you want the system to map only a small portion of the file-mapping object. This means that you can't map a 1-GB file-mapping object to a view even if you specify that only a 64-KB portion of the object be mapped.

Whenever any process calls MapViewOfFile, the function returns an address within the address space region that was reserved for the entire file-mapping object. So in the preceding code segment, the first call to MapViewOfFile returns the base address of the region that contains the entire mapped file. The second call to MapViewOfFile returns an address that is 64 KB into the same address space region.

The Windows 2000 implementation is again quite different. The two calls to MapViewOfFile in the preceding code segment cause Windows 2000 to reserve two different address space regions. The size of the first region is the size of the file-mapping object, and the size of the second region is the size of the file-mapping object minus 64 KB. Even though there are two different regions, the data is guaranteed to be coherent because both views are made from the same file-mapping object. Under Windows 98, the views are coherent because it is the same memory.

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1572319968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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