

OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), 504
obfuscation, 636 “637
object activation, 845
Object Browser feature (VS .NET), 211 “216, 375
object construction, 99
object constructor strings, 755
object finalization , 99 “100
object lifetime, 845
Object Management Group (OMG), 103
object models, 152 “153
object pooling, 755, 793 “795
object-oriented COBOL compiler, 9
object-oriented extensions, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
object-oriented programming, 36 “37
abstraction, 101
base class, 99
class libraries, 98
classes, 98
encapsulation, 101
inheritance, 100 “101
instantiation of objects, 99
mainframe JCL analogy, 95 “96
methods , 98
object construction, 99
object finalization, 99 “100
overriding and overloading, 102
overview, 94 “95
polymorphism, 102
properties, 98
shadowing, 102
spaghetti code, 36
Unified Modeling Language, 103 “105
USAGE clauses in, 217
objects, 281 “283
aged, 252 “256
allocating memory for, 285
dead, 251
instantiating, 284, 286
live, 251
in .NET Framework, 205
orientation, 282 , 316 “317
origin of, 282 “285
performance, 271
performance counter, 268 “269
reference, 288 “290, 299 “302, 311 “313
scope, 315 “316
serializing, 440
using, 291
value, 288 “290
visibility and availability of, 313 “317
OCCURS clause (COBOL), 180 , 291
ODBC ( Open Database Connectivity), 79 “80
information files, 383
Setup utility, 383
Office, Microsoft, 80 “82, 92, 546
Office XP Service Toolkit 2.0, 546
offline programming, 445
OLE DDB .NET Data Provider, 386
OLE/COM Object Viewer (VS .NET), 772 “773
OMG (Object Management Group), 103
online application development, 445 “446
Online Community screen, of Start Page (VS .NET), 145 “146
online interactive transactional programming, 64
OnStart subprocedure, 888
OnStop subprocedure, 888
Open Database Connectivity. See ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
open standards, 17
OPEN statement, 853
Operations Navigator, 366
Options dialog box, 150
Oracle .NET Data Provider, 386
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), 504
organizational roles and responsibilities
Other Projects folder (VS .NET), 377
out parameter, 922
out-of-process session state, 587 “588
OutPutCache directive, 682
OutPutCache module, 559
OVERFLOW compile error, 180
overloaded constructors, 290
override files, 644
overriding and overloading, 102

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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