

RANK() function, 216 “221, 234
with CUBE operator, 220 “221
with GROUPING SETS operator, 221
with ROLLUP operator, 219 “220
ranking functions, 214, 216 “223
RATIO_TO_REPORT() function, 229 “231
RAW data type, 470 “471, 554
READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level, 265
READ ONLY constraint, 324 “326
READ UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation level,  265
READ() function, 436 “439
exceptions thrown by, 437
versions of, 436
read_blob_example() procedure, 438 “439
read_clob_example() procedure, 438 “439
REAL data type, 553
RECORD data type, 556
REF columns , 372, 378 “379
REF CURSOR data type, 356 “357, 541, 556
REF data type, 372, 555
REF() function, 378 “379
REGEXP_INSTR() function, 87 “88
REGEXP_LIKE() function, 86 “87
REGEXP_REPLACE() function, 88
REGEXP_SUBSTR() function, 88
RegisterDriver() metacharacters, 481
registering (binding) data sources, 484
regular expression functions, 83 “88
regular expression metacharacters, 83 “85
relational database, 2 “3, 26
Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, 2
Relational Software Inc., 3
RENAME statement, 307
REPEAT READ transaction isolation level, 265
REPLACE() function, 69 “70
report groupings, reorganizing, 212
reporting functions, 214, 229 “231
reporting on a sum, 229 “230
adding a header and footer, 160 “161
computing subtotals in, 161 “162
creating simple, 158 “162
using variables in, 158 “160
result sets, 29
ResultSet object (Java), 487, 522 “523
closing, 491
creating and populating, 488
reading column values from, 488 “491
RETURNING clause, 252
REVERSE clause, 337
REVOKE ALL command, 291
REVOKE command, 277, 284 “285, 291
RIGHT OUTER JOIN keywords, 58
right outer joins, 51
example of, 52 “53
using SQL/92, 58
roles, 285 “291
benefits of, 285
changing the default, 290 “291
checking object privileges granted to, 288 “289
checking system privileges granted to, 287 “288
creating, 285
disabling by default, 290
dropping, 291
explained, 285
granting privileges to, 285 “286
granting to a user , 286
revoking, 291
revoking privileges from, 291
that have passwords, 290
roles granted to a user, checking, 286 “287
role_sys_privs table, 287 “288
role_tab_privs table, 288 “289
ROLLBACK statement, 22, 26, 253, 259 “260, 349
rollback() method, 497
rolling back changes to a savepoint, 260 “262
ROLLUP clause, 201, 203 “214
aggregate functions with, 205
with analytic functions, 219 “220
GROUPING() function with, 207 “208
passing multiple columns to, 204
passing a single column to, 203 “204
repositioning columns passed to, 204 “205
root node, 195
ROUND() function, 75, 118 “119
row filtering
using HAVING, 212, 534 “535
using a WHERE clause, 37 “43, 97, 534 “535
row locks, 264
row in parent table with child rows, deleting, 254 “255
ROWID class (oracle.sql), 519
ROWID data type, 30, 555
rowids (row identifiers), 29 “30
row-level triggers, 359, 361
ROW_NUMBER() function, 222 “223
adding and retrieving from nested tables, 405
adding to a table, 20 “21, 314
adding using INSERT, 248 “250
adding using JDBC, 491 “492
checking for existence of, 537
copying from one table to another, 250
defined, 2, 26
deleting in the object_products table, 376
deleting from the products table, 374
deleting using JDBC, 493
displaying distinct, 36 “37
duplicate, 184, 213 “214, 535, 537
getting the first, 228 “229
getting the last, 228 “229
getting subtotaled, 210
grouping, 93 “99
inserting into object_customers table, 377
inserting into object_products table, 375
inserting into products table, 372 “373
inserting into purchases table, 378 “379
merging using MERGE, 256 “258
modifying, 21 “22
modifying using JDBC, 492 “493
modifying using the UPDATE statement, 250 “252
removing from tables, 22, 252 “253
retrieving, 314
retrieving all including duplicates, 184
retrieving all nonduplicate, 185 “186
retrieving those common to two tables, 186
retrieving using Java, 487 “491
retrieving from varrays, 403
selecting from object_customers table, 377 “378
selecting from object_products table, 375 “376
selecting from products table, 373 “374
selecting from purchases table, 379
sorting using the ORDER BY clause, 43 “44
updating in the object_products table, 376
updating in the products table, 374
updating in the purchases table, 379 “380
RPAD() function, 68
RTRIM() function, 68
rule-based optimization, 542, 547
RULES UPDATE, 243 “244
RUN command, 144

Oracle Database 10g SQL
Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
ISBN: 0072229810
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 217 © 2008-2017.
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