

data, importance of saving, 364
data races, 426, 427-431, 430
Dataquest study, 10-11
Dbgclr debugger, 157-158
Dean, James, 275-276
Debug class, and tracing and instrumentation, 211-212
Debug configuration, Visual Studio
code optimization and, 147
described, 81
solution build configuration and, 132
DEBUG keyword, 280-281
Debug Setting in TimeServer's Web.config (code), 244
debug symbols
debug symbol files
importance of, 116
locating, 83-84
search paths, 131
management of, 140-143
symbol server, 142-143
symbols for applications, 140
symbols for framework SDK, 141
symbols for Windows , 140-141
DEBUG verb, 280-281
DebuggableAttribute class, 79
DebuggerStepthroughAttribute, 253
Debugging Applications (Microsoft Press, 2000), 19-20
debugging scaffold , 23
debugging, strategic issues. See VB .NET strategic debugging issues
debugging tools, 153-181. See also tracing and instrumentation; Visual Studio .NET debugger; Visual Studio .NET debugger, using
ADepends, 170-171
Cordbg, 153-157
commands, 155-156
use of, 153-155
Dbgclr, 157-158
Ildasm, 158-166
code, 159-166
from the command line, 158
within Visual Studio, 158
memorable bugs , 178-181
performance monitoring, 166-170
basics of, 166-167
testing string performance, 167-170
PermView, 171-177
basics of, 171-173
from the command line, 173
permissions, 173-177
within Visual Studio, 173
summary, 178
DebugMode Property, 234, 235, 236
Decimal datatype, 66, 67
DefaultTraceListener, 194-195
Deliberate Excel bug, 30
deployed Web services, debugging, 253-254
design, and tracing and instrumentation diagnosis, 187
Detail XML node, 258
catching and swallowing System.Exception and, 377
confusion between compilers and, 53-55
debugging developer psychology. See also E&C
psychological factors, 25-28
error handling requirements of, 366-368
exceptions and, 361-362
diagnosis, tracing and instrumentation
application development team, 185
application end users, 184
application support team, 184-185
diagnostic categories, 185-187
diamonds ( ), and breakpoint state, 107
Disassembly windows
IDE debugging and, 117-118
Visual Studio debugging and, 76, 77
distributed debugging, 75
distributed systems, debugging, 459-484
distributed applications basics, 459-466
failure and, 459-464
leaky abstractions and, 466
message semantics and, 465-466
state and, 464-465
distributed systems, defined, 459
HeartbeatMonitor, 474-481
debugging, 477-481
installing, 475-477
introduction to, 474-475
How Good Are You?, 483-484
monitoring distributed applications, 481-482
remote debugging basics, 466-467
remote debugging preparation, 468-474
full remote debugging installation, 471-472
installation, 469-470
native remote debugging installation, 470-471
remote debugging restrictions, 472-474
summary, 483
distributed transactions, 462
Division By Zero (code), 59-61
DLL Hell, 322
DoSort function, 225, 226
Double Trouble (code), 67
ambiguous overloading and, 35
floating-point Double variables , 65-66, 67
dumpbin utility, 83-84
dynamic binding, defined, 51
dynamic link libraries (DLLs). See class libraries

Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging
Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging
ISBN: 1590590503
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 160
Authors: Mark Pearce © 2008-2017.
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