

class member overloading and ambiguous overloading, 34-35
C# vs. VB .NET, 36-38
example of, 38-40
confusion between VB .NET and, 55-57
C# Translation of Listing 2-18 (code), 56
C# Translation of Listing 2-3 (code), 37
C# Translation of Listing 2-5 (code), 39-40
C++, and exception handling, 396, 397
Cahners Instat, 4
Call Stack windows
debug symbols management and, 140
examining program state and, 227
IDE debugging and, 114-115
SQL debugging limitations and, 352
Cashier Class (code), 434-435
Catch blocks
debugging exceptions and, 401
exception behavior, analyzing and, 416
Thread.Abort method and, 455
Try Catch Finally and, 372-373, 374, 375
relationship to counters and instances, 213
sorting, 214
characters , and breakpoint state, 106-107
chart utility, 166
chess, and debugging, 484
Chr(0), and IDE debugging, 119-120
CIL. See Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
CIL Produced by On Error Resume Next (code), 161-163
CIL Produced by Try Catch Finally (code), 164-165
class libraries, debugging, 232-233
class member overloading, 34-40
ambiguous, 34-36
C# overload, 38-40
C# vs. VB .NET, 36-38
described, 34
function breakpoints, adding, 102
client proxy, debugging, 252-253
clients , nonlocal , and Web service exceptions, 262
CLR. See Common Language Runtime (CLR)
cleanup code, 376
code optimization, 146-150
basics of, 146-148
as enemy, 148
test of, 149-150
code optimization flag, 79
debugging vs. testing, 19-20
editing. See E&C (Edit and Continue)
end users and error-handling code, 363-364
error handling and diagnostics code, and developers, 366-367
how not to write, 355-357
Ildasm code, 159-166
managed code
JIT debugging and, 91-92
vs. unmanaged, and COM Interop, 322
obfuscated VB .NET code, 151
recovery code, 376
service installation code, debugging, 316-317
source code
CLR, 327
multithreading and, 423
tracing code, 183
tricky debugging situations and
focus code, 230
keyboard code, 231
mouse handling code, 231
window painting code, 229-230
unmaintainable code, 355-357
unmanaged code
JIT debugging and, 92-93
vs. managed, and COM Interop, 322
working backward through, 121
code argument, 258
COM Interop
COM versioning problems, overcoming, 333-337
introduction to, 321
VB 6.0 application using VB .NET component, 329-333
COM Interop application debugging, 332-333
VB.Classic preparation, 331
VB .NET preparation, 330
VB .NET applications using VB 6.0 components , 323-329
COM Interop application debugging, 326-327
tips, 327-328
VB 6.0 debugger, 328-329
VB.Classic preparation, 323-324
VB .NET preparation, 325-326
COM Interoperability. See COM Interop
command line
build configuration effects from, 81-83
Ildasm and, 158
PermView and, 173
Command window, 93-94, 95-96
commands, Cordbg, 155-156
Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
debugging, 144-146
disassembler. See Ildasm
generated from test methods , 160-165
CIL Produced by On Error Resume Next, 161-163
CIL Produced by Try Catch Finally, 164-165
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
exceptions, 397-398
breaking into debugger and, 400
controlling debugger handling of, 397-398
custom, adding, 400
unhandled and, 401-402, 405, 406-408, 411-412
terminating managed threads and, 455
component communication
coupling, 15
format, 15
wire protocol, 15
debugging issues, 16-18
If in Doubt, Ask, 319-320
compatibility requirements, SQL, 339-340
compensatory transactions, 462-463
confusion between developers and, 53-55
JIT compiler, 78-79, 80
/debug compiler options, 82
/optimize compiler options, 82-83
VB .NET compiler, 79-80
VB .NET language compiler, 79-80
Visual Studio debugger and, 78-79
communication between
component coupling, 15
format, 15
wire protocol, 15
HeartbeatMonitor, 474-475
remote debugging of, 467
Compoundbugs, 238
ComPrintUtils.vbp project. See VB .NET, VB .NET applications using VB 6.0 components
conditional expression modifier, 104-106
connection pooling
defined, 353
SQL debugging limitations and, 353
consistency, 48
console debugging. See Cordbg debugger
constructors. See exception constructors, building
Continue. See E&C (Edit and Continue)
control designers, debugging, 237
threads and, 449
Windows Forms controls, debugging, 233-236
Cordbg debugger, 153-157
code optimization and, 147
commands, 155-156
use of, 153-155
CountCoordinator class, 427-428
CountCoordinator Class (code), 427-428
Counting sort algorithm, 149, 150
CountWorker Class (code), 428-429
Crawling Horror bug, 179-180
CurrentTime Web method, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249-250
custom exceptions
catching and throwing, 385-386
described, 369
adding, 390-391
serializing, 392-394
remoting and, 394-395
summary, 395
Custom Trace Listener for Recording Performance Data (code), 199-201
CustomErrors Setting in TimeServer's Web.config (code), 262
CustomErrors, setting in Web.config, 262, 288-289

Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging
Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging
ISBN: 1590590503
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 160
Authors: Mark Pearce © 2008-2017.
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