

Carlin, George, 55
Carping, 235
Carrots/sticks, 68, 73 “74, 130, 261
ambiguous, 148
complicated, 148 “149
masked, 149 “151
Celebrations, formal, 267 “268
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 19
Challenger space shuttle, 9
in culture, 242 “243
lifelong patterns v., 250 “252
Charades, 86 “87
Charisma, 119 “120
Checkup/checkback, 208 “209
Children/Child-rearing. See Marriage; Parenting; Teenagers
If , 38 “52, 53 “54, 110, 218, 228, 253 “257
meandering v., 225 “226
What , 26 “32, 53 “54, 110, 204, 218, 228, 253 “257
Circumstances, matching methods to, 131 “135, 143
Climate, setting, 57 “58
Coast Guard example, 50 “51
Columbia space shuttle, 9
ability and, 145 “169
keeping, 145 “170
missed, 2, 4
Competence, 208
illusion of, 240 “241
Concerns, acting on, 40 “42
harsh , 101 “102
jumping to, 59 “61
tentative, 104
Confrontations , crucial. See also specific areas of interest
definition of, 4 “5, 21
foundation of, 178 “180
website, 21, 111, 215 “216, 252, 269
Conscience, nagging, 42 “43, 48, 53
Consequences, 34
exploring, 132 “133
natural, 126 “137, 139 “144, 242
Consistent, being, 137
Content, in CPR, 32 “33, 36, 53
Content, Pattern, Relationship. See CPR
Contrasting, using, 94 “95, 206, 223, 243
Coping, 248, 253
cutting out v., 232, 234 “235
Couples. See Marriage; Parenting; Relationships
Covey, Stephen, 232
CPR (Content, Pattern, Relationship), 32 “33, 36, 53, 184 “185
Creativity, 202 “203
Critical mass, 131
Crucial confrontations. See Confrontations, crucial
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High , 191
Crystal ball, 202
changing, 242 “243
of impossibility , 245 “247
Curious, becoming, 69 “70
Cutting out, 232, 234 “235

Crucial Confrontations. Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior
Crucial Confrontations
ISBN: 0071446524
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 115 © 2008-2017.
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