Importing and Exporting Data

  • Import and export data. Methods include the bulk copy program, the Bulk Insert Task, and Data Transformation Services ( DTS ).

Outside of XML-land, moving data around is pretty simple. There are three major ways to do import/export tasks in SQL Server. They all have strengths and weaknesses. The Bulk Copy Program (BCP) is probably the hardest to learn, but it is also extremely capable and almost ludicrously fast. The BULK INSERT statement implements part of BCP inside SQL Server, so it has all the speed of BCP with an easier-to-use interface. Finally, the Data Transformation Services, or DTS, provide a lot of flexibility and capabilities in a very graphically intensive , point-and-click environment.

Importing and Exporting Data with BCP

The first thing to understand about BCP, the Bulk Copy Program, is that it's not a SQL Server command. It's not part of T-SQL. If you attempt to use BCP in Query Analyzer, it does everything it can to just laugh at you. Don't do it; it doesn't work. BCP is a command-line tool. That's right: the big, black empty window with the blinking cursor command line. So fire up a command prompt and dig in.


Bee Sea Pea If you're looking for help with BCP, or just trying to find articles on Microsoft's support web site, you can just look for the acronym BCP. It's one of those "so common people usually don't remember what the letters mean" acronyms.

BCP is ancient, in computer years anyway. It's part of the wild history of SQL Server, and has been part of SQL Server since at least version 4.21, back when it was still a joint development effort between Microsoft and Sybase. The reason it's still around is that it's an extremely useful tool for loading data into a database quickly. The reason it's a command-line tool is all about overhead. Keep in mind that you can run BCP across the network; it doesn't have to run on a server. You can have a bunch of servers all across your network using BCP at once, and, assuming you have enough disk speed, SQL Server just sits there and soaks up data.

BCP has lots of command-line options. The basic syntax is:

 bcp <table> <in or out> <file> <security information> <format information> 

The <table> is the destination table, usually specified as a three-part name , like Chapter5.dbo.sales . The <in or out> is what direction. Telling BCP to go IN tells BCP to read from the file and put data IN SQL Server. Telling BCP to go OUT pulls data OUT of SQL Server and writes it to a file. The <file> is the name of the file that you want to use. If it's an IN operation, then the file should exist and have data in it. If it's an OUT operation and the file exists, the file gets overwritten by the data coming out; otherwise , the file is created.

The <security information> is the name of the server that you're trying to use, and either username and password or a note to use your Windows authentication to handle it.

Finally, <format information> tells BCP what kind of format the data is in. BCP can deal with three data formats: native, character-delimited, and column-delimited. Native format works only when you're moving data from one SQL Server to another, and the servers have to use the same collation and character set for it to work. It's also the fastest format, so use it whenever you can. The second fastest format is character-delimited. Character-delimited formats use some character, typically a comma, space, or a vertical bar, to separate the data columns. Finally, there is column-delimited data, which means the columns within the data file start and end at specific positions in the file. This is also called "fixed column width" or just "fixed column" data format. This tends to be the slowest way to BCP data around.


BCP Speed and File Format What makes one method of BCP faster than another? Native format files are the smallest; character-delimited files are the next smallest; and column-delimited files are the largest. BCP is so fast and well optimized that it is bound by how fast it can read or write data to or from the file.

BCP does not create tables. You have to have a table set up and waiting for BCP before you run BCP. So, how do you run BCP? Here's an example of reading data from a comma-delimited text file into a database table:

 bcp chapter5.dbo.sales in sales.csv -T -c -r\n -t, 

The -T tells BCP to use a trusted connection. There is no server specified; it would be specified with the -S option, so the data goes to the local server. The -c tells BCP that it's supposed to use a character-delimited copy; the -r says that each row will be delimited with a newline character; and the -t says that each column will be delimited with a comma.

BCP has a bunch of command-line parameters. Table 5.3 lists the ones that are used for determining the file format.

Table 5.3. BCP Command-Line ParametersFormat Parameters




Specifies a character-delimited file is to be used.


r\n ,

Specifies the end-of-line character. Usually this is specified as - which specifies that there is a new line at the end of each line.


Specifies the end-of-field character, typically a comma, vertical bar, or sometimes a space. Commas can be specified as -t , but any delimiter can be specified in double-quotes, such as -t" "


Specifies a format file to use. This is typically used to handle delimited data.


Specifies that BCP should use native mode for copying. This parameter will copy all normal character data and non-character data okay, but will destroy any Unicode values.


Specifies a native mode that is slower than the -n , but that doesn't destroy Unicode.


Specifies a native mode that's even slower than -N , because it also specifies a tab-delimited file with a newline character. The other native modes can store numbers in binary format, so they are faster.


Tells BCP to use one of the old SQL Server versions' data types for import and export. For an export, this also translates null bit fields to zero, because previous versions didn't handle that. This has no effect on date fields, which are always copied out however ODBC wants to do it.

Notice that there is a command-line option -n and another one that's -N . All BCP command-line options are case sensitive.

If you don't specify one of -c , -f , -n , -N , or -w , BCP assumes that you don't have a format file, you don't want to use any of the predefined formats, and that you want to make one. It reads the layout of the table you're using and then walks you through a prompted one-column-at-a-time process, and then you can save the file as a format file. Here's an example of a BCP session where BCP is prompting for information:

 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>bcp Chapter5..Sales out sales.dat -T Enter the file storage type of field PersonID [int-null]: Enter prefix-length of field PersonID [1]: Enter field terminator [none]: Enter the file storage type of field ProductID [int-null]: Enter prefix-length of field ProductID [1]: Enter field terminator [none]: Enter the file storage type of field QtyPurchased [int-null]: Enter prefix-length of field QtyPurchased [1]: Enter field terminator [none]: Enter the file storage type of field DatePurchased [datetime-null]: Enter prefix-length of field DatePurchased [1]: Enter field terminator [none]: Do you want to save this format information in a file? [Y/n] Host filename [bcp.fmt]: Starting copy... 8 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.): total        1 

In this example, all the defaults were used by just pressing the Enter key. This session of BCP results in two files being created: one is the output file, and the other is the format file, which in this case was named bcp.fmt. The data file that is created is the same you'd get if you'd used the -n for native format. Here's a format file:

 8.0 4 1       SQLINT        1       4       ""                        1     PersonID          "" 2       SQLINT        1       4       ""                        2     ProductID         "" 3       SQLINT        1       4       ""                        3     QtyPurchased      "" 4       SQLDATETIME   1       8       ""                        4     DatePurchased     "" 

The first row of the format file is the version number of BCP. (If you want to see just the version number, by the way, you can use BCP -v at the command line.) The second row is the number of data rows that are in the file. The third row on to the end of the file is the actual layout of the file. The first column is the file column number. The second column is the data type. The third column is the prefix length, which is the number of bytes in the file that tell BCP how long the data field is, and is used only in native-format BCP. The fourth column is the number of bytes wide the data column is. The fifth column is the delimiter, which is what separates this column from the next column. Next is the server column order. Finally, the row ends up with the field name and the collation for the column.

The file column number and server column number fields are used to do a couple of interesting things. First of all, if the table has columns that are in a different order than the file, you can manipulate the server column number to make it correct. Second, if you set the server column number to zero, then the column from the file gets skipped .

Prefix length is used when copying data in SQL Server native mode. If the format file weren't native mode, then it would have SQLCHAR as the type for each column, rather than SQLINT or SQLDATETIME . The type is the type that is written (or read) from the file, not the database type. So if the type is SQLINT , then BCP is going to write out the actual 4-byte integer for the value 42, not the 2-byte character for 42. Here's an example of a session to create a character-based file:

 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>bcp Chapter5..Sales out saleschar.dat -T Enter the file storage type of field PersonID [int-null]: char Enter prefix-length of field PersonID [1]: 0 Enter length of field PersonID [12]: Enter field terminator [none]: Enter the file storage type of field ProductID [int-null]: char Enter prefix-length of field ProductID [1]: 0 Enter length of field ProductID [12]: Enter field terminator [none]: Enter the file storage type of field QtyPurchased [int-null]: char Enter prefix-length of field QtyPurchased [1]: 0 Enter length of field QtyPurchased [12]: 12 Enter field terminator [none]: Enter the file storage type of field DatePurchased [datetime-null]: char Enter prefix-length of field DatePurchased [1]: 0 Enter length of field DatePurchased [26]: Enter field terminator [none]: \n Do you want to save this format information in a file? [Y/n] y Host filename [bcp.fmt]: bcpchar.fmt Starting copy... 8 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.): total        1 

This creates the same output as if you'd specified just -c on the BCP command line. Notice that the field storage type and prefix length had to be changed for each row, and the last row had to have a field terminator of \n . The \n puts each record on a new line. The resulting output file is a nice, column-delimited file:

 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>type saleschar.dat 1           37          4           2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 1           38          3           2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 3           39          1           2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 4           51          1           2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 4           47          1           2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 9           37          10          2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 9           38          5           2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 10          41          6           2001-07-22 17:53:51.793 

So far, all the examples have involved exporting data from SQL Server. Now it's time to take a look at importing data. The BCP command works the same both ways: you should specify IN instead of OUT to import data into SQL Server.

For large files, with more than a couple thousand rows perhaps, you should turn on the Select Into/Bulkcopy option for the database, or set the database recovery mode to BULK_LOGGED or SIMPLE . These options disable all transaction log backups while they are turned on, and you must do a full backup to get transaction log backups to work afterwards. What the option does is for certain operations, namely those involving SELECT INTO and BULK COPY ; it changes how transaction logging works.

Typically, whenever you insert a row, SQL Server logs the row being inserted into the transaction log. This prevents data loss in case of power outage and enables you to do point-in-time database recovery. This also significantly slows down the process of inserting huge numbers of records. Switching to BULK_LOGGED or SIMPLE changes the behavior so that rather than logging the entire row insert, SQL Server just logs the page allocations , which involves a lot less overhead. Basically, when you do a BCP and the database is set for BULK_LOGGED or SIMPLE recovery, all the data goes into allocated space in the database; and when the copy commits, it attaches the allocated space to the table. It's really fast, and it's still very safe because all the page allocations are logged, and if the transaction fails and has to roll back, the pages are deallocated. This process is called Fast Bulk Copy .


What About SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY ? If you're used to using SQL Server 7.0 or previous versions, you're probably wondering what happened to the SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY option. It's been replaced by a Recover Mode option. You can choose one of three recovery modes: FULL , BULK_LOGGED , or SIMPLE . FULL mode is the default for everything except Desktop and the Data Engine versions of SQL Server. BULK_LOGGED is similar to the old SELECT INTO/BULKCOPY option, in that any bulk row operations have only allocations logged, not the data. FULL mode is the normal mode for most operations; it offers the widest variety of recovery options.

In addition to having the BULK LOGGED or SIMPLE recovery option selected, you need to do a few other things to get fast bulk copy to work.

  • The target table can't be involved in replication.

  • The target table can't have any triggers.

  • The target table either has zero rows or has no indexes.

  • The TABLOCK hint is specified. This is covered in more detail later in the section; for now, the TABLOCK hint is another parameter you can give BCP to make it acquire a table lock before it begins writing data.

Typically, if you're adding more than 50% of the current table count or more into the table, you should drop the indexes first because they slow down the inserts , and the indexes will be better if you rebuild them after adding that much data anyway. Regardless, fast bulk copy doesn't work if there are indexes on the table unless the table is empty to begin with.

Another option for large bulk inserts sets the batch size. Batch size is the number of rows that will be inserted as part of a transaction. If the batch size is large, then the transaction that is generated will be large, and it may cause your transaction log to fill up. If the transaction is too small, SQL Server spends too much time committing transactions rather than writing your data, and performance suffers. Typically, a batch size between 1,000 and 10,000 is used. Files with lots of rows and very few columns tend to benefit from higher batch sizes. By default, BCP does the entire operation in one batch, but it lets you know when it finishes sending each 1,000 rows to SQL Server.

You should be aware of a few special options, as shown in Table 5.3, that are used for importing data into SQL Server.

Table 5.3. BCP Data Import Parameters




Tells SQL Server that if some of the data coming in has nulls in it, it shouldn't apply the default values; it should just leave the column null.


If the table being imported into has an identity column, this option tells SQL Server to use the values in the file rather than the automatically created values from the IDENTITY property.


Tells BCP to use the regional time, date, and currency settings rather than the default, which is to ignore any regional settings.


Gives batch size, number of rows in each batch. Defaults to all of the rows in one batch.


Gives Bulk Insert Hints (see Table 5.4)

The -h option enables you to specify one or more different hints to SQL Server about how to process the bulk copy. These options enable you to fine-tune BCP performance, and are listed in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4. BCP Bulk Insert Hints



ORDER (column ASC DESC, column...)

This hint enables you to tell SQL Server in what order the data is coming through. If the data is in a specific order and clustered indexes are on the table, this option makes the inserts go faster.


This is the number of rows per batch. You can also specify this using the -b option. Don't use both.


This is the number of kilobytes to put into each batch. Similar to rows per batch, but you can specify the amount of data to put into each batch.


This causes SQL Server to put an exclusive lock on the entire table for the duration of the load. This significantly increases performance. You can turn on the Table Lock On Bulk Load option for a given table using sp_tableoption and get the same effect.


This tells SQL Server to apply CHECK constraints as it inserts data. Causes a huge performance hit, but this is not the default, so if you need to check your constraints as you go, use this.


This tells SQL Server to fire any triggers that are created for INSERT . By default, INSERT triggers are ignored for bulk copy.

Here is an example of using BCP to put data into a database:

 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>bcp Chapter5..Sales in salesnative.dat -n -T Starting copy... 8 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.): total     1122 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS> 

If more than 1000 rows were being copied, BCP would supply a running count of the number of rows inserted.

So, you keep seeing that -T option on the BCP examples and you want to know what it means? Table 5.5 shows you the rest of the BCP command-line switches:

Table 5.5. Other BCP Command-Line Switches




Maximum number of errors allowed before BCP will terminate itself. Defaults to 10. This usually applies to data errors and data conversion errors.


Error file. This is where error messages get written if there are any. Defaults to the command shell.


First row. Enables you to skip rows at the beginning of the file for BCP IN .


Last row. Enables you to limit the number of rows copied in. Very handy for testing out an import on a few rows before importing a large file.


Sets quoted identifiers on, so that if you have table names with spaces or other characters , you can put them in double quotes on the BCP command line.


This is an alternative to a format file; it's a file that contains just the responses to the BCP prompts, and BCP can read it and use it to form the responses.


Specifies where the output of the BCP should go. This is the "8 rows copied" message, along with startup and statistics.


Packet size. Number of bytes to put in a network packet. You can increase this and you might get better performance. If you put it too high, you'll cause degradation. Defaults to 4KB.


Server name. In this chapter, all the copies in the example have been going to a local server. If you want to copy data to another server, use -S .


Login ID, used if you don't use -T .


Password. Used if you don't use -T .


Specifies trusted connection (Windows authentication) should be used.


Reports version information.

There are two other things to be covered with BCP, then you can move on. First of all, in addition to just pulling the data for a given table, you can use the QUERYOUT option in place of IN or OUT , and specify a query rather than a table name. The rest of the options work the same way. This works for output only. Here's an example:

 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>bcp "SELECT * FROM Chapter5..Sales S INNER JOIN Chapter5..Person P on S.PersonID = P.Personid" queryout qo.txt -c -T Starting copy... 14 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.): total 1 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>type qo.txt 1       37      4       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 1       Danny   Jones 1       38      3       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 1       Danny   Jones 3       39      1       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 3       Scott   Smith 4       51      1       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 4       Alex    Riley 4       47      1       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 4       Alex    Riley 9       37      10      2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 9       Shelly  Alexander 9       38      5       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 9       Shelly  Alexander 1       37      4       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 1       Danny   Jones 1       38      3       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 1       Danny   Jones 3       39      1       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 3       Scott   Smith 4       51      1       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 4       Alex    Riley 4       47      1       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 4       Alex    Riley 9       37      10      2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 9       Shelly  Alexander 9       38      5       2001-07-22 16:50:38.257 9       Shelly  Alexander 

Another option is the FORMAT option, which can be used in place of IN , OUT , or QUERYOUT . It produces a format file based on the specified options. If you use the FORMAT option, you must specify a value for the -f parameter. Here's an example call:

 C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>bcp Chapter5..Sales FORMAT qo.txt -c -T -f format.out C:\Documents and Settings\MILLCS>type format.out 8.0 4 1       SQLCHAR       0       12      "\t"      1     PersonID          "" 2       SQLCHAR       0       12      "\t"      2     ProductID         "" 3       SQLCHAR       0       12      "\t"      3     QtyPurchased      "" 4       SQLCHAR       0       24      "\r\n"    4     DatePurchased     "" 

This is a pretty powerful tool, but it's kind of difficult to use when you need to just read a file from within SQL Server as part of a script or scheduled job. It sure would be nice if there were a T-SQL equivalent.

Using the BULK INSERT Statement

The BULK INSERT statement is a lot like BCP, but inside T-SQL. It uses most of the same options, but it doesn't need to know which server to use or what security to use because you use it from within T-SQL, so it runs on that server with the security context with which you logged in.

The basic syntax goes something like this:

 BULK INSERT table_name FROM 'data file' WITH ( operational and format options> 

The table name is a table name or three-part name to use. You can actually use this statement to bulk copy into views as well as tables, which is a handy option. The data file is a data file as read from the server. Keep in mind that if you specify a data file like c:\myfile while talking to a remote server, it's going to try and read data from the C:\ drive on the server, not the one on your workstation.

Table 5.6 provides a list of all the operational and format parameters you can use. As mentioned, they're all fairly similar to the ones used by BCP.

Table 5.6. Options for the BULK INSERT Command




Same as BCP option -b .


Same as using the CHECK CONSTRAINTS hint in BCP.


Specifies which code page to use: ACP, which is the standard Windows code page; OEM, which is the default and contains all the regional characters the server can display; and RAW, which specifies that no code page translation should happen. You can also specify a code page name.


This specifies the type of data in the file. There are four options. The char option specifies that normal characters are used. The native option specifies that the data types used in the tables should be used. The widechar option specifies that the file is Unicode, and widenative specifies that all the results should be Unicode.


Specifies the field terminator, just like -t in BCP.


Same as -F in BCP.


Same as the FIRE_TRIGGERS hint in BCP.


Path to the format file, same as -f in BCP.


Same as -E in BCP.


Same as -k option in BCP.




Same as -L in BCP.


Same as -m in BCP.


Same as ORDER hint in BCP.


Same as ROWS_PER_BATCH hint in BCP.


Same as -r in BCP.


Same as TABLOCK hint in BCP.

Here's an example, using the same bulk copy operation you used before. Remember, this runs in Query Analyzer, not on the command line:

 BULK INSERT Sales FROM 'C:\salesnative.dat' WITH ( DATAFILETYPE = 'native' ) 

This performs a standard native-mode insert of a file created earlier using BCP. The DATAFILETYPE='native' tells SQL Server that the file is stored in native mode.

Command line really got you down? Tired of all of this typing stuff? Take a look now at how to import and export data using the graphical tools.

Importing and Exporting Data with Data Transformation Services

SQL Server 2000 provides a great tool that imports and exports data for you called the Data Transformation Services (DTS) Import/Export Wizard. This tool uses SQL Server DTS to copy data into and out of SQL Server using nice, easy-to-understand graphical tools. Step by Step 5.2 provides an explanation of how to copy data out of SQL Server.


5.2 Importing Data with the Import and Export Application

  1. Start the Import and Export application by going to Start, clicking on Microsoft SQL Server, and then clicking on Import and Export Data. The DTS Import/Export Wizard opening screen appears as shown in Figure 5.4. Click the Next button.

    Figure 5.4. The startup screen for the Import/Export wizard.


  2. Next up is the Choose a Data Source window, shown in Figure 5.5. This is where you get to choose where the data will be coming from for your copies. Click the drop-down box labeled Data Source and choose a data source type. For this example, choose Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, but notice you can choose a lot of different data sources.

    Figure 5.5. The window where you can choose from which data source to read data.


  3. After you choose the data source, you need to pick a server. In the example shown in Figure 5.5, the local server is shown, with Windows Authentication. Change the database to Pubs and click the Next button.

  4. Next is the Choose a Destination window, shown in Figure 5.6. This looks very similar to the Choose a Data Source window. Just choose the destination source, which should be a text file. For a file name, use C:\DTSTEST.TXT .

    Figure 5.6. The window you can use to specify where to put your exported data.


  5. Next is the Specify Table Copy or Query window, which is shown in Figure 5.7. If you choose Copy Table(s) and Views from the Source Database, you can copy an entire table; if you choose "Use a Query to Specify the Data to Transfer," you'll get to enter a query to run. If you chose SQL Server as the source and destination, you can choose the third option, which is to copy an entire database or at least a subset of database objects. Click on Next.

    Figure 5.7. Where you tell the wizard what it's going to copy: a table or a query.


  6. Almost done! Now you just need to tell the wizard specifically what you want to copy and what format you want it to land in, using the Select Destination File Format window, shown in Figure 5.8. Choose the [pubs].[dbo].[titles] table as the source. Do a delimited file, with a tab delimiter and no text qualifier. Also, check the First Row Has Column Names check box. This puts the column names in the first row, which will be handy when you copy the table back in later. This is also where you can specify a transformation to use, which is discussed in the text. Click on Next after you have the column delimiter set to Tab and the First Row Has Column Names check box is checked.

    Figure 5.8. Window used to specify the file type, delimiters, and what table is going to be copied.


  7. Next is the Save, Schedule and Replicate Package window, which you can see in Figure 5.9. This window enables you to run the package immediately, and/or schedule it to run periodically. You can also save the package to SQL Server, a Meta Data Services store, a Visual Basic file, or a Structured Storage file. For now, just run the package by clicking on Next.

    Figure 5.9. Save packages or even replicate them to other servers.


  8. The Summary window, shown in Figure 5.10, shows you all the options you've chosen for your export. Make sure everything is correct and click on Finish.

    Figure 5.10. The summary screen for the wizard. Just click Finish to create your text file.


  9. Then the Executing Package window appears, and it shows you what's going on. It counts rowsup to 18and then pops up a window telling you it's all done, as shown in Figure 5.11.

    Figure 5.11. The window shows you the number of rows exported, where the rows were exported from, and shows completion status.


The only really tricky part of the entire wizard is the transformations. DTS enables you to write transformations in VBScript that can make simple changes to data, such as formatting or localizing. By clicking on the Transform window, you can go into the transformation and change the VBScript so it changes the data format.

That's all there is for import and export. You've now finished quite a long chapter that covers everything from complex queries to the DTS Import/Export Wizard. Next up is a lesson on scripting, so you can find out what that @ was doing in the section on OPENXML .

MCSE Training Guide (70-229). Designing and Implementing Databases with MicrosoftR SQL ServerT 2000 Enterprise Edition
MCSE Training Guide (70-229). Designing and Implementing Databases with MicrosoftR SQL ServerT 2000 Enterprise Edition
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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