

San Francisco Main Library project
color and line weights for, 323, 323
external references in, 278 , 278
grid symbols for, 469, 469
in Paper Space, 547 “548, 547 “548
Save All Drawings option, 851
Save As dialog box for attribute data, 474
Save As option in Form View tab, 327
Save Back Changes To References button, 284
Save button
for Batch Standards Checker, 949
for Layer Translator, 951
Save Change to Layout option, 306
Save Drawing As dialog box, 41
for exporting, 623 “624
for passwords, 910
for standard files, 946
for templates, 192, 194
for title blocks, 982
Save Layer Mappings dialog box, 951
Save Layer State dialog box, 831
Save List As dialog box, 916
Save List option, 918
Save Path option, 279
Save UCS With View option, 691
Save UCS With Viewport option, 680
Saveas command, 28
Saveas Options dialog box, 624 “625, 624 “625
Savetime system variable, 117
attribute data, 473 “475 , 473
automatic, 13, 27, 117
Batch Standards Checker files, 949
blocks, 141 “142
files, 27 “28 , 66, 117
filter criteria, 562
icons, 875
layer mappings, 951
layer settings, 558 “560 , 558 “559, 827 “829 , 828
macros as files, 863 “864
multiline styles, 231
plot layout, 306
rendered views, 762
slides, 666
system information, 619 “620
Text Window information, 620
UCS, 675 “676, 691
views, 246 “251 , 247 “250
Scale command, 70, 665
Scale tool, 37, 37, 496, 665
Scale X option, 937
Scale Y option, 937
Scale Z option, 937
scaling, 85 “91
3D objects, 665
coordinate readouts for, 94
in DesignCenter, 937 “938
dimensions, 436, 815
with inserting, 134 “136 , 458
layers for, 156
in Layout tabs, 309 “310 , 309 “310
line types, 178 “180
for materials, 739
with multilines , 230
objects, 521 “523 , 522 “523
in Paper Space, 542 “543 , 543, 554
in plotting, 301 “302
custom scales , 302 “303
for line weights, 303
predefined scales, 302
raster images, 496
text, 353, 363 “364
viewports, 855
existing drawings, 492 “495
raster images, 492 “495
Scenes dialog box, 747, 747, 750
scenes for lighting, 747 “751 , 747 “750
Scenes tool, 747
Scientific measurement system, 84
cleaning up, 50
plotting, 299 , 299
regenerating. See regeneration, controlling
smoothness on, 244
virtual, 243
Script command, 667
script files, 667 “668
scroll bars, 202
Search dialog box, 935 “937, 936
Search For The Word(s) option, 937
Search Now feature, 936
search paths for external references, 533
Search Subfolders feature, 936
Search tab, 73 “74 , 73 “74
Search The Web For option, 74
Search tool, 935
Search The Web tool, 926
for drawing contents, 935 “938 , 936
for files, 184 “185 , 184 “185, 622 , 622
in help system, 73 “74 , 73 “74
for layers, 166 “168 , 166
for text, 398 “399 , 398 “399
Section tool, 816
sections, 816 , 817
security for files
digital signatures for, 911 “914 , 911 “913
passwords for, 910 “911
Security options command, 911
Security Options dialog box
for digital signatures, 911 “912, 912, 914
for passwords, 910 “911
Select A Sheet Set To Use As An Example option, 967
Select Block dialog box, 987 “988, 988
Select Color dialog box, 154 “155, 154 “155, 157, 157, 161, 164
for gradients, 268 “269, 268
for objects, 181
for surfaces, 804
Select Drawing dialog box, 207, 965
Select Drawing File dialog box, 259, 807, 951
Select Drawings dialog box, 916, 922 “923, 923
Select DWF File dialog box, 916
Select DXB File dialog box, 665
Select .DXF File dialog box, 625
Select File dialog box, 22, 22, 28, 184, 192, 195, 251, 622, 622
Select File Drawing dialog box, 136
Select File To Attach dialog box, 495
Select Group option, 152
Select Image Type window, 922
Select Initial View dialog box, 251
Select Layout As Sheet Template dialog box, 964
Select Linetype dialog box, 177, 177, 232
Select Menu File dialog box, 881
Select New Path dialog box, 279
Select Object button, 381, 381
Select Objects option
for blocks, 131
for exporting dxf files, 624
Select Options button, 399
Select Place In Document dialog box, 929
Select Plot Style dialog box, 332 “333, 332
Select Reference File dialog box, 274, 526
Select Script File dialog box, 667
Select Shape File dialog box, 847
Select Standards File dialog box, 946
Select Template dialog box, 29 “30, 29
for DWF files, 922
for named plot styles, 328 , 328
for new drawings, 194
Select Text File dialog box, 834
Select Unreferenced option, 830
Selectable group options, 151
3D coordinates, 658 “660 , 660
commands, 7
Express Tools for, 848
layers, 158, 166 “168 , 166
line types, 177
menu commands, 11 “15
menus , 881
objects, 28 , 56 “58 , 57 “58
base points for, 58 “62
for blocks, 130
close and overlapping, 104 , 522
filters for, 560 “565 , 564
noun/verb method, 62 , 64 , 66
options for, 63
points, 9 “10 , 14, 14 “15, 43
previous selections, 61
right-click menu options, 54 “56 , 54 “55
selection cycling feature, 104, 522
Selection Filters tool, 562
selection windows , 9
semicolons (;), 884
Send E-Mail With Transmittal option, 909
Sentence Case option, 836
Separate tool, 805
separating divided solids, 805 , 805
services for plotting, 345
Set Default Plotter to 'None' option, 909
Set Size Relative to Screen option, 226, 600
settings, importing, 205 “209 , 206 “208
Settings dialog box
for attributes, 467, 467
with Layer Translator, 953, 953
Settings tab, 543
Setup Drawing tool, 813
Setup Profile tool, 811 “812
Setup View tool, 808 “809
Setvar command, 619
Shade Plot menu
Hidden command, 769
Rendered command, 768
Shade Plot options, 303 “304 , 814
Shade toolbar, 20, 654
shaded fills, 605 , 605
shaded viewports, 303 “304
Shademode command, 651, 654
shading, 654 “656 , 655 “656, 717, 717
gradient, 267 “269 , 268
viewports, 813 “814 , 814
Shading Modes menu
Gouraud Shaded command, 724
Hidden command, 717
Shadow Map method, 733 “735 , 735
Shadow Options dialog box, 733 “735, 733, 753
Shadow Volumes/Ray Trace Shadows option, 753
adding, 733 “735 , 733 “735
Ray Tracing for, 753 , 753
shape definitions, 846
3D, 665
complex, area of, 613 “615 , 614 “615
Express Tools for, 846 “848 , 847
grips for editing, 67
for line types, 899, 899
purging, 235 “236
for symbols, 144
of toolbars , 18 “19 , 18
with UCS, 687
of viewports, 549 “551 , 550 “551
ShareSetPlaceholder option, 983
sharing drawings. See exchanging data; exporting; importing
sharpness of materials, 740
Sheet Creation Template option, 964
Sheet List tab, 960, 964, 974 “975
Sheet Set Details page, 958, 958, 961, 967 “968, 967
Sheet Set Example page, 967, 967
Sheet Set Properties dialog box, 964, 964, 987, 987
Sheet Set Publish Options option, 994
Sheet Set Template Location setting, 965
sheet sets and Sheet Set Manager tool, 955 “956
archiving, 991 “993 , 991 “992
batch plotting and publishing, 993 “994 , 993
callout blocks with, 973 “975 , 974, 989 “990 , 989 “990
closing, 976
creating, 957 “966 , 957 “965, 970 “971
customizing, 976 “990 , 978 “981, 984 “985
eTransmit for, 994
from existing sheet sets, 966 “968 , 967
for file management, 956 “957
import options in, 960 “961 , 961
for new sheets, 965 “966
previewing and opening drawings in, 962 , 962
for project files, 994
properties for, 961 , 979 “981 , 980
resource drawings in, 962 “963 , 963
sheet templates in, 964 “965 , 964
title blocks with, 975 “983 , 975, 978 “981
view labels with, 984 “988 , 984 “985, 987 “988
views for, 968 “973 , 969 “972
Sheets tab, 991, 992
SheetSet field, 980
Shell tool, 802
shells , turning solids into, 802 , 802
Shift key
in accelerator keys, 887
for base points, 58
Shortcut Keys dialog box, 880, 880
shortcut menus, 54 “56 , 54 “55, 918 “919 , 919
keyboard, 12, 107, 842 “843 , 842 “843, 877 “880 ,877 “879
on menus, 887 “888
Show Startup Dialog Box option, 39
Show Text Boundary Frame Only option, 400
Show URLs option, 851
.shx extension, 353, 899
signatures, 911 “914 , 911 “913
Sigvalidate command, 913
Simplex.shx font, 398
sin function in calculator, 569
single-line text objects, 374 “375
aligning, 376 “378 , 376 “377
editing, 375 “376 , 375
special characters with, 378 “379
single quotes ('), 618
Single selection option, 64
AutoSnap markers, 109
crosshair cursor, 50
grips, 67
hatch patterns, 261 “262
paper, 296 , 296
raster images, 496
shadow maps, 734 “735, 735
table cells , 387
Size option for break lines, 841
Size Is option in searches, 937
Sketch command, 602 “603
sketches , preliminary, 107 “108 , 108
dimension lines, 444 , 444
UCS, 690
Skpoly system variable, 602
slashes (/)
with calculator, 569
in Diesel, 889, 892
for options, 51
.slb extension, 669
.sld extension, 666
Slice command, 791
Slice tool, 791
Slidelib.exe program, 668
slides, 666
for animation, 670
automating, 667 “668
creating, 666
libraries for, 668 “669 , 668
saving, 666
viewing, 666 “667
Smooth surface option, 708
in 3D models, 765 “766 , 766
of arcs and circles, 732
of polylines, 579 “581 , 580
on screen, 244
Snap And Grid tab, 92, 92
SNAP button, 93, 95
snap mode, 93 “94 . See also Osnap Tracking and overrides
with editing, 102
information on, 617
with Polar Tracking, 95 “97 , 96
Snap X Spacing option, 94
Snap Y Spacing option, 94
Snapang system variable, 488
Snapbase system variable, 256, 258
Snapstyl system variable, 94
Snaptype system variable, 94
Snapunit system variable, 93
softness of shadows, 735
Solid Fill option, 606
solid fills
toggling, 606 , 607
for Tool Palettes, 942 “943
Solid hatch pattern, 257, 604
solid lines, overlapping with shaded fills, 605 , 605
Solidedit command, 803
solids and solid modeling, 772 “773
for 2D drawings, 816 “819 , 817 “819
chamfering in, 792 “794 , 794
command line for, 803
copying faces and edges on, 803
creating primitives for, 775 “776 , 776
deleting surfaces, 797 “798 , 798
drawing, 603 “604 , 604
extruding surfaces, 800 “801 , 801
filling, 603 “606 , 604
moving surfaces, 795 “796 , 795 “796
offsetting surfaces, 796 , 797
plot style tables for, 322 “323 , 322
polylines for, 777 “779 , 777 “779
properties of, 819 , 820
with regions , 816 “819 , 817 “819
rotating surfaces, 798 “799 , 798 “799
rounding corners on, 792 , 793
separating divided solids, 805 , 805
splitting, 791 “792 , 791
stereolithography in, 820
surface features for, 804
tapering surfaces, 799 , 800
turning solids into shells, 802 , 802
with UCS, 687
Solids toolbar, 21, 775, 775
Solids Editing toolbar, 21, 779, 779
layer names , 166
layers in layer lists, 157
objects, 605
sound in drawings, 634
source text files, 879
Sp command, 395
space, information on, 617
space planning and hatch patterns, 270 “272 , 271
Space property, 182
in attribute values, 464
nonbreaking, 372
in units, 85
Spacial option for demand loading, 283
in hatch patterns, 255
of text, 362
Spe command, 581, 594
special characters, 354 “355, 372 “374 , 373, 378 “379
Specify Location Folder dialog box, 908
Specify On-Screen option, 134, 240, 280, 526
Specify The Name Of Your Web Page setting, 922
spell checking, 394 “397
Sphere tool, 778
spheres, 772, 773, 778, 778
spherical coordinate format, 693 “694 , 694
Spl command, 581
splash screen, 4
Splframe system variable, 591, 664
spline curves, 99
control points for, 594 “598 , 595 “596, 598 “599
converting polylines to, 581
creating, 589 “591 , 590 “591
drawing, 592 “594 , 592 “593
editing, 594 “598 , 595 “596, 598 “599
length of, 227
for polylines, 579
Spline tool, 37, 37, 581, 592
Splinedit command, 594
splitting solids, 791 “792 , 791
spotlights , 745 “747 , 746 “747, 749 “751, 750
spreadsheet files
extracting data for, 474 “475
importing, 635 “636 , 636
inserting, 631 “634 , 632 “634
sqr function in calculator, 570
square brackets ([])
with calculator, 569
for line types, 898 “899
for menu items, 886 “887
St command, 365, 368
Stack/Unstack tool, 354, 354
stacked fractions, 354
Standard cursor, 50, 51
Standard dimension style, 404, 405
standard hatch patterns, 900
standard line types, 894 “895 , 894 “895
standard symbols, 51, 52
Standard text style, 365
Standard toolbar, 7, 8, 18, 21, 837 “842
standard windows, 64 “65, 65
standards, office, 944 “950
Standards command, 945 “948 , 947
Standards option, 950
Standards tab, 948 “949, 948
Start Check button, 949
Startup Suite dialog box, 861
Statistics tab, 622
status bar, 9, 9
displaying, 59 “60 , 60
for keyboard equivalents, 12
tool descriptions in, 16, 16
Status command, 616 “618
status screen, 616
.stb files, 313, 333
stereolithography, 820
.stl extension, 820
Stlout command, 820
Stop Check button, 949
Stop feature in searches, 936
Store Sheet Data File option, 968
information, 621
page setups, 340 “341 , 340 “341
straightening vertices, 584 , 586 , 587
strength of raster images, 498 “500 , 500
Stretch command, 67 “69 , 427 “429
Stretch tool, 37, 37, 427 “429, 491, 576
3D objects, 665
blocks, 134 “135
for cleaning up traced drawings, 490, 491
dimensioned objects, 427 “429 , 428
elevation, 646
Express Tools for, 837 “838
lines, 67 “69 , 68
objects, 520 “521 , 521
polylines, 576
viewports, 540, 541
string of dimensions, 433 “434 , 434
angles, 85
dimensions, 404 “414 , 423 “427 , 848 “849 , 849
Island Detection, 266
multilines, 230 “231 , 231
names, 287
plotting. See plot style tables
points, 226, 600
purging, 235 “236
tables, 392 “394 , 392 “393
text. See text styles
units, 83
Styles toolbar, 21
stylus, 478
Su command, 782
subjects, storing, 621
submenus, 885
blocks, 260 , 288, 289
fonts, 397 “398, 629 “631
Subtract tool, 782
in area calculations, 613 “615
with calculator, 569
of primitives, 773, 774, 782 , 782, 818
Suggestions box with spelling checker, 395
Summary tab, 621
Sun Angle Calculator dialog box, 730 “731, 730
sunlight angle for 3D models, 729 “731 , 729 “731
SuperHatch dialog box, 838 “840
SuperHatch tool, 838 “840 , 839 “841
surfaces, 691
3D objects for, 665
adding features to, 804
curved , 696 “701 , 697 “701
defining, 702 “704 , 703 “704
deleting, 797 “798 , 798
drawing, 658 “665
edges of, 700
extruding, 800 “801 , 801
hiding edges of, 664 , 664
horizontal, 656 “658 , 656 “658
irregular, 660
laying out forms for, 691 “693 , 692 “693
mesh settings for, 701 , 702
modeling, 771
moving, 795 “796 , 795 “796
offsetting, 796 , 797
polylines for, 695 , 695
rotating, 798 “799 , 798 “799
tapering, 799 , 800
Surfaces toolbar, 21, 661, 699
Surftab1 system variable, 701, 706 “707
Surftab2 system variable, 701, 707
Surftype system variable, 708
swap files, 617
Symbol dialog box, 446 “447, 446
Symbol option, 354
creating, 128 “132 , 129
downloading, 939 “940 , 939
existing drawings as, 136 “138 , 137 “138
external references with, 144
inserting, 132 “136 , 132 “134, 186
libraries for, 128
replacing, 142 “143
saving, 141 “142
shapes for, 144
standard, 51, 52
unblocking, 139 “140 , 141
Symbols fonts, 371, 371
Synchronize Viewports tool, 853 “854
System Printer option, 336
System Printer Spool Alerts, 342
system variables , status of, 618 “619

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: