

R command, 115
r for radians, 86
r2d function, 570
Rad Osnap mode, 567
radians, 86
for circles, 195
dimensions for, 440 , 441
Radius Dimension tool, 440
Radius of Circle prompt, 437
RAM. See memory
random multiple copies, 204
Raster Clip option, 844
Raster File Export option, 338
raster images
brightness, contrast, and strength of, 498 “500 , 500
clipping, 498 , 499
exporting, 626 “628 , 627
frames for, 500 “502 , 501 “502
importing, 492 “495
quality of, 500 “501 , 502
scaling, 496
scanning, 492 “495
transparency of, 501 “502
visibility of, 496 “497
Ray Casting option, 267
Ray Trace shadow method, 733
Ray Tracing in 3D models, 751 “752 , 753
Raytrace Rendering Options dialog box, 766
Re-Order group option, 151
read-only files, 195
Recent Commands command, 216, 620
Recent Files option, 929
Record sketching option, 603
Recover option, 622
recovering files, 622
Rectangle tool, 36, 36, 122
rectangles, 122, 122
rectangular arrays, 195, 198 “204 , 199 “203
redefining blocks, 139 “140 , 467 “468
Redirmode dialog box, 850
Redo command, 45
Redo tool, 45
Redraw tool, 50, 754
redrawing vs. regeneration, 243 “244
Refedit toolbar, 20, 283 “287
Reference Edit dialog box, 283 “288 , 283, 287
reference files, 956
reference lines, 107 “108, 108, 218 “225
Reference toolbar, 20, 526
Refine spline curve option, 597 “598
reflections in 3D models, 751 “752 , 752 “753
reflectivity for materials, 739
Refresh Content option, 77
Reg command, 816
Regen command, 50, 259
"Regen queued" message, 253
Regenauto command, 253, 259
regeneration, controlling, 50, 243 “244
Aerial Views for, 245 “246 , 245
and block substitution, 260
freezing layers for, 251 “253
and Qtext, 399 “400
saving views for, 246 “251 , 247 “250
screen smoothness in, 244
in updating blocks, 259
Regenmode system variable, 253
Region.dwg drawing, 816 “819 , 817 “819
Region/Mass Properties tool, 819
Region tool, 37, 37, 816
regions , 266, 803, 816 “819 , 817 “819
relational operators in filters, 562 “563
relative coordinates, 44 , 46 “49 , 48 “49
Relative Path option, 280, 533
relative points, 568
release versions, exchanging files with, 626
Reload external reference option, 279
Remote Text object, 834
Remove From Group option, 152
Remove From Group Filter option, 172
Remove Islands option, 265
Remove Objects From Working Set tool, 286
Remove option for attributes, 468
Ren command, 370
Rename dialog box, 370, 370
Rename options
in Layer Manager, 828
for UCS, 676
Rename Sheet option, 919
groups of objects, 151
layer settings, 828
layouts, 919
multiline styles, 231
text styles, 370 , 370
UCS, 676
Render dialog box, 728, 731, 762, 764
Render tool, 728, 731, 767
Render toolbar, 20, 728
Render window, 762 “763 , 763
Rendered Object Smoothness setting, 732
Rendered option in plotting, 303
rendering 3D models
background scenes for, 741 “742 , 741 “742
Elevation view in, 770, 770
to files, 763 “764 , 763
landscape and people in, 758 “762 , 758 “762
lighting effects for, 742 “751
materials for, 736 “740 , 736 “740
printing in, 766 “769 , 767 “769
Ray Tracing in, 751 “752 , 753
to Render window, 762 “763 , 763
resolution settings in, 764 “765 , 765
setting up for, 728 , 728 “729
shadows in, 733 “735 , 733 “735
smoothing images in, 765 “766 , 766
sunlight angle for, 729 “731 , 729 “731
texture maps for, 753 “758 , 754 “758
Repeat Table option, 484
Replace All option, 399
Replace Block With Another Block tool, 837
blocks, 142 “143, 260
text, 398 “399 , 398 “399
reports for sheet sets, 992 “993
resolution in rendering 3D models, 764 “765 , 765
Resource Drawing tab, 963
resource drawings in Sheet Set Manager, 962 “963 , 963
resource files, 879
Restore On Exit option, 831
Restore Orthographic UCS With View option, 650
restoring views, 248 “249, 248 “250
Retain option, 131
Retain Boundaries option, 266
Retain Changes To Xref Layers option, 277, 282
Reuse Current annotation option, 443
Reuse Next annotation option, 443
Rev command, 788
Revcloud tool, 37, 37
Revert To Original option, 851
revision clouds, 857 “858 , 858
Revolve tool, 788
Revolved Surface tool, 706
revolving polylines, 787 “789 , 787 “790
Rich Text Format files, 372
Right-Click Customization dialog box, 5
right-click menu options, 54 “56 , 54 “55
right-click menus , 5
right-clicking, 15
right-side views, 805 “810
Right text option, 377
Right UCS orientation, 674, 675
Roman fonts, 371, 371
Rotate command, 70, 429
Rotate Faces tool, 798
Rotate Items As Copied option, 198
Rotate option for dimension text, 421
Rotate tool, 37, 37, 665
in 3D space, 665, 711 “712 , 789, 790
in copying, 198
dimension text, 421, 426
dimensions, 429, 438, 438
ellipses, 99
Express Tools for, 838
with grips, 70 “71 , 70, 519 “520 , 519 “520
with inserting, 134 “136 , 216
line types, 899
perspective views, 714 “715, 715
shapes , 848
in snap mode, 94
surfaces, 798 “799 , 798 “799
text, 386 “387
UCS, 676 , 677 “678, 689 “690 , 689 “690, 786
rotation angles for text, 374
roughing in lines, 209 “213 , 210 “212
roughness for materials, 739
round function, 570
rounding corners, 792 , 793
row and column copies, 198 “204 , 199 “203
rows in tables, 383 “384, 384, 388
Rscript command, 668
Rtext command, 834
rubber banding, 43 “44 , 43, 593, 593
for distances, 49
with Fence option, 515
rubber-sheeting, 483
Ruled Surface tool, 703
ruled surfaces, 702 “704 , 703 “704
ruler for indents and tabs, 358 “361 , 358 “361
Running Osnaps, 56, 109, 112, 116, 580

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
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