

Ta command, 479
Tab Delimited option, 474
Table Direction option, 394
Table Style dialog box, 392, 392
Table tool, 37, 37
Table View tab, 315
for named plot styles, 329, 329
in Plot Style Table Editor dialog box, 325 , 325
tables, 383
creating, 383 “384 , 383 “384
exporting, 390 “391
graphics for, 391 , 391
importing spreadsheets as, 635 “636 , 636
linework for, 388 “390, 389 “390
styles for, 392 “394 , 392 “393
text in, 384 “386 , 384 “386
text orientation and location in, 386 “388 , 386 “388
Tablet command, 481. See also digitizing tablets
Tablet mode, 482
tabs for text, 358 “362 , 358 “361
Tabulated Surface tool, 705
tags for blocks, 453, 455, 463
tang function, 569
tangent direction
for spline curves, 594
for vertices, 586 “587 , 588
Tangent Osnap option, 116, 567
Taper Faces tool, 799
extrusions, 783 “784 , 784
surfaces, 799 , 800
Targa files, 764
TC text option, 377
Tease dialog box, 836
Template Description dialog box, 193, 193, 982
Template folder, 192
templates, 192
creating, 192 “193 , 193
sheet, 964 “965 , 964
for title blocks, 982 “983
using, 193 “194
Temporary Tracking Point feature, 511 “515 , 512 “515
Terminal File Name option, 909
Terminal Setup Description option, 909
testing templates, 982 “983
adding, 347 “350 , 348 “349
aligning, 356 “358 , 356 “357
associating with drawing properties, 379 “383 , 379 “382
for attributes, 453
backgrounds for, 832 “833 , 833
boundary window for, 355 “356 , 355
color for, 354
Diesel for, 892 “893
for dimensions, 404, 404
appending data to, 420 “422
height of, 408 , 408
location and orientation of, 409 , 409
moving, 424 “426 , 424 “425
rotating, 426
styles for, 423
tool for, 426 “427
editing, 362 “363
Express Tools for, 832 “836 , 833, 835
finding and replacing, 398 “399 , 398 “399
fonts for, 397 “398, 629 “631
height of, 350 “353 , 352, 369, 374, 453
indents and tabs for, 358 “362 , 358 “361
labels, 834 “835
line spacing for, 362
in line types, 899
linked, 833 “834
lowercase and uppercase, 363 , 836
manipulating, 400
mirroring, 380, 380
oblique angle for, 369, 369
Qtext, 399 “400 , 617
rotating, 426
scaling, 353, 363 “364
special characters , 354 “355, 372 “374 , 373
spell checking, 394 “397
for stacked fractions, 354
styles for. See text styles
for tables. See tables
text objects for. See text objects
with UCS, 687
width of, 369, 369
Text Color drop-down list, 354, 354
text files, importing, 372
Text Fit tool, 835
Text Formatting dialog box, 381, 384 “387, 893
Text Formatting toolbar, 349 “350, 349, 352, 353
for alignment, 356
for case of text, 363
for dimensions, 420, 420
for editing, 362 “363
for indents and tabs, 358 “361
for styles, 368
Text Mask tool, 832
text objects, 374 “375
aligning, 376 “378 , 376 “377
editing, 375 “376 , 375
special characters with, 378 “379
Text OLE option, 637
Text Options group for attributes, 453
Text Options tab, 462, 462
Text Rotation option, 386 “387
Text Style dialog box
for creating styles, 365, 365
options in, 368 “369
Rename option in, 370
for tables, 394
text styles
creating, 364 “365 , 365
default, 368
effects for, 369, 369
names for, 365, 368 , 370 , 370
options for, 368 “369
using, 366 “367 , 366 “367
Text tab, 408, 408
Text To Display setting, 929
Text toolbar, 21
Text Window, 78 , 78, 182, 620
Textfill system variable, 373
texture. See hatch patterns
texture maps for rendering 3D models, 753 “758 , 754 “758
TGA format, 764
Thaw layer option, 168
in 3D drawings, 642, 642 “643, 644, 646 “648 , 647
information on, 617
lines. See line weights
polylines, 578 “579 , 579
Thickness option in Rectangle, 122
Thickness system variable, 647
third-party software, 864 “865
.TIF extension and tiff files, 764
tildes (~), 885
tiled viewports, 681
Tilemode system variable, 535
time, information for, 618 , 618
Time command, 618
Time screen, 618, 618
title bars, 23
title blocks
setting up, 806 “807
with sheet sets, 975 “983 , 975, 978 “981
menu, 883
storing, 621
TL text option, 377
Tm command, 539
Toggle Case option, 836
toggling solid fills, 606 , 607
Tol command, 446
Tolerance dialog box, 442
tolerance for spline curves, 596 “597
tolerance symbols, 446 “447 , 446 “447
Tolerance tool, 446
Tool Palettes, 8, 8, 940
creating, 940 “941
hatch patterns and solid fills for, 942 “943
managing, 943 “944
for pre-drawn symbols, 31 “32 , 31
tools for, 941 “942 , 942
Tool Properties dialog box, 941 “942, 942
tool tips, 16 , 16
Toolbar Associated With This Flyout setting, 876
Toolbar command, 872
toolbars , 7 “9, 8, 16
buttons on, 869 “870, 872 “876
for commands, 504
creating, 870 “871
displaying, 20
for Express Tools, 826 “827
flyouts with, 17 , 17, 37 “38, 37
icon descriptions for, 16, 16
moving, 7, 18 “19 , 18 “19
opening from command line, 872
options for, 868 “870 , 868 “869
shape of, 18 “19 , 18
working with, 38
Toolbars tab, 826, 826, 868, 868
Tools menu
Attribute Extraction command, 470
CAD Standards menu
Check command, 947
Configure command, 946
Layer Translator command, 951
Customize command, 881
Display Order menu
Bring to Front command, 272
Send to Back command, 271 “272
Drafting Settings command, 91, 93, 108, 115, 206, 435
Draw Order menu
Bring Above Object command, 496 “497, 605
Bring To Front command, 497, 605
Bring Under Object command, 497
Send To Back command, 497, 605
Send Under Object command, 605
Drawing Aids command, 488
Find command, 184, 622
Grips command, 520
Inquiry menu
Area command, 610, 613
Distance command, 85
ID Point command, 610
List command, 78, 181
Set Variables command, 619
Status command, 616 “619
Time command, 618
Load Application command, 859
Move UCS command, 689
Named UCS command, 543, 675, 679, 810
New UCS menu
3 Point command, 696
Object command, 686
Origin command, 688, 788
View command, 691, 810
World command, 650, 692, 787, 816
Y command, 786
Z Axis Rotate command, 689
Options command. See Options dialog box
Orthographic UCS command, 785
Quick Select command, 564
Run Script command, 667
Security Options command, 910
Spelling command, 395
Tablet menu
Calibrate command, 481
Configure command, 479
Toolbars command, 699
UCS menu
Named UCS command, 696
Origin command, 445
Z Axis Vector command, 690
Top UCS orientation, 674, 675
top views, 805 “810
Topo.dwg file, 579 “581, 580
tori, 772, 773, 779, 779
Torus tool, 779
Total option for object length, 228
Tr command, 107, 508
TR text option, 377
Trace UCS option, 687
tracing drawings, 477 “480
cleaning up with, 485 “491 , 485 “490
line tracing, 482
raster images, 492 “495
tablets for
calibrating, 480 “482 , 480 “481
reconfiguring, 478 “480
Track Using All Polar Angle Settings option, 218
tracking, 511 “515 , 512 “515
Tracks line type, 176, 899
transformation types, 483 “484
Transmittals Setup dialog box, 907 “908, 907
of materials, 739
of raster images, 501 “502
Transparency dialog box, 31, 31
Tree view, 931 “932, 932
Tree View option, 279
Tree View Toggle tool, 931
trees in 3D models, 758 “762 , 758 “762
triangular pointers on menus , 12
trigonometric functions in calculator, 569
Trim to Nested Objects tool, 836
Trim tool, 37, 37, 102, 102, 221, 221, 508, 583
trimming, 102 “105 , 103, 105
lines, 507 “509
polylines, 583
Trimmode system variable, 507
True associative dimensioning, 430 “433 , 430 “433
True Color tab, 155, 155
TrueType fonts, 373
trunc function, 570
TS command, 392
tubes, modeling, 772, 772
Turn Object's Layer Off tool, 831
Two Color option, 269
Txt.shx file, 350, 397
Type option, 255
type styles. See text styles

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
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