Chapter 5: Two Oddballs and One (Unknown) Insurance CEO

Chapter 5
Two OddBalls and One (Unknown) Insurance CEO
For those of you familiar with Chezlee, Ont., and its environs, you know that from the BAY, the water flows into the SOUND and then into the SYDENBURGH RIVER and then into three tributaries. And they are:
1. the continuing Sydenburgh River, which calmly and straight-as-an-arrow ponders on down the township.
2. the Pottlewattlemot tributary, which twists and turns through Stoney Ripple Township looking for somewhere to flow and finally ends up in McClutcheon's Slough and Bog.
3. the Walmers Falls tributary, which starts rushing headlong to Walmers Falls itself, crashes down hundreds of feet in a churning foamy torrent and heads off at a right angle due north up the peninsula towards the Point!
Amazingly, dear reader, this river resembles exactly what was happening to music around 1900.


How to Listen to Modern Music Without Earplugs
How to Listen to Modern Music: Without Earplugs
ISBN: 0920151310
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 35 © 2008-2017.
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