
Services Tasks

The main tool for administering services on the local computer is the Services console in the Administrative Tools program group . For a tool that can administer services on both local and remote machines, use Computer Management. These tasks assume that you have one of these consoles open .

Configure a Service

Right-click on a service Properties

The settings you can configure here include:


The status of a service can be started, stopped , or paused . Pausing a service keeps existing client connections to the service open while preventing new client connections from forming, but with some services it may have a different effect.

Startup type

Services can be configured to start in three ways:


The service starts running automatically when the system is booted . Most services have this setting, but services may fail to start should the associated files somehow become corrupted or if other services on which they depend fail to start properly. Use Services in Administrative Tools to view whether a service that has been configured for automatic startup has in fact started up and is running properly.


The service must be manually started by the user or by a dependent service that requires it. (A service that is listed as manual startup, but which is running, was started automatically by another service that required it.)


The service doesn't start upon boot and can't be started by a user or dependent service.

Log On As

Services require a security context in which to run and must therefore be assigned an account for authentication and access purposes. By default, most services run within the context of a built-in account called the Local System account, which grants the services all the rights and privileges to run as part of the operating system.


If a service fails (terminates unexpectedly or fails to start when configured for automatic startup), you can configure several levels of recovery actions. These actions include taking no action, attempting to restart the service, running a designated file, and rebooting the computer. By default, no recovery actions are specified.

You can also use the net config command to configure two important services: the Server service and the Workstation service.

Pause a Service

Right-click on a service Pause

You can pause only a service that is running.

Resume a Service

Right-click on a service Resume

You can resume only a service that has been paused.

Restart a Service

Right-click on a service Resume

You can restart only a service that has been stopped.

Stop a Service

Right-click on a service Stop

You can also start, stop, pause, resume, and configure services from the command line using the net command.

Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell
Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596004044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 415
Authors: Mitch Tulloch © 2008-2017.
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