

e-marketing 233
dilemmas 237 “8, 239 “40
bridge between gift and sale 271 “6
broad spectra of customers vs deep, personalized customer relationships 253 “7
global vs local 240 “53
high tech vs high-touch 257 “66
uniting inner/outer orientation 266 “71
see also Internet
ecological fallacy 154 “5
economic models 27 “8
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 79
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 71
emic/etic 147 “8
emotion 83 “5, 89
verbalizing 91
celebrity 99 “103, 101 “3
expert 91 “2, 98 “9, 101
ethics 229 “30, 240
ethnic groups 157 “9, 207 “8
acculturation models
assimilation 217
integration 217
marginalization 217
separation 217
American 210, 220 “2
definitions 208
buying power 213 “14
concept of ethnicity 210 “11
dilemmas/diversity 211 “13, 215 “17
family 209
multicultural marketing 214 “17
social group 208 “9
hold fast to roots 223 “4
mono-ethnic marketing 217 “18
multi-ethnic marketing 218 “24
rainbow challenge/to wards transcreation 217, 224 “9
ethics 229 “30
reconciliation approach 228 “9
zone of commonality 217
external control see internal-external control

Marketing Across Cultures
Marketing Across Cultures (Culture for Business Series)
ISBN: 1841124710
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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