by?Sam Tregar?
Apress ? 2002
has companion web siteCompanion Web Site


calling Perl subroutines from, 197-201

reasons for writing Perl programs in, 175-176

// C++-style comments, use in this book, 178

%CACHE hash, using with class data, 44

caching, using tied hashes for, 60

call-by-reference, implementing in subroutines, 37

Carp module, using with packages, 35

case sensitivity of file systems, advisory about, 124

category, browsing CPAN by, 12

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programming features of, 253

CGI programs

as state machines, 257-258

typical example of, 254-257

CGI::Application module

as abstract base class, 261

advanced version of, 263-269

configurability of, 270

and CPAN, 269-271

features of, 258-263

instance parameters used with, 268-269

introduction to, 253-254

size and shape of, 269-270

templates used with, 270-271

templates used with advanced version of, 264-267

CGI::MailForm class, proxying calls to param() method with, 83

CGI.pm module

features of, 166-168

message entry screen implemented with, 264-265

CGI::SimplerThanThou package example, 24

Changes file

generating with h2xs -XA -n Gnome::MIME, 240

generating with h2xs program, 111

updating before uploading new modules, 134

check_mail() function, sample implementation of, 84

ckWARN C macro, using, 201

class data, using, 44-45

class methods in OO

explanation of, 39-48

Perl equivalent of, 38

classes in OO, Perl equivalent of, 38

Class::MethodMaker module, using, 90-92

Class::Struct module

versus Class:MethodMaker, 90

using, 88-90

CLEANUP blocks, using with XSUBs, 219

CODE blocks

versus PPCODE in XSUBs, 230

using with named parameters and XSUBs, 222

CODE keyword, using with XSUBs, 218-219

code value data type. See CV* (code value) data type

compile time versus runtime, explanation of, 23

Compiler.pm module, location of, 117

composition in OO interfaces, explanation of, 82-84

constructors in OO

Perl equivalent of, 38

usage of, 41

context lines in patches, explanation of, 146

continent, identifying for the CPAN module, 15

conversion operations

overloading, 49-51

symbols for, 49

copy() method, using with overloaded =, 55-56

count() function, testing, 115

count_args.pl script, code for, 117-118

Counter.pm file

generating with h2xs, 100-104

modifying for use with single-file patches, 145

countries, identifying for the CPAN module, 15

CPAN bundles

contents of, 16

installing, 16

listing, 20

purpose of, 20

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)

alternate browsing methods for, 11-12

browsing, 5-13

business incentives for contributing to, 2

and CGI::Application module, 269-271

entry screen, 5-6

future of, 20

gateway to, 1

history of, 3

idealist's incentive for contributing to, 2-3

introduction to, 1

network topology of, 3-5

programmer's incentives for contributing to, 1-2

reasons for contributing to, 1-3

searching, 12-13

Web site, 1

CPAN connections, troubleshooting, 16


for authors, 11

requesting for new modules, 131

CPAN modules. See modules.

CPAN server locations, displaying, 3-4

CPAN uploads, displaying most recent 150 of, 12

croak() interface

using with Carp module, 35

using with subroutines, 201

CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network), role in CPAN history, 3

curly braces ({}), using with references, 37

CV* (code value) C data type, full name and example in Perl, 176

cvs add command, using, 155-156

CVS checkouts, purpose of, 152-153

cvs commit command, using, 156

CVS (Concurrent Versions Systems)

adding and removing files and directories in, 155-156

importing source into, 151-152

managing imported files with, 152-153

obtaining, 149-150

online documentation of, 159

optimizing use of, 158-159

purpose of, 149

repositories in, 150-151

resources for, 159

running commands with, 150

using with modules, 151-152

cvs diff, code for, 153-154

cvs init command, using, 150-151

cvs remove command, using, 156

CVS repositories, creating revisions in, 155

CVS root, explanation of, 150

cvs update commands

-A option used with, 158

-D option used with, 158

-r argument used with, 157

using, 157

CygWin utility, downloading, 17

Writing Perl Modules for CPAN
Writing Perl Modules for CPAN
ISBN: 159059018X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 110
Authors: Sam Tregar

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