Appendix A -- Setting Up Windows 2000

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Microsoft Windows 2000 offers many exotic installation methods. For example, you can use automated installation scripts that include predefined answers to questions asked by the Setup program, use disk imaging (cloning), or use remote network installation. These methods are designed for deploying Windows 2000 Professional to a large number of computers (for example, in large corporations), and you'll find details about their use in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Resource Kit.

This appendix describes the simplest method: installing Windows 2000 Professional on a single computer.

Windows 2000 is much easier to install than earlier versions of Windows, and on-screen information does a pretty good job of guiding you through the process. In this appendix, we show how to start the process and provide assistance with some of the minor stumbling blocks you might encounter along the way.

Running Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Running Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
ISBN: 1572318384
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 317 © 2008-2017.
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